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Studieboeken (55)
morgen verzonden
International and European Union Law
2024 || Paperback || Stef Coomans || Owl Press
A study of law today is inevitably also a study of international law. The purpose of law is to order society. Since society is constantly evolving, so is law. Globalization is more prevalent than ever. Countries have understood that the nation-state stands alone in this rapidly evolving world and that various challenges can only be adequately addressed at a higher, cross-border level. The aim of this book is to introduce the reader to the fundamentals of international law and that includes Eu...
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A Basic Guide to International Business Law / Druk 6
2022 || Paperback || H. Wevers LLM || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
- An accessible introduction to international business law and European law;
- offers an understanding of potential legal problems in international business;
- comes with a variety of additional study materials available online.
A Basic Guide to International Business Law aims to give students an understanding as well as practical knowledge of legal problems arising in the area of international business, and to equip them with the skills needed to prevent and tackle these problems.
All chapte...
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Law and Morality Revisited
2024 || Hardcover || A. Ellian e.a. || Boom juridisch
The contributions to this edited volume explore, from various perspectives, the relationship between law and morality. The authors analyze specific issues in the domains of freedom of speech, freedom of religion, constitutionalism, the universality of human rights, animal rights, democracy and terrorism. What unites them is their search for an answer to the question of what values such as justice, fairness, and respect for human rights might mean. The focus on said domains ensures the societa...
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A guide to practice-based (social) legal research
10 steps to graduation
2021 || Paperback || V.A. Meijer e.a. || Eleven international publishing || met inkijkexemplaar
This textbook is the English translation of Wegwijs in praktijkgericht (sociaal)juridisch onderzoek (2e druk).
Having trouble conducting your research or fi nding it difficult to carry out practice-based research? This book shows students in higher education how to approach and conduct practice-based (social) legal research. Furthermore, it off ers tools and guidelines for the design and implementation of (social) legal research.
Practical experience has shown us that many (internatio...
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Toolkit Mediation: Generating Outcomes / 2nd edition
Mediation & Negotiation
2024 || Paperback || Manon Schonewille || Eleven international publishing
Toolkit Mediation is the practical guide for mediators, providing practical tools, useful models, and checklists for mediators in practice and is applicable to all styles and methods of mediation. It is a manual for how mediation can be used by various professionals for their own purposes. Managers, mediators, negotiators, trainers, coaches, consultants, lawyers, judges and other professionals can all benefit from using mediation techniques. This practical handbook contains an overview of the...
The 'War on Terror' and the Framework of International Law
2021 || Paperback || Helen Duffy || Cambridge University Press
Measures taken by states in the name of countering terrorism constantly give rise to new international legal issues. Helen Duffy brings the law to life via detailed case studies which show what the war on terror means in practice for affected individuals and for the rule of law more broadly.
Procedures of forbearance and mortgage enforcement
A comparative overview of systems in Europe, the USA and South Africa
2025 || Paperback || Irene Visser || Boom juridisch
A Critical Introduction to International Criminal Law
2018 || Paperback || Carsten Stahn || Cambridge University Press
International criminal law has witnessed a rapid rise after the end of the Cold War. The United Nations refers to the birth of a new 'age of accountability', but certain historical objections, such as selectivity or victor's justice, have never fully gone away, and many of the justice dimensions of international criminal law remain unexplored. Various critiques have emerged in socio-legal scholarship or globalization discourse, revealing that there is a stark discrepancy between reality and e...
Privacy in Context
Technology, Policy, and the Integrity of Social Life
2009 || Paperback || Helen Nissenbaum || Stanford University Press
Privacy is one of the most urgent issues associated with information technology and digital media. This book claims that what people really care about when they complain and protest that privacy has been violated is not the act of sharing information itself-most people understand that this is crucial to social life -but the inappropriate, improper sharing of information. Arguing that privacy concerns should not be limited solely to concern about control over personal information, Helen Nissen...
Law / 3rd edition
A Very Short Introduction
2023 || Paperback || Raymond Wacks || Oxford University Press
Very Short Introductions: Brilliant, Sharp, Inspiring Law is at the heart of every society, protecting rights, imposing duties, and establishing a framework for the conduct of almost all social, political, and economic activity. Despite this, the law often seems a highly technical, perplexing mystery, with its antiquated and often impenetrable jargon, obsolete procedures, and endless stream of judgements and complex legislation. In this Very Short Introduction Raymond Wacks introduces the maj...