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Poëzie (2)
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Nederlands (269)
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Studieboeken (440)

Levertijd: 24 werkdagen

Doing Philosophy Comparatively / 1st edition

2015 || Paperback || Tim Connolly || Bloomsbury Publishing

Critics have argued that comparative philosophy is inherently flawed or even impossible. What standards can we use to describe and evaluate different cultures' philosophies? How do we avoid projecting our own ways of thinking onto others? Can we overcome the vast divergences in history, language, and ways of organizing reality that we find in China, India, Africa, and the West? Doing Philosophy Comparatively is the first comprehensive introduction to the foundations, problems, and methods of ...

Levertijd: 24 werkdagen

The Art and Archaeology of Ancient Greece

2015 || Paperback || Judith M. Barringer || Cambridge University Press

This richly illustrated, four-colour textbook introduces the art and archaeology of ancient Greece, from the Bronze Age through to the Roman conquest. Emphasizing context and function, Barringer explores the purpose and use of buildings and objects within their particular time and place, leading students to a rich sociohistorical understanding of Greek art.

Levertijd: 24 werkdagen

Reveries Du Promeneur Solitaire

2015 || Paperback || Jean Jacques Rousseau || Livre de poche

Lorsqu'il commence à écrire les Rêveries à l'automne 1776, Rousseau est un vieil homme proche de la mort, presque pauvre, célèbre dans toute l'Europe et pourtant assuré que l'espèce humaine le rejette. Il continue cependant d'écrire et les Rêveries sont à ses yeux la suite des Confessions. Mais il ne s'agit plus désormais de raconter sa vie ni de s'expliquer aux autres pour dévoiler sa vraie nature. Dans une solitude propice à l'introspection, si des souvenirs épars remontent m...

Leverbaar vanaf 18 mei 2029

No One Understands You and What to Do About It

2015 || Paperback || Heidi Grant Halvorson || Harvard Business School Publishing

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Study Guide / 9th Edition

With Student Solutions Manual for McMurry's Organic Chemistry

2023 || Paperback || John E. McMurry || Cengage Learning

Study more effectively and improve your performance at exam time with this comprehensive guide! Written by Susan McMurry, the Study Guide and Solutions Manual provide answers and explanations to all in-text and end-of-chapter exercises. Content has been updated to match the new in-text and end-of-chapter exercises.

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen


The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time

2023 || Paperback || Jeff Sutherland || Cornerstone

The definitive book on the Scrum methodology from its co-creator and the CEO of Scrum, Inc., Jeff Sutherland. Scrum is the revolutionary approach to project management and team building that has helped to transform everything from software companies to the US military to healthcare in major American hospitals. In this major new book its originator, Jeff Sutherland, explains precisely and step by step how it operates - and how it can be made to work for anyone, anywhere.

Take the FBI attempt t...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Ophthalmology / 3rd edition

2015 || Paperback || Gerhard K. Lang || Thieme Publishing Group

This book is an authorized translation of the 5th German edition published and copyrighted 2014 by Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart. Title of the German edition: Augenheilkunde.

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Short-term Spoken Chinese - Threshold vol.1

2015 || Paperback || Ma Jianfei || Peking University Press

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life / 3rd Edition

Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships

2023 || Paperback || PhD Marshall B. Rosenberg || Puddle Dancer Press

What is Violent Communication? If "violent" means acting in ways that result in hurt or harm, then much of how we communicate-judging others, bullying, having racial bias, blaming, finger pointing, discriminating, speaking without listening, criticizing others or ourselves, name-calling, reacting when angry, using political rhetoric, being defensive or judging who's "good/bad" or what's "right/wrong" with people-could indeed be called "violent communication." What is Nonviolent Communication?...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Chemistry For Changing Times

Global Edition

2015 || Paperback || John Hill e.a. || Pearson Education Limited

For non-majors introductory chemistry courses. Make chemistry relatable to all students. Chemistry for Changing Times has defined the liberal arts chemistry course and remains the most visually appealing and readable introduction to the subject.

The 14th Edition increases its focus on environmental and other relatable issues with revised green chemistry essays throughout and new Chemistry at Home experiments. Abundant applications and examples fill each chapter and enable students of varied m...