Studieboeken (25)
The Data Science Design Manual / 1st edition
2017 || Hardcover || Professor Steven S. Skiena || Springer || ook als eBook
This engaging and clearly written textbook/reference provides a must-have introduction to the rapidly emerging interdisciplinary field of data science. It focuses on the principles fundamental to becoming a good data scientist and the key skills needed to build systems for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data. The Data Science Design Manual is a source of practical insights that highlights what really matters in analyzing data, and provides an intuitive understanding of how these core...
Linear Algebra / 4th edition
A Modern Introduction
2014 || Hardcover || David Poole || Cengage Learning
David Poole's innovative LINEAR ALGEBRA: A MODERN INTRODUCTION, 4e emphasizes a vectors approach and better prepares students to make the transition from computational to theoretical mathematics. Balancing theory and applications, the book is written in a conversational style and combines a traditional presentation with a focus on student-centered learning. Theoretical, computational, and applied topics are presented in a flexible yet integrated way.
Stressing geometric understanding before c...
Comprehensive Biomaterials II / 2nd edition
2017 || Hardcover || Elsevier
Comprehensive Biomaterials II, Second Edition, Seven Volume Set brings together the myriad facets of biomaterials into one expertly-written series of edited volumes. Articles address the current status of nearly all biomaterials in the field, their strengths and weaknesses, their future prospects, appropriate analytical methods and testing, device applications and performance, emerging candidate materials as competitors and disruptive technologies, research and development, regulatory managem...
Updated Version of The Practice of Statistics for the APA Course (Student Edition)
2019 || Hardcover || Daren Starnes e.a. || Macmillan
Utilizing technology and extensive support for student success.
The Practice of Statistics is the most trusted program for AP® Statistics because it provides teachers and students with everything they need to be successful in the statistics course and on the AP® Exam. With the expert authorship of high school AP® Statistics veterans, Daren Starnes and Josh Tabor and their supporting team of AP® teacher/leaders, The UPDATED Practice of Statistics, Sixth edition features a revised organiza...
Introduction to Probability
2015 || Hardcover || Mark Daniel WARD e.a. || Macmillan
Unlike most probability textbooks, which are only truly accessible to mathematically-oriented students, Ward and Gundlach’s Introduction to Probability reaches out to a much wider introductory-level audience. Its conversational style, highly visual approach, practical examples, and step-by-step problem solving procedures help all kinds of students understand the basics of probability theory and its broad applications. The book was extensively class-tested through its preliminary edition, ...
Discovering Statistics
2015 || Hardcover || Daniel Larose || Macmillan
Dan Larose’s Discovering Statistics strikes the ideal balance of conceptual application and computational understanding to develop students’ statistical sense and enable them to discover the statistician within.
Now available with Macmillan’s online learning platform Achieve, Larose’s Discovering Statistics strikes the ideal balance of conceptual application and computational understanding to develop students’ statistical sense and enable them to discover the statistician within.
Linear Algebra
with Applications
2016 || Hardcover || Jeffrey Holt || Macmillan
Holt's Linear Algebra with Applications, Second Edition, blends computational and conceptual topics throughout to prepare students for the rigors of conceptual thinking in an abstract setting. The early treatment of conceptual topics in the context of Euclidean space gives students more time, and a familiar setting, in which to absorb them. This organization also makes it possible to treat eigenvalues and eigenvectors earlier than in most texts. Abstract vector spaces are introduced later, on...
Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
2019 || Hardcover || Susan Nolan e.a. || Macmillan
A contemporary approach to behavioural statistics.
Nolan and Heinzen offer an introduction to the basics of statistics that is uniquely suited for behavioural science students. This edition provides coverage anchored to real-world stories, a highly visual approach to presenting data, helpful mathematical support, and useful step-by-step examples. Focusing on emerging trends that are redefining contemporary behavioural statistics, this text helps students get to grips with a challenging subjec...
Smoothing Splines
Methods and Applications
2011 || Hardcover || Yuedong Wang || Taylor & Francis
A general class of powerful and flexible modeling techniques, spline smoothing has attracted a great deal of research attention in recent years and has been widely used in many application areas, from medicine to economics. Smoothing Splines: Methods and Applications covers basic smoothing spline models, including polynomial, periodic, spherical, thin-plate, L-, and partial splines, as well as more advanced models, such as smoothing spline ANOVA, extended and generalized smoothing spline ANOV...
Introduction to Probability / 2nd edition
2019 || Hardcover || Joseph K. Blitzstein e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Developed from celebrated Harvard statistics lectures, Introduction to Probability provides essential language and toolsfor understanding statistics, randomness, and uncertainty. The book explores a wide variety of applications and examples, ranging from coincidences and paradoxes to Google PageRank and Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). Additional application areas explored include genetics, medicine, computer science, and information theory.
The authors present the material in an accessible s...