Studieboeken (118)

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Thinking the Impossible

French Philosophy Since 1960

2013 || Paperback || Gary Gutting || Oxford University Press || ook als eBook

The late 20th century saw a remarkable flourishing of philosophy in France. The work of French philosophers is wide ranging, historically informed, often reaching out beyond the boundaries of philosophy; they are public intellectuals, taken seriously as contributors to debates outside the academy. Gary Gutting tells the story of the development of a distinctively French philosophy in the last four decades of the 20th century.

His aim is to arrive at an account ofwhat it was to 'do philosophy'...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Key Concepts in Politics and International Relations

2021 || Paperback || Andrew Heywood || Bloomsbury Publishing

This accessible guide to the major concepts in politics has now been revised and expanded to include over 60 international relations terms to take account of the increasing influence of globalization upon politics. Each concept is defined clearly and fully, and its significance for political understanding is explored.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Cases in Comparative Politics / 7th edition

2020 || Paperback || Patrick H. O'Neil e.a. || WW Norton & Co

Cases in Comparative Politics is the best-selling case book for the course because it uses a consistent framework to illustrate major concepts in comparative politics. Featuring coverage of the 13 most-taught countries, Cases combines foundational knowledge with the most ruthlessly up-to-date coverage to foster easier comparison across countries.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Analyzing Politics / 2nd edition

Rationality, Behavior, and Institutions

2010 || Paperback || Kenneth A. Shepsle || WW Norton & Co

Through case studies, illustrations, and examples, the author provides students with the means to analyze a wide variety of situations. The Second Edition has been thoroughly revised to include updated cases and examples, new problem sets and discussion questions, and new "Experimental Corner" sections at the end of many chapters, describing experiments from social science literature.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Multi-Level Governance and European Integration

2001 || Paperback || Liesbet Hooghe e.a. || Rowman & Littlefield

European politics has been reshaped in recent decades by a dual process of centralization and decentralization. At the same time that authority in many policy areas has shifted to the suprantional level of the European Union, so national governments have given subnational regions within countries more say over the lives of their citizens. At the forefront of scholars who characterize this dual process as multi-level governance, Liesbet Hooghe and Gary Marks argue that its emergence in the sec...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

The Evolution of Nuclear Strategy

New, Updated and Completely Revised

2022 || Paperback || Lawrence Freedman e.a. || Springer Nature B.V.

"The Evolution of Nuclear Strategy quickly established itself as a classic when it first appeared in 1981. This edition makes it even better, incorporating as it does new material about the Cold War and up-dating to include subsequent developments. Filled with insights and penetrating analysis, this volume is truly indispensable."

-Robert Jervis, Author of How Statesmen Think

"Freedman and Michaels have written a thorough and thought-provoking guide to nuclear strategy. The authors analyze th...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Political Philosophy / 4th edition

A Beginners' Guide for Students and Politicians

2019 || Hardcover || Adam Swift || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

Politicians invoke grand ideas: social justice, democracy, community, liberty, equality. But what do these ideas really mean? How can politicians across the political spectrum appeal to the same values? This fourth edition of Adam Swift's highly readable introduction to political philosophy answers these important questions, and includes new material on issues such as nationalism, immigration and multiculturalism, as well as updated guides to further reading. This lively and accessible book i...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Social Welfare Policy in a Changing World

2020 || Paperback || Shannon R. Lane e.a. || SAGE

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Euroscepticism and the Future of Europe

Views from the Capitals

2020 || Paperback || Michael Kaeding e.a. || Springer

"The European Parliament elections in May 2019 did not bring about the rise of populism in Europe that had been feared by many. Instead, while populism was contained, a broad pro-European majority emerged that today carries the new European Commission with its ambitious green, digital and geopolitical agenda. However, Euroscepticism remains a significant force to be reckoned with in national and EU-policy making. The present book offers a better understanding of the different types of Eurosc...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

The road to somewhere

The New Tribes Shaping British Politics

2022 || Paperback || David Goodhart || Penguin

Fifty years ago, people in leafy North London and people in working-class Northern towns could vote for a Labour party that broadly encompassed all of their interests. Today their priorities are poles apart. In this groundbreaking and timely book, Goodhart shows us how people have come to be divided into two camps: the 'Anywheres', who have 'achieved' identities, derived from their careers and education, and 'Somewheres', who get their identity from a sense of place and from the people around...