Studieboeken (15)
vandaag verzonden
Diversity in Justice?
A comparative, interdisciplinary and empirical study into legal culture and European harmonization
2024 || Paperback || Sarah van Os || Eburon
An eight-year-old girl goes on a playdate with a school friend on a spring afternoon, and the two children decide to play football in the garden. Unfortunately, the girl accidentally kicks the ball across the hedge, towards the patio of the neighbour, where it hits and breaks a porcelain vase. Should the girl’s parents compensate the neighbour for the repair of the vase? According to French law, they should – parents in France are strictly liable for damage caused by their young children....
morgen verzonden
The Maastricht Collection (8th edition) / Druk 8
Volume III: International and European Law
2024 || Paperback || Sascha Hardt e.a. || Europa Law Publishing
The Maastricht Collection comprises a broad selection of legal instruments and provisions that have proven to be particularly relevant and useful to students and practitioners of international, European, and comparative law. The compilation is based on the long-standing expertise in teaching and researching European, international, and comparative national law at Maastricht University’s Faculty of Law. It includes codes and statutory legislation from France, Germany, the Netherlands, and th...
morgen verzonden
European Environmental Law / Druk 5
Treaty Based Law
2024 || Hardcover || Jan Jans e.a. || Europa Law Publishing
This leading monograph on European Environmental Law is now completely updated and revised. This book provides an in-depth analysis of important legal issues of European environmental law. What are the legal grounds for EU environmental policy and on what principles are directives and regulations based upon? To what extent precludes EU environmental regulation more stringent national environmental standards? What are the requirements the Court of Justice has imposed on the Member States imple...
morgen verzonden
The Right to Food, Violence, and Food Systems
Eighth Annual T.M.C. Asser Lecture
2024 || Paperback || Michael Fakhri || T.M.C. Asser Press
About the 8th Annual T.M.C. Asser Lecture, Michael Fakhri writes:
“Drawing on my work as Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food and my upcoming report to the Human Rights Council, I will outline a way out. I will explain how systems not only produce food but also amplify and produce forms of violence that make people more poor, vulnerable, and marginalised. I also describe how food systems rely on a global economy of dependency and extractivism.
In sum, food systems are part of a cycle b...
morgen verzonden
The Maastricht Collection V2 (8th edition) / Druk 8
Voilume II: Comparative Public Law
2024 || Paperback || Sascha Hardt e.a. || Europa Law Publishing
The Maastricht Collection comprises a broad selection of legal instruments and provisions that have proven to be particularly relevant and useful to students and practitioners of international, European, and comparative law. The compilation is based on the long-standing expertise in teaching and researching European, international, and comparative national law at Maastricht University’s Faculty of Law. It includes codes and statutory legislation from France, Germany, the Netherlands, and th...
morgen verzonden
Mind the gaps!
Legislative means of incentivizing a circular food system through recovery of non-renewable resources from waste
2024 || Paperback || Matija Kajić || Europa Law Publishing
Many of the contemporary global environmental problems are rooted in overexploitation of natural resources. This research looks at over-exploitation and a lack of circularity in the context of the agricultural food system. Despite biotechnological methods being available for the recovery of nutrients and organic matter from waste streams, many of these have not yet been applied to their full potential in the EU. The research identifies legislative gaps and analyses how these may be hampering ...
morgen verzonden
Recht door de wolken
2024 || Paperback || Jan Willem Sap || Ars Aequi Libri
In Recht door de wolken wordt de interactie tussen internationaal, Europees en nationaal recht geïllustreerd aan de hand van enkele actuele thema’s.
De manieren waarop hoger recht doorwerkt in nationale rechtsordes hangt af van het specifieke rechtssysteem van een land en de aard van de internationale of Europese regelgeving. In rechtsstelsels van EU-lidstaten heeft het Europees recht voorrang op nationaal recht. Dit betekent dat nationale wetten die in strijd zijn met Europees recht niet...
morgen verzonden
Cases and Materials European Union Law / Druk 3
2024 || Paperback || M.K. Shahid e.a. || Eleven international publishing
This compilation consists of key cases and materials in the area of European Union law, selected by the Department of International and European Union law of the Erasmus University Rotterdam to use in their bachelor education. Core areas of importance covered by this compilation are the four fundamental freedoms (goods, persons, services and capital), fundamental rights and competition law (cartel prohibition, the prohibition to abuse a dominant position and the prohibition of state aid). Wha...
morgen verzonden
The Maastricht Collection V1 (8th edition) / Druk 8
Volume I: International and European Law
2024 || Paperback || Sascha Hardt e.a. || Europa Law Publishing
The Maastricht Collection comprises a broad selection of legal instruments and provisions that have proven to be particularly relevant and useful to students and practitioners of international, European, and comparative law. The compilation is based on the long-standing expertise in teaching and researching European, international, and comparative national law at Maastricht University’s Faculty of Law. It includes codes and statutory legislation from France, Germany, the Netherlands, and th...
morgen verzonden
European Environmental Law / Druk 5
Treaty Based Law
2024 || Paperback || Jan Jans e.a. || Europa Law Publishing
This leading monograph on European Environmental Law is now completely updated and revised. This book provides an in-depth analysis of important legal issues of European environmental law. What are the legal grounds for EU environmental policy and on what principles are directives and regulations based upon? To what extent precludes EU environmental regulation more stringent national environmental standards? What are the requirements the Court of Justice has imposed on the Member States imple...