Studieboeken (70)
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Palliatieve zorg in de dagelijkse praktijk
2010 || Paperback || B.S. Wanrooij e.a. || Bohn Stafleu van Loghum
Palliatieve zorg heeft in de afgelopen vijftien jaar in Nederland een sterke ontwikkeling doorgemaakt. Onderwijs over de zorg voor ernstig zieke en stervende patiënten, veelal in de vorm van nascholing aan artsen en verpleegkundigen, heeft in grote mate hieraan bijgedragen. Het streven is palliatieve zorg in de toekomst geïntegreerd te gaan aanbieden in het curriculum geneeskunde en in de opleidingen tot huisarts, specialist ouderengeneeskunde of medisch specialist. De huidige uitgaven over...
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Chemistry Plus MasteringChemistry / 8th edition
2020 || Paperback || John E. McMurry e.a. || Pearson
This title is a Pearson Global Edition. The Editorial team at Pearson has worked closely with educators around the world to include content which is especially relevant to students outside the United States. This package includes Mastering. Give students a robust conceptual foundation while building critical problem-solving skills Robinson/McMurry/Fay's Chemistry, known for a concise and united author voice, conceptual focus, extensive worked examples, and thoroughly constructed connections b...
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Introduction to Education Studies
2024 || Paperback || Steve Bartlett e.a. || SAGE
In this fully updated sixth edition of this much-loved textbook, students will be introduced to different ways of looking at education, supported by links to classic and contemporary research. Built around the essential themes of psychology, history, policy and sociology, this new edition explores a range of contemporary topics found on Education studies courses, including:UK education policy since 2020, including policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemicDecolonising the curriculum and social...
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Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology
2024 || Paperback || S. Alexander Haslam e.a. || SAGE
A comprehensive introduction to both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies in Psychology, the book guides readers through every step of the research process and engages with research ethics in Psychology.
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Colonised Minds
2024 || Paperback || Akira O'Connor e.a. || SAGE
A critical exploration of historical power structures and forces of oppression that shaped the field of psychology, and a compelling call to move towards the decolonisation of the discipline in today’s university.
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Communication and Interpersonal Skills in Social Work
2024 || Paperback || Juliet Koprowska || Learning Matters
This book offers students a solid grounding in the core knowledge and skills of communication needed for effective practice. It takes the key theories and explains them in a systematic and practice-related way, to help undergraduate and postgraduate students develop a critical understanding of the subject.
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Understanding and Applying Assessment in Education
2024 || Paperback || Damian Murchan e.a. || SAGE
Designed as a pragmatic guide for new teachers and those training to teach, this book is a one-stop-shop for understanding assessment in primary and secondary schools, supported by a range of policy examples drawn from the UK, Ireland and wider international contexts.
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Jubileum boek Service Management
van de professionele schoonmaak
2019 || Hardcover || Henk Hogewoning || Vakmedianet
Veertig jaar Service Management is veertig jaar inhoud over verleden, heden en toekomst van de professionele schoonmaak.
Dat is dan ook precies waar dit boek over gaat.
Waar komen we vandaan, hoe zitten we in elkaar en wat mogen we verwachten? Waarbij het verrassend is om te zien hoe grote schoonmaakbedrijven ooit ook zijn begonnen als eenmanszaak met een emmer, een ladder en het nodige sop. En dat het mkb nog steeds dé motor van de schoonmaakbranche is. Maar er komt meer voorbij in dit un...
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Uneven Roads
2024 || Paperback || Todd Shaw e.a. || CQ Press
Uneven Roads helps students grasp how, when, and why race and ethnicity matter in U.S. politics. Using the metaphor of a road, with twists, turns, and dead ends, this incisive text takes students on a journey to understanding political racialization and the roots of modern interpretations of race and ethnicity.
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Planning Primary English
how to Design and Teach Brilliant Lessons
2024 || Paperback || Kirstie Hewett || SAGE
Effective lesson planning is a crucial skill for all primary school teachers and is key to fostering engaging and focused learning. So how can new teachers ensure that their plans are motivating and impactful so that their students can make good progress? This book serves as a comprehensive roadmap for planning dynamic and effective English lessons and clearly explains key principles and concepts that underpin effective teaching in all aspects of the primary English curriculum. Covering a wid...