
Yuehua Liu (5)
Tao-Chung Yao (4)
André Heezen (3)
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Angela Talen (3)
Edwin Hoffman (3)
Jan Deutekom (3)
Maarten de Gee (3)
Marijke Lingsma (3)
Michaela Perlmann-Balm... (3)
Susanne Schwalb (3)
Adri van den Brand (2)
Anne-Bregje Huijsmans (2)
Arjan Verdooren (2)
Arthur Snider (2)
C. Das (2)
C.R. Rao (2)
Cees Braas (2)
David Beckett (2)
Edward Saff (2)
Ellen van Kooten (2)
Ervand Abrahamian (2)
Esther Eveleens (2)
Felicity O'Dell (2)
Ineke van de Craats-Oo... (2)
Ineke van de Pas (2)
J. Oosterhof (2)
J. van Drongelen (2)
James Clear (2)
James T. McClave (2)
Janka Stoker (2)
Jeanne Kurvers (2)
Joe Miemczyk (2)
Judith Farwick (2)
Kaatje Dalderop (2)
Kelly-Kate S. Pease (2)
L. Braam (2)
L.J.A. Pieterse (2)
Lewis Lansford (2)
Lieke van den Eijnden (2)
M.A.B. Chao-Duivis (2)
Magdalena Matussek (2)
Margriet van Gelder (2)
Marilene Gathier (2)
Martine Delfos (2)
Merel Borgesius (2)
Michael (2)
Michael McCarthy (2)
Mickey Howard (2)
Patrick Sins (2)
Peter van der Voort (2)
R. Nagle (2)
Ralph Becker Heins (2)
René Berends (2)
René van Kralingen (2)
Rob Schwartz (2)
Rob Westerdijk (2)
Roel Riepma (2)
Sasja Dirkse-Hulscher (2)
Stephen Covey (2)
Steven Jellinghaus (2)
Suzan van de Rijt (2)
Teun van Aken (2)
Thomas Johnsen (2)
U.J.L. Reijnders (2)
Vosters (2)
Walter Geerts (2)
Wouter ten Have (2)
Yaohua Shi (2)
Management algemeen (59)
Onderwijs en opvoeding (49)
Geneeskunde algemeen (35)
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Talen algemeen (21)
Personeel en organisat... (20)
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Fiscaal recht (18)
Ondernemingsrecht (18)
Staats- en bestuursrec... (15)
Technische wetenschapp... (14)
Privaatrecht en mediat... (13)
Leidinggeven, coachen (11)
Marketing (11)
Communicatiekunde alge... (10)
Informatica algemeen (10)
Mens en maatschappij a... (10)
Scheikunde algemeen (9)
Bedrijfseconomie (8)
Didactiek (8)
Economie, recht en bed... (8)
Educatieve uitgaven al... (8)
Geschiedenis algemeen (8)
Taalkunde (8)
Theologie algemeen (7)
Verpleegkunde en zieke... (7)
Wiskunde algemeen (7)
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Non-fictie informatief... (6)
Recht algemeen (6)
Strafrecht en procesre... (6)
Technische en nautisch... (6)
Algemene economie (5)
Bedrijfskunde algemeen (5)
Bestuurs- en beleidsku... (5)
Duitse taal, letterkun... (5)
Economie, recht en bed... (5)
Engelse taal, letterku... (5)
Exacte wetenschappen n... (5)
Filosofie algemeen (5)
Fysiotherapie (5)
Medische handboeken (p... (5)
Orthopedagogiek (5)
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Psychotherapie en ande... (5)
Taalonderwijskunde (5)
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Non-boeken algemeen (4)
Psychiatrie (4)
Sociaal ruimtelijke we... (4)
Specialistische genees... (4)
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Welzijnswerk (4)
Woordenboeken|Buitenla... (4)
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Internet (3)
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Literaire fictie algem... (3)
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Onderwijskunde (3)
Pedagogiek (3)
Sociale geografie alge... (3)
Technische en nautisch... (3)
(Instrumentele) vaardi... (2)
Agogiek (2)
Basisschool (2)
Buitenlandse talen, le... (2)
Computertechniek (2)
Creatief denken (2)
Databases (2)
Exacte vakken en infor... (2)
Exacte vakken en infor... (2)
Exacte vakken en infor... (2)
Fictie 15+ (2)
Gezondheid algemeen (2)
Gezondheidsvakken, lic... (2)
Industrieel ontwerpen (2)
Interculturele communi... (2)
Jeugd (2)
Klinische psychologie (2)
Kunstmatige intelligen... (2)
Leidinggeven, coachen|... (2)
Literaire non-fictie a... (2)
Minderheden, racisme, ... (2)
Muziektheorie (2)
Naslagwerken algemeen (2)
Ontwikkelingspsycholog... (2)
Populaire fiction alge... (2)
Productie, inkoop, log... (2)
Programmeertalen (2)
Taal Hoger Onderwijs (2)
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Studieboeken (881)

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Business and Sustainability

2018 || Paperback || Michael || Oxford University Press

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Designing for Society

Products and Services for a Better World

2018 || Paperback || Nynke Tromp e.a. || Bloomsbury Publishing

Our globalised world is encountering problems on an unprecedented scale. Many of the issues we face as societies extend beyond the borders of our nations. Phenomena such as terrorism, climate change, immigration, cybercrime and poverty can no longer be understood without considering the complex socio-technical systems that support our way of living.

It is widely acknowledged that to contend with any of the pressing issues of our time, we have to substantially adapt our lifestyles. To adequate...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Writing History! / 1st edition

a companion for Historians

2018 || Paperback || Jeannette Kamp e.a. || Amsterdam University Press

Historians not only have knowledge of history, but by writing about it and engaging with other historians from the past and present, they make history themselves. This companion offers young historians clear guidelines for the different phases of historical research; how do you get a good historical question? How do you engage with the literature? How do you work with sources from the past, from archives to imagery and objects, art, or landscapes? What is the influence of digitalisation of th...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Essentials of Supply Chain Management / 4th edition

2018 || Paperback || Michael H. Hugos || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

The bestselling guide to the field, updated with the latest innovations Essentials of Supply Chain Management is the definitive guide to the field, providing both broad coverage and necessary detail from a practical, real-world perspective. From clear explanation of fundamental concepts to insightful discussion of supply chain innovation, this book offers students and professionals a comprehensive introduction with immediately-applicable understanding. The fourth edition has been updated to r...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Transportation / 9th edition

A Global Supply Chain Perspective

2018 || Hardcover || Novack e.a. || Cengage Learning

TRANSPORTATION: A SUPPLY CHAIN PERSPECTIVE, 9E equips you with a solid understanding of what is arguably the most critical and complex component of global supply chains. You learn the fundamental role and importance of transportation in companies and society as you study the complex environment of transportation service. The authors provide an overview of the operating and service characteristics, cost structure, and challenges providers of transportation face. This edition highlights critica...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

White Rabbit, Red Wolf

2018 || Paperback || Tom Pollock || Walker Books

"A gripping and gloriously treacherous thriller without guide ropes or safety nets. Leave all certainties by the door." Frances Hardinge A taut thriller about murder, maths and the mind. Peter Blankman is afraid of everything and must confront unimaginable terror when his mother is attacked.

Seventeen-year-old Peter Blankman is a maths prodigy. He also suffers from severe panic attacks. Afraid of everything, he finds solace in the orderly and logical world of mathematics and in the love of hi...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Creative Research / 2nd edition

The Theory and Practice of Research for the Creative Industries

2018 || Paperback || Hilary Collins || Bloomsbury Publishing

Academic research in design can seem daunting “ let Hilary Collins show you the building blocks of a great final project. The perfect companion for a research project in fashion, design or visual communication, this 2nd edition of Creative Research walks you through: Choosing a topic· Deciding your approach· Using previous research and writing a literature review· Obtaining your own data and using it appropriatelyUseful case studies show best practice, revealing the links between a res...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen


From the winner of the Jhalak Prize, 2021

2018 || Paperback || Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi || Oneworld Publications

'Ugandan literature can boast of an international superstar in Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi' Economist An award-winning debut that vividly reimagines Uganda’s troubled history through the cursed bloodline of the Kintu clanIn this epic tale of fate, fortune and legacy, Jennifer Makumbi vibrantly brings to life this corner of Africa and this colourful family as she reimagines the history of Uganda through the cursed bloodline of the Kintu clan. The year is 1750. Kintu Kidda sets out for the ca...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen
met 5% korting 32,78

Ecologie: leren & onderwijzen

2018 || Paperback || Mieke Kapteijn e.a. || NV Onderwijs Nat.wetenschappen

‘Juf, ik zie een oogdiertje!’ Voor deze leerling die onder de microscoop een andere wereld ontdekt, gaan biodiversiteit, voedselketens en successie leven en wordt ecologie een blijvende belevenis. Dat is hard nodig, want in de hoofden van veel leerlingen is de buitenwereld een invasieve exoot. Daar moeten we in het biologieonderwijs mee concurreren.

Dit boek helpt. Het ‘leren & onderwijzen’ in de titel dekt de inhoud. Ecologische experts leverden leerzame intermezzo’s over actuele e...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

This is Service Design Doing

Applying Service Design Thinking in the Real World

2018 || Paperback || Marc Stinkdorn e.a. || O'Reilly

How can you establish a customer-centric culture in an organization? This is the first comprehensive book on how to actually do service design to improve the quality and the interaction between service providers and customers. You'll learn specific facilitation guidelines on how to run workshops, perform all of the main service design methods, implement concepts in reality, and embed service design successfully in an organization. Great customer experience needs a common language across disci...