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Studieboeken (258)
2023 || Hardcover || Wolters Kluwer Nederland B.V.
De in 2021 overleden Hans Beckman wordt als grondlegger van het Nederlandse jaarrekeningenrecht beschouwd. In deze bundel zijn al zijn relevante publicaties over kernonderwerpen van het Nederlandse jaarrekeningenrecht bijeengebracht. Ook publicaties die minder goed toegankelijk zijn, maar nog steeds relevantie hebben, zijn daardoor ontsloten en op één plaats bijeengebracht. De Beckmanbundel bevat een groot aantal publicaties van de in 2021 overleden prof. mr. dr. Hans Beckman op het terrein...
Desmids of the Lowlands / Druk 2
Mesotaeniaceae and Desmidiaceae of the European Lowlands
2023 || Hardcover || Peter Coesel e.a. || KNNV Uitgeverij || met inkijkexemplaar
Investigators of freshwater ecosystems inevitably are faced with various microphytes. It is generally accepted that algal species (among which phytoplankters) are important indicators of water quality. In particular desmids (a group of green algae) are excellent indicators of environmental conditions such as pH, conductivity and trophic state of a water body.
In addition to that, because of their preferential occurrence in vulnerable habitats, desmids lend themselves well to figuring i...
Principles of Parallel Programming
2023 || Hardcover || Calvin Lin e.a. || Pearson
With the rise of multi-core architecture, parallel programming is an increasingly important topic for software engineers and computer system designers. Principles of Parallel Programming, written by well-known researchers Calvin Lin and Lawrence Snyder, focuses on the underlying principles of parallel computation, explains the various phenomena, and clarifies why these phenomena represent opportunities or barriers to successful parallel programming. This book is ideal for an upper-level unde...
Plotkin's Vaccines
2023 || Hardcover || Walter A. Orenstein e.a. || Elsevier
From the latest vaccination evidence, recommendations, and protocols . . .
to new vaccine development and the use of vaccines in reducing disease, Plotkin's Vaccines, 8th Edition, covers every aspect of vaccination. Now completely revised and updated from cover to cover, this award-winning text continues to provide reliable information from global authorities, offering a complete understanding of each disease, as well as the latest knowledge of both existing vaccines and those currently in re...
The SAGE Handbook of Clinical Neuropsychology
Clinical Neuropsychological Disorders
2023 || Hardcover || Gregory J. Boyle e.a. || SAGE
This handbook provides an in-depth overview of Clinical Neuropsychology, focusing on the classifications involved and the specific neuropsychological disorders that affect people around the world.
The SAGE Handbook of Clinical Neuropsychology
Clinical Neuropsychological Assessment and Diagnosis
2023 || Hardcover || Gregory J. Boyle e.a. || SAGE
This handbook provides an in-depth overview of Clinical Neuropsychology, focusing on the assessment, diagnosis and rehabilitation of cognitive disorders.
The Sage Handbook of Mixed Methods Research Design
2023 || Hardcover || Cheryl N. Poth || SAGE
The SAGE Handbook of Mixed Methods Research Design provides a comprehensive overview of the existing typologies and future potential applications of this fast evolving field. With a unique focus on design, this handbook prepares researchers for the changing conditions in which they will conduct their studies.
Comprehensive Structural Integrity / 2nd edition
2023 || Hardcover || Ferri M.H. Aliabadi e.a. || Elsevier
Comprehensive Structural Integrity, Second Edition, a Ten Volume Set, provides material scientists and engineers with an authoritative and complete one-stop reference tool on all aspects of this exciting field. The book puts special emphasis on the interaction between mechanics and materials and structural integrity applications. Because of the interdisciplinary and applied nature of the work, it is an indispensable resource for mechanical engineers and materials scientists from both academic...
Sobotta Atlas of Anatomy Vol. 2 / 17th edition
Internal Organs
2023 || Hardcover || Friedrich Paulsen e.a. || Elsevier
MORE THAN AN ATLAS Studying anatomy is fun! Recognising the structures on the dissection, understanding their relationships and gaining an overview of how they work together assures confident study and transition into clinical practice. The Sobotta Atlas shows authentic illustrations of the highest quality, drawn from genuine specimens, guaranteeing the best preparation for the gross anatomy class and attestation. Sobotta focuses on the basics, making it totally comprehensive.
Every tiny stru...
The Psychology of Criminal Conduct / 7th Edition
2023 || Hardcover || James Bonta e.a. || Taylor & Francis
The Psychology of Criminal Conduct, Seventh Edition, provides a psychological and evidence-informed perspective of criminal behavior that sets it apart from many criminological and mental health explanations of criminal behavior.