
B. Wessels (3)
Ir. H.C. Theisens (3)
H.C. Theisens (2)
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Studieboeken (197)

Een overzicht van studieboeken die relevant zijn binnen het onderwijs.

Levertijd: 14 werkdagen

Risk Management / 5th edition

Concepts and Guidance

2021 || Hardcover || Carl L. Pritchard || Apple Academic Press Inc.

This new edition of Risk Management: Concepts and Guidance supplies a look at risk in light of current information, yet remains grounded in the history of risk practice. Taking a holistic approach, it examines risk as a blend of environmental, programmatic, and situational concerns. Supplying comprehensive coverage of risk management tools, practices, and protocols, the book presents powerful techniques that can enhance organizational risk identification, assessment, and management—all with...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen
met 5% korting 37,53

Online Marketing voor het MBO 2021-2022

2021 || Hardcover || Tim Gorter e.a. || Edufocus

De lesmethode Online Marketing voor het MBO behandelt alle belangrijke aspecten van de Online Marketing, 100% afgestemd op de beroepspraktijk. De verworven kennis kan direct worden ingezet! Het leerboek biedt extra verdieping voor zowel student als docent en geeft daardoor extra context en de mogelijkheid de lesprogrammering flexibel te maken.

Levertijd: 21 werkdagen
met 5% korting 21,38

Gedragsverandering door kwetsbaarheid

Het Veranderverhaal van de jongeren van Yets

2022 || Hardcover || Sjoerd Segijn e.a. || Mediawerf

Geïnspireerd door zijn ervaringen in Amerika richtte Peter Ottens Youth Empowerment Through Sports (YETS) op. Deze stichting helpt kwetsbare jongeren in hun vorming zodat ze een volwaardige rol in de maatschappij kunnen vervullen. YETS biedt jongeren een nieuwe en veilige omgeving, waarin samen gebasketbald wordt, samen wordt gegeten en samen huiswerk wordt gemaakt. Het is een omgeving waarin jongeren onvoorwaardelijk worden geaccepteerd en zij hun kwetsbaarheid mogen laten zien. Zo

brengt Y...

Levertijd: 21 werkdagen

Environmental and Natural Resource Economics / 5th edition

A Contemporary Approach - International Student Edition

2021 || Hardcover || Jonathan M. Harris e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Adopts a pluralist approach introducing students to both environmental economics and ecological economics highlighting the explanatory power, and complementarity, of both approaches in exploring the economics of environmental and natural resource issues. This edition includes enhanced and updated coverage of topics such as the Green New Deal, post-Paris climate discussions, development in carbon trading systems, and deforestation in the Amazon to ensure the text is up-to-speed with the latest...

Levertijd: 22 werkdagen

Diagnostic Pathology / 3rd edition

Neoplastic Dermatopathology

2021 || Hardcover || David S. Cassarino || Elsevier

This expert volume in the Diagnostic Pathology series is an excellent point-of-care resource for practitioners at all levels of experience and training. Covering all areas of neoplastic dermatopathology, it incorporates the most recent clinical, pathological, and molecular knowledge in the field to provide a comprehensive overview of all key issues relevant to today's practice. Richly illustrated and easy to use, Diagnostic Pathology: Neoplastic Dermatopathology is a one-stop reference for ac...

Leverbaar vanaf 15 juli
met 5% korting 52,25

Journal Bijbel

Herziene Statenvertaling

2021 || Hardcover || Royal Jongbloed || met inkijkexemplaar

De Journal Bijbel is een bijbel in de Herziene Statenvertaling met extra ruimte om persoonlijke notities te maken bij een bijbeltekst die je raakt, inspireert, motiveert. Die vanwege zijn fraaie uiterlijk gezien mag worden! De complete bijbeltekst is opgemaakt in één brede kolom. Aan de buitenzijde van iedere pagina is een brede witruimte waarop je aantekeningen kunt maken. Deze Bijbel is ook geschikt om te gebruiken voor bible journaling.


- Verbeterde papierkwaliteit!

- Sterke l...

Levertijd onbekend

Crisis Management and Recovery for Events / 1st edition

Impacts and Strategies

2021 || Hardcover || Vassilios Ziakas e.a. || Goodfellow Publishers Limited

The first text to fully explore the issue of ownership and governance of international events. Split onto two distinct parts of 'Theory' and 'Cases', it presents cases from sports as well as non-sports events, in addition to general principles regarding ownership and governance based on historical, legal and managerial considerations. Ownership and Governance of International Events explores these events as global common goods owned by communities of participants, be they athletes, spectators...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

The Economics of Imperfect Labor Markets / 3th edition

2021 || Hardcover || Tito Boeri e.a. || Princeton University Press

The leading textbook on imperfect labor markets and the institutions that affect them-now completely updated and expandedToday's labor markets are witnessing seismic changes brought on by such factors as rising self-employment, temporary employment, zero-hour contracts, and the growth of the sharing economy. This fully updated and revised third edition of The Economics of Imperfect Labor Markets reflects these and other critical changes in imperfect labor markets, and it has been significantl...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Dream First, Details Later

How to Quit Overthinking and Make It Happen!

2021 || Hardcover || Ellen Bennett || Random House

"Ellen Bennett is the platonic form of a go-getter who inspires go-getter after go-getter to become a better go-getter." Zooey Deschanel, actor and musician

You'll never know where to start…until you start. This gutsy guidebook will help anyone who's procrastinating on a goal, career change, or business idea stop the obsessive worrying and leap into action.

As a 24-year-old line cook, Ellen Marie Bennett couldn't stand the kitchen staff's poorly designed, cheaply made aprons. So when her he...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Influence, New and Expanded

The Psychology of Persuasion

2021 || Hardcover || PhD Robert B Cialdini || HarperCollins

The foundational and wildly popular go-to resource for influence and persuasion-a renowned international bestseller, with over 5 million copies sold-now revised adding: new research, new insights, new examples, and online applications. In the new edition of this highly acclaimed bestseller, Robert Cialdini-New York Times bestselling author of Pre-Suasion and the seminal expert in the fields of influence and persuasion-explains the psychology of why people say yes and how to apply these insigh...