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Tao-Chung Yao (4)
André Heezen (3)
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C.R. Rao (2)
Cees Braas (2)
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Edward Saff (2)
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Ervand Abrahamian (2)
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Felicity O'Dell (2)
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James T. McClave (2)
Janka Stoker (2)
Jeanne Kurvers (2)
Joe Miemczyk (2)
Judith Farwick (2)
Kaatje Dalderop (2)
Kelly-Kate S. Pease (2)
L. Braam (2)
L.J.A. Pieterse (2)
Lewis Lansford (2)
Lieke van den Eijnden (2)
M.A.B. Chao-Duivis (2)
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Marilene Gathier (2)
Martine Delfos (2)
Merel Borgesius (2)
Michael (2)
Michael McCarthy (2)
Mickey Howard (2)
Patrick Sins (2)
Peter van der Voort (2)
R. Nagle (2)
Ralph Becker Heins (2)
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René van Kralingen (2)
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Rob Westerdijk (2)
Roel Riepma (2)
Sasja Dirkse-Hulscher (2)
Stephen Covey (2)
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Suzan van de Rijt (2)
Teun van Aken (2)
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U.J.L. Reijnders (2)
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Yaohua Shi (2)
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Uitgeverij Pica (9)
STC Publishing (8)
Amsterdam University P... (7)
John Wiley and Sons Lt... (7)
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Concept uitgeefgroep (6)
Expertboek (6)
Intertaal (6)
McGraw-Hill (6)
Springer (6)
Uitgeverij Paris B.V. (6)
BIS Publishers (5)
Bloomsbury Publishing (5)
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Leuven University Pres... (5)
Penguin (5)
Cengage Learning (4)
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MK Publishing (4)
Pelckmans (4)
S2 Uitgevers (4)
Acco uitgeverij (3)
CLE International (3)
Cheng & Tsui Company (3)
Lannoo (3)
Prelum Uitgevers (3)
Tijdstroom, Uitgeverij... (3)
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Universitaire Pers Leu... (3)
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Books on Demand (2)
Boom Beroepsonderwijs (2)
BreinDok (2)
Cheng & Tsui (2)
De Argumentenfabriek (2)
Hachette (2)
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J.M. Meulenhoff (2)
John Wiley & Sons Inc (2)
Kogan Page Ltd (2)
Lippincott Williams an... (2)
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SVH (2)
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Educatieve uitgaven al... (8)
Geschiedenis algemeen (8)
Taalkunde (8)
Economie, recht en bed... (7)
Theologie algemeen (7)
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Wiskunde algemeen (7)
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Non-fictie informatief... (6)
Recht algemeen (6)
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Bedrijfskunde algemeen (5)
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Kunstzinnige vorming a... (3)
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Onderwijskunde (3)
Pedagogiek (3)
Sociale geografie alge... (3)
Technische en nautisch... (3)
(Instrumentele) vaardi... (2)
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Basisschool (2)
Buitenlandse talen, le... (2)
Computertechniek (2)
Creatief denken (2)
Databases (2)
Exacte vakken en infor... (2)
Exacte vakken en infor... (2)
Exacte vakken en infor... (2)
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Gezondheid algemeen (2)
Gezondheidsvakken, lic... (2)
Industrieel ontwerpen (2)
Jeugd (2)
Klinische psychologie (2)
Leidinggeven, coachen|... (2)
Literaire non-fictie a... (2)
Minderheden, racisme, ... (2)
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PABO (13)
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Pastoraal Werk (3)
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Ad Ondernemen (2)
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Chemie (2)
Chemische Technologie (2)
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International Business... (2)
International Business... (2)
International Tourism ... (2)
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Management in de Zorg (2)
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Master in Internationa... (2)
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Sociaal Werk in de Zor... (2)
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Voeding en Dietetiek (2)
Nederlands (525)
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Duits (12)
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Studieboeken (884)

Een overzicht van studieboeken die relevant zijn binnen het onderwijs.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen
met 5% korting 14,73

School, ouders en wijk: samen opvoeden

Op weg naar een vreedzame opvoedgemeenschap

2018 || Paperback || Leo Pauw || SWP || met inkijkexemplaar

Dit boek wil een pleidooi zijn voor een opvoedgemeenschap: een gelijkwaardige samenwerking tussen ouders, school en wijk rondom de opvoeding van kinderen. Het wil ook een concrete handreiking zijn dat een antwoord geeft op de vraag hoe we rondom basisscholen kunnen komen tot een échte gezamenlijke opvoedingsverantwoordelijkheid.

Er lijkt het een en ander te zijn misgegaan in de samenwerking tussen ouders, school en wijk rondom de opvoeding van kinderen het afgelopen decennium. Ondanks de gro...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen
met 5% korting 27,54

'Heb je een boze moslim voor mij?' / Druk 1

Over inclusieve journalistiek

2018 || Paperback || Zoe Papaikonomou e.a. || Amsterdam University Press || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook

Wat betekent het voor het nieuws als alle nieuwsmakers op elkaar lijken? Welke verhalen missen we daardoor als publiek? En hoe betrouwbaar en zorgvuldig kunnen journalisten de samenleving verslaan wanneer zij een blinde vlek hebben voor een deel van die samenleving?

In'Heb je een boze moslim voor mij?' onderzoeken onderzoeksjournalist Zoë Papaikonomou en onderzoeker Annebregt Dijkman waarom het (actualiteiten)media nog steeds niet lukt om diverser te worden, zowel in de afspiegeling van reda...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Integrated Population Biology and Modeling, Part A

Volume 39

2018 || Hardcover || Arni S.R. Srinivasa Rao e.a. || Elsevier

Integrated Population Biology and Modeling: Part A offers very complex and precise realities of quantifying modern and traditional methods of understanding populations and population dynamics. Chapters cover emerging topics of note, including Longevity dynamics, Modeling human-environment interactions, Survival Probabilities from 5-Year Cumulative Life Table Survival Ratios (Tx+5/Tx): Some Innovative Methodological Investigations, Cell migration Models, Evolutionary Dynamics of Cancer Cells, ...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Managing Information Security

2018 || Paperback || John Vacca || Syngress Media

Managing Information Security offers focused coverage of how to protect mission critical systems, and how to deploy security management systems, IT security, ID management, intrusion detection and prevention systems, computer forensics, network forensics, firewalls, penetration testing, vulnerability assessment, and more. It offers in-depth coverage of the current technology and practice as it relates to information security management solutions. Individual chapters are authored by leading ex...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Human Molecular Genetics / 5th edition

2018 || Paperback || Tom Strachan || Taylor & Francis

Human Molecular Genetics has been carefully crafted over successive editions to provide an authoritative introduction to the molecular aspects of human genetics, genomics and cell biology. Maintaining the features that have made previous editions so popular, this fifth edition has been completely updated in line with the latest developments in the field. Older technologies such as cloning and hybridization have been merged and summarized, coverage of newer DNA sequencing technologies has been...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Game Engine Architecture / 3rd Edition

2018 || Hardcover || Jason Gregory || Taylor & Francis

New to this edition: update the section on game console HW, extend the rendering chapter, include a section on 2D GUI, new chapter on multiplayer networking, more coverage of the Unity game engine.In this new and improved third edition of the highly popular Game Engine Architecture, Jason Gregory draws on his nearly two decades of experience at Midway, Electronic Arts and Naughty Dog to present both the theory and practice of game engine software development. In this book, the broad range of ...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Towards a Posthuman Theory of Educational Relationality

Cutting Through Water

2018 || Hardcover || Simon Ceder || Taylor & Francis

Towards a Posthuman Theory of Educational Relationality critically reads the intersubjective theories on educational relations and uses a posthuman approach to ascribe agency relationally to humans and nonhumans alike. The book introduces the concept of 'educational relationality' and contains examples of nonhuman elements of technology and animals, putting educational relationality and other concepts into context as part of the philosophical investigation. Drawing on educational and posthuma...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen
met 5% korting 41,03

Language and Power / 2nd edition

A Resource Book for Students

2018 || Paperback || Paul Simpson e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Routledge English Language Introductions cover core areas of language study and are one-stop resources for students. Assuming no prior knowledge, books in the series offer an accessible overview of the subject, with activities, study questions, sample analyses, commentaries and key readings all in the same volume. The innovative and flexible two-dimensional structure is built around four sections introduction, development, exploration and extension which offer self-contained stages for study.


Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's Dictionary / 9th edition

2018 || Paperback || Collins || HarperCollins

The 9th edition of the Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's Dictionary has been revised and updated to include detailed coverage of today's English in a clear, attractive format. Ideal for upper intermediate and advanced learners of English, this dictionary covers all the words, phrases and idioms that students need to master in order to speak and write effective English. Thousands of updated examples taken from the 4.5- billion word Collins Corpus, show learners how the words are used in authe...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Encyclopedia of Cancer

2018 || Hardcover || Paolo Boffetta e.a. || Elsevier

Encyclopedia of Cancer, Third Edition, provides a comprehensive, up-to-date overview of the multiple facets of the disease, including research, treatment and societal impact. This new edition comprises 180 contributions from renown experts who present the latest in Mechanisms, Hallmarks of Cancer, Causes of Cancer, Prevention and Control, Diagnosis and Therapy, Pathology and the Genetics of specific Cancers. Readers will find a comprehensive overview of the main areas of oncology, including e...