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Studieboeken (77)
Een overzicht van studieboeken die relevant zijn binnen het onderwijs.
Duden Sprachliche Zweifelsfälle
Das Wörterbuch für richtiges und gutes Deutsch
2021 || Hardcover || Mathilde Hennig e.a. || Cornelsen Verlag
Sagt man »auf ein Projekt bestehen« oder »auf einem Projekt bestehen«? Die Fragen zu typischen Zweifelsfällen der deutschen Sprache, die regelmäßig an die Duden-Sprachberatung herangetragen werden, werden in diesem Wörterbuch ausführlich behandelt. Sortiert von A bis Z gibt der Band Antworten auf orthografische, grammatische und stilistische Fragen und bietet Empfehlungen bei Varianten. Durch einfache Erklärungen, Übersichtsartikel zu Themen wie Kommasetzung oder Fremdwörtern sowi...
L'Italia dal fascismo ad oggi / 2nda Edizione
percorsi paralleli nella storia, nella letteratura e nel cinema
2019 || Paperback || Daniela Bartalesi-Graf || Guerra Edizioni Guru
l'Italia dal fascismo ad oggi: percorsi paralleli nella storia, nella letteratura e nel cinema è un testo scolastico nuovo nel suo approccio pedagogico agli studi culturali e complesso nella sua articolazione interdisciplinare in cui storia politica e sociale, saggistica, narrativa e cinema, raccontano ottantacinque anni di cultura italiana. Ricca ed originale è la selezione di fotografie storiche e manifesti politici di tutti i periodi che illustrano con efficacia iconografica le varie ide...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's Dictionary / 9th edition
2018 || Paperback || Collins || HarperCollins
The 9th edition of the Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's Dictionary has been revised and updated to include detailed coverage of today's English in a clear, attractive format. Ideal for upper intermediate and advanced learners of English, this dictionary covers all the words, phrases and idioms that students need to master in order to speak and write effective English. Thousands of updated examples taken from the 4.5- billion word Collins Corpus, show learners how the words are used in authe...
The Road to Little Dribbling
More Notes from a Small Island
2016 || Paperback || Bill Bryson || Transworld Publishers Ltd
WINNER: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC TRAVELLER READER AWARD FOR BEST TRAVEL BOOK OF THE YEAR 2016WINNER: BOOKS ARE MY BAG READER AWARD FOR BEST AUTOBIOGRAPHY OR BIOGRAPHY 2016Twenty years ago, Bill Bryson went on a trip around Britain to celebrate the green and kindly island that had become his adopted country. The hilarious book that resulted, Notes from a Small Island, was taken to the nation's heart and became the bestselling travel book ever, and was also voted in a BBC poll the book that best rep...
Gramática de uso del español A1-B2 teoria y práctica con solucionario
|| Paperback || Luis Aragones || Intertaal
Eentalige oefengrammatica Spaans op niveau A1-B2 met theorie en oefeningen. Met oplossingen en woordenlijst Spaans – Engels – Frans – Duits.
eentalige oefengrammatica Spaans op niveau A1-B2
op de linkerpagina steeds de theorie en op de rechterpagina de oefeningen
met uitgebreide woordenlijst Spaans – Engels – Frans – Duits
met oplossingen, ideaal om zelfstandig mee te werken
Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English / 2nd edition
A corpus-based dictionary with CD-ROM which shows the most frequently used word combinations in British and American English
2009 || Paperback || Oxford University Press
With this dictionary students learn the most important collocations they need to know. The dictionary also guides them to the right word combination for their context. The CD-ROM includes the complete dictionary and practice exercises.
The word combinations are based on analysis of the Oxford English Corpus, a collection of three billion words of text from the English-speaking world that show the words that really do go together.
I verbi italiani
grammatica, esercizi, giochi
2004 || Paperback || Sonia Bailini e.a. || Alma Edizioni
De basis van Bienvenidos de nuevo wordt gevormd door het libro del alumno. Dat bevat drie blokken met elk vijf unidades. Ieder blok heeft de volgende unidades: Toerisme, Hotelwezen, Restaurantwezen, Grammatica, Repaso.Na een presentatie van de inhoud en de leerdoelen van de les wordt de voorkennis van de cursisten geactiveerd door middel van een korte spreekvaardigheidsoefening, gevolgd door een lees- en luistertekst met bijbehorende oefening en een rollenspel. Op de volgende pagina’s wordt...