
Paperback (11)
2022 (3)
2023 (2)

Studieboeken (12)

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Soccernomics (2022 World Cup Edition): Why European Men and American Women Win and Billionaire Owners Are Destined to Lose

2022 || Paperback || Simon Kuper || Bold Type Books

Written with an economists brain and a soccer writers skill,Soccernomicsapplies high-powered analytical tools to everyday soccer topics

Soccernomics is a revolutionary new way of looking at soccer that has helped to change the way the sport is played. This World Cup edition features ample new material, including a chapter on women's soccer that makes a case for reparations, an analysis of the pandemic's impact on soccer finances, and insights into the failed plan to create a European Super Le...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

The Athletic Skills Model / 1st edition

Optimizing Talent Development Through Movement Education

2017 || Paperback || Rene Wormhoudt e.a. || Taylor & Francis

The Athletic Skills Model offers an alternative to dominant talent development theories in the form of holistic broad-based movement education, focusing on health and wellbeing. It places the emphasis on 'physical intelligence' - including attributes such as agility, flexibility and stability - through adaptable and varied training programmes, creating a skilled athlete before introducing sport specialization. The book sets out the scientific underpinnings of the ASM before going on to offer ...