Studieboeken (64)
Explicit English Teaching
2023 || Paperback || Tom Needham || SAGE
The essential overview on applying smart ideas from cognitive science to the teaching of secondary English.
Samen onderzoekend werken aan onderwijskwaliteit
Praktijkprofessionals aan het roer?
2023 || Paperback || Jeroen Rozendaal || Hogeschool Rotterdam
De scheiding tussen ‘denken’ en ‘doen’ die zich in het onderwijs heeft afgetekend, is een van de oorzaken dat docenten maar in beperkte mate écht aan het roer staan van onderwijskwaliteitsverbetering. In praktijkgericht onderzoek naar (aspecten van) onderwijskwaliteit worden zij vaak wel betrokken bij de vraagarticulatie, maar spelen zij verder vaak de tweede viool. Daardoor sluit het soort kennis dat wordt opgeleverd en de mate van transfereerbaarheid vaak niet aan bij wat de prakti...
How We Learn / 2nd edition
Learning and non-learning in school and beyond
2023 || Paperback || Knud Illeris || Taylor & Francis
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to both traditional learning theory and the newest international research into learning processes, while at the same time being an innovative contribution to a new and more holistic understanding of learning, including discussion on school-based learning, e-learning, workplace learning and educational politics.
Neurodiversity and Education
2023 || Paperback || Paul Ellis e.a. || SAGE
This clear and practical book, which is useful for all apsects of learning and education discusses how an emphasis on neurodiverse 'ability' can cultivate a better world.
Family Relationships in the Early Years
2023 || Paperback || Kay Owen e.a. || SAGE
Exploring the influence of early family relationships on a child's development, with essential insights for fostering holistic well-being in the early years.
My Teaching Routine
2023 || Paperback || Mark Martin || SAGE
The perfect companion for your early years of practice on how to establish a teaching routine that works for you.
Teaching Mathematics Conceptually
Guiding Instructional Principles for 5-10 year olds
2023 || Paperback || Beth L. MacDonald e.a. || SAGE
This book offers a deep dive into the guiding principles of Math Recovery (R) instruction, exploring their connections with learning theory, practical application in the classroom and their wider links to agreed concepts of high-quality mathematics teaching.
Mr T Does Primary History
2023 || Paperback || Stuart Tiffany || SAGE
Teach history lessons that tell more than one story and that speak to and engage all of the children in your class.
Lessons from the Head's Office
2023 || Paperback || Brian Walton || SAGE
A candid and engaging exploration of how to face the challenges of school leadership head on and succeed, exploring a range of leadership topics and supported by a range of fascinating real life examples.
Teaching To Transgress
Education as the Practice of Freedom
2023 || Paperback || Bell Hooks || Taylor & Francis
How can we rethink teaching practices in the age of multiculturalism? What do we do about teachers who do not want to teach, and students who do not want to learn? How should we deal with racism and sexism in the classroom? This title deals with a different kind of education: education as the practice of freedom.