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Studieboeken (840)

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Comparative Constitutional Law in Africa

2022 || Hardcover || Rosalind Dixon e.a. || Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd

This timely book is a crucial resource on the rich diversity of African constitutional law, making a significant contribution to the increasingly important field of comparative constitutional law from a historically understudied region. Offering an examination of substantive topics from multiple jurisdictions, it emphasises issues of local importance while also providing varied perspectives on common challenges across the continent. Divided into four thematic parts, chapters cover a wide arra...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

The Biology of Rocky Shores / 2 Revised Edition

2020 || Hardcover || Colin Little e.a. || Oxford University Press

This new edition offers a concise but comprehensive introduction to rocky shore ecology and has been completely revised and updated throughout. It describes the diverse biota (invertebrates, vertebrates, seaweeds, seagrasses and microalgae) that inhabit rocky shores, and the factors that determine their distributions, abundances and interactions. The book discusses the latest research on processes that control community structure, utilizing a global range of examplesfrom a wide range of shore...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Encyclopedia of Materials

Technical Ceramics and Glasses

2021 || Hardcover || Michael Pomeroy || Elsevier

Encyclopedia of Materials: Technical Ceramics and Glasses, Two Volume Set is an essential resource guide to these incredibly important and versatile materials. The book covers everything from the types, structures, mechanics and properties of ceramics and glasses, to the testing, characterization, modeling and applications of these materials. Important recent developments are also considered, including additive manufacturing methods, polymer derived ceramics, advanced sintering/densification ...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Mechanics of Materials

2016 || Hardcover || Russell Hibbeler || Pearson

Mechanics of Materials clearly and thoroughly presents the theory and supports the application of essential mechanics of materials principles. Professor Hibbeler's concise writing style, countless examples, and stunning four-color photorealistic art program help you visualize and master difficult concepts. The 10th Edition retains the hallmark features synonymous with the Hibbeler franchise, and is enhanced with the most current information, a fresh new layout, added problem solving, and incr...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Classical Cooking The Modern Way / 3rd edition

Methods and Techniques

1999 || Hardcover || Philip Pauli || John Wiley and Sons Ltd

Europe's most authoritative culinary reference comes to the New World A sound and comprehensive knowledge of cooking theory and technique is as essential to a great cook as a full complement of well-made kitchen tools. Based on the European culinary classic, Lehrbuch der Kuche, Classical Cooking the Modern Way: Methods and Techniques provides a complete review of the most basic culinary principles and methods that recipes call for again and again. Whether used alone or with its companion volu...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Flaps and Reconstructive Surgery / 2nd edition

2016 || Hardcover || Fu-Chan Wei e.a. || Elsevier

With coverage of nearly twice the number of flaps as the previous edition, Flaps and Reconstructive Surgery, 2nd Edition provides trainees and practicing surgeons alike with the detailed, expert knowledge required to ensure optimal outcomes. It includes chapters and expert commentaries from more than 100 authors and world-renowned leaders in the field, while brand-new cases and high-quality illustrations focused on flap harvest, markings, and reconstruction keep you abreast of today's latest ...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Fenichel's Clinical Pediatric Neurology / 8th edition

A Signs and Symptoms Approach

2019 || Hardcover || J. Eric Piana-Garza e.a. || Elsevier

Taking a practical, easy-to-reference signs and symptoms approach, Fenichel's Clinical Pediatric Neurology, 8th Edition, provides a solid foundation in the diagnosis and management of primary neurologic disorders of childhood while bringing you fully up to date with recent developments in the field. It offers step-by-step, authoritative guidance that considers each presenting symptom in terms of differential diagnosis and treatment, reflecting real-life patient evaluation and management. Perf...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

The Illustrated Horse's Foot

A comprehensive guide

2015 || Hardcover || Christopher C. Pollitt || Elsevier

Achieve optimal results in equine foot care and treatment! The Illustrated Horse's Foot: A Comprehensive Guide uses clear instructions in an atlas-style format to help you accurately identify, diagnose, and treat foot problems in horses. Full-color clinical photographs show structure and function as well as the principles of correct clinical examination and shoeing, and a companion website has videos depicting equine foot cases. Written by internationally renowned expert Christoher Pollitt, t...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Dutton's Orthopaedic / 6th edition

Examination, Evaluation and Intervention

2022 || Hardcover || Mark Dutton || McGraw-Hill

The #1 most trusted evidence-based text in orthopaedic physical therapyThe definitive text for orthopedic students, Dutton’s Orthopaedic: Examination, Evaluation and Intervention delivers a logical, systematic approach to hands-on orthopedic treatment. This new edition offers the perfect balance in its coverage of the continuum of care, emphasizing the appropriate use of manual techniques and therapeutic exercise while outlining the correct applications of multiple adjuncts to the reha...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

College Physics for the AP® Physics 1 & 2 Courses

2023 || Hardcover || Gay Stewart e.a. || Macmillan


College Physics for the AP® Physics 1 & 2 Courses integrates AP® skill-building and exam prep into a comprehensive college-level textbook, providing students and teachers with the resources they need to be successful in AP® Physics 1 and AP® Physics 2. You’ll find AP® Exam Tips, AP® practice problems, and complete AP® Practice Exams, with each section of the textbook offering a unique skill-building appro...