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Stephen Rollnick (2)
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Wil van Nus (2)
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Studieboeken (515)

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen
met 5% korting 48,40

Duden Schulwissen 5. bis 10. Klasse 5 Bände

Alle wichtigen Unterrichtsinhalte - kompakt und übersichtlich

2024 || Paperback || Christa Pews-Hocke e.a. || Duden ein Imprint von Cornelsen Verlag GmbH

Hier finden Schüler der 5. bis 10. Klasse in einer Box das Schulwissen für fünf zentrale Fächer der Sekundarstufe I: Deutsch, Mathematik, Physik, Chemie und Biologie. Jeder Band enthält sämtliche Themen zum jeweiligen Unterrichtsfach, klar gegliedert und schülerverständlich aufbereitet - optimal zum Nachschlagen und für Hausaufgaben sowie zur Vorbereitung auf Referate und Klassenarbeiten. Entsprechende Zusammenfassungen am Ende jedes Kapitels erleichtern den schnellen Überblick.

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

Talk to the Elephant

Design Learning for Behavior Change

2023 || Paperback || Julie Dirksen || Pearson

What do you do when your learners know what to do but still aren't doing it? Training is created with the goal of changing learners' behaviors, but anyone who has created learning experiences knows that there's a big gap between knowing and doing. You can create an engaging learning experience that informs and helps people remember, but often those people go back to their regular world and continue to do things the same way they always have. In the last few decades, the fields of psychology, ...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

Motivational Interviewing in Schools

Conversations to Improve Behavior and Learning

2016 || Paperback || Stephen Rollnick e.a. || Guilford Publications

The first teacher's guide to the proven counseling approach known as motivational interviewing (MI), this pragmatic book shows how to use everyday interactions with students as powerful opportunities for change.

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

The Ingredients for Great Teaching

2018 || Paperback || Pedro De Bruyckere || SAGE

Teaching would be easy if there were clear recipes you could follow every time. The Ingredients for Great Teaching explains why this is impossible and why a one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work. Instead of recipes, this book examines the basic ingredients of teaching and learning so you can use them wisely in your own classroom in order to become a better and more effective teacher.

Taking an approach that is both evidence-based and practical, author Pedro de Bruyckere explores ten crucial...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

Het begint met kijken en luisteren / druk 1

een praktische theorie voor onderwijs aan jonge kinderen

2011 || Paperback || Jenthe Baeyens || SWP

Jonge kinderen staan op een heel eigen wijze in de wereld. Ze zijn nieuwsgierig en vol verwondering. Door te spelen en te onderzoeken, in een actieve interactie met andere kinderen en volwassenen, verwerven ze nieuwe inzichten en vaardigheden en leren ze zichzelf en de wereld om hen heen steeds beter kennen en begrijpen.In dit boek staat de eigenheid van jonge kinderen centraal. Een eigenheid die vooral is te herkennen in de nieuwsgierigheid en verwondering die peuters en kleuters laten zien ...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

Skills for Success / 4th edition

Personal Development and Employability

2021 || Paperback || Stella Cottrell || Bloomsbury Publishing

Now in its fourth edition, this indispensable guide helps students to create their own personal development programme and build the skills and capabilities today's employers want. Step by step, it takes students from the initial stages of setting goals and defining success through to the application process for their dream job. Part 1 prompts students to think about what 'success' means to them and to think more deeply about what matters to them, what inspires them, and what will help them to...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

A Student's Companion to Old Irish Grammar / 2nd edition

2020 || Paperback || Ranke De Vries || Forgotten Scholar Press

This is the second revised edition of A Student’s Companion to Old Irish Grammar, which originally appeared in 2013. This book, written in an intentionally informal style, aims to make Old Irish grammar more accessible to students of all backgrounds. It can serve as a stand-alone introduction or can be used in conjunction with other grammatical works, in hopes of elucidating some of the tricky concepts that makes Old Irish such a fascinating and rewarding subject for study.

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

Learning Theories Simplified / 3rd edition

...and how to apply them to teaching

2023 || Paperback || Bob Bates || SAGE

Written for busy teachers, trainers, managers and students, this 'dip-in, dip-out' guide makes understanding theories of learning accessible and practical.

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

Creative Research / 2nd edition

The Theory and Practice of Research for the Creative Industries

2018 || Paperback || Hilary Collins || Bloomsbury Publishing

Academic research in design can seem daunting “ let Hilary Collins show you the building blocks of a great final project. The perfect companion for a research project in fashion, design or visual communication, this 2nd edition of Creative Research walks you through: Choosing a topic· Deciding your approach· Using previous research and writing a literature review· Obtaining your own data and using it appropriatelyUseful case studies show best practice, revealing the links between a res...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen
met 5% korting 23,74

Onderwijs ondersteunen

Gids voor leersteuncentra

2023 || Paperback || Beno Schraepen e.a. || Owl Press

Inclusief onderwijs is een prioriteit in het Vlaamse onderwijslandschap. Elke school heeft daarbij de opdracht om het onderwijsaanbod maximaal af te stemmen op de ontwikkeling van de leerlingen. Bij sommige leerlingen zijn er door hun specifieke socio-economische context en hun sterktes en beperkingen andere leerdoelen en onderwijsbehoeften aan de orde.

In dat kader staan vandaag meer dan 3600 ondersteuners leerlingen en leerkrachten bij vanuit ondersteuningsnetwerken, -teams en leersteuncent...