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Studieboeken (525)

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Professional Capital

Transforming in Every School

2012 || Paperback || Andy Hargreaves e.a. || Taylor & Francis

'Professional Capital is an incisive critique of the failing reform movements in many countries and a powerful manifesto for the only strategy that can and does work. Hargreaves and Fullan set out exactly and undeniably why the only way to move forward is to honor and improve the profession of teaching. This book should revolutionize how policy makers and practitioners alike think and act in education.' - Sir Ken Robinson, educator and author 'I love the focus on professional capital and deci...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Exploring Leadership / 2nd revised edition

2023 || Paperback || Richard Bolden e.a. || Oxford University Press

Global, multi-faceted, and applied: the most contemporary introduction to leadership, which considers individual, organizational, and societal perspectives. Providing a robust and engaging overview of the leadership field, Exploring Leadership is a highly practical and insightful guide that supports the personal and professional development of both aspiring and experienced leaders. Investigating the complex dynamics of power, identity and purpose in organizations and wider society, this essen...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Science Learning, Science Teaching / 4th edition

2017 || Paperback || Jerry Wellington e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Now fully updated in its fourth edition, Science Learning, Science Teaching offers an accessible, practical guide to creative classroom teaching and a comprehensive introduction to contemporary issues in science education. Aiming to encourage and assist professionals with the process of reflection in the science classroom, the new edition re-examines the latest advances in the field and changes to the curriculum, and explores the use of mobile technology and coding, and its impact on ICT in s...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen
met 5% korting 60,37

Tekst en Toelichting Leerplichtwet. Editie 2023-2024

Artikelsgewijs commentaar

2023 || Paperback || Th.A.L.M. Storimans || Sdu

Editie 2023-2024 Tekst en Toelichting Leerplichtwet. Een artikelsgewijs commentaar waarin de stand van zaken uit de doeken wordt gedaan. Per artikel wordt een opsomming gegeven van de diverse wijzigingen die dat artikel heeft ondergaan en wat daarbij, niet zelden, is fout gegaan. Hoe via rechtspraak ontstane onduidelijkheden zijn verhelderd of lacunes zijn opgelost. En op welke wijze de nu geldende bepaling in de praktijk moet worden uitgelegd en toegepast.

De Leerplichtwet 1969 is een wet ...

Levertijd: 7 werkdagen


The Development of the Whole Child

2024 || Paperback || Lisa M. Oakes e.a. || SAGE

Topically organized and written in a conversational tone, Infancy: The Development of the Whole Child unites cutting-edge theories and research to illustrate the development of the whole child from birth to age three.