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Studieboeken (58)
Een overzicht van studieboeken die relevant zijn binnen het onderwijs.
morgen verzonden
Olijven moet je leren lezen
een cursus genieten van poëzie
2016 || Paperback || Ellen Deckwitz || Atlas Contact || met inkijkexemplaar
Honderdduizenden Nederlanders en Vlamingen schrijven gedichten. Maar wie leest ze? Ellen Deckwitz gelooft dat we wel willen maar niet kunnen en verschaft in 'Olijven moet je leren lezen' een cursus genieten van poëzie. Het uitgeklede literatuuronderwijs heeft ons nooit geleerd hoe we een gedicht moeten lezen. En dus denken we bijvoorbeeld dat een gedicht alles mag betekenen. Of dat songteksten altijd poëzie zijn, terwijl de meeste weinig meer doen dan alledaagsheden herkauwen. Tijd om dat t...
Technology Management / 2nd edition
Activities and Tools
2016 || Paperback || Dilek Cetindamar e.a. || Bloomsbury Publishing
This is an exciting and innovative core textbook that focuses on the micro-level analysis of TM as a dynamic capability. Now in its second edition and fully updated throughout, it systematically addresses the major tools and techniques needed for businesses to successfully conduct TM activities. Arguing that there is no single best way to manage technology in a company and there is no mechanistic route to success, this accessible handbook provides a wealth of resources designed to increase th...
Designing for Growth
A Design Thinking Tool Kit for Managers
2016 || Hardcover || Jeanne Liedtka e.a. || Columbia University Press
Jeanne Liedtka and Tim Ogilvie educate readers in one of the hottest trends in business: "design thinking," or the ability to turn abstract ideas into practical applications for maximal business growth. Liedtka and Ogilvie cover the mind-set, techniques, and vocabulary of design thinking, unpack the mysterious connection between design and growth, and teach managers in a straightforward way how to exploit design's exciting potential. Exemplified by Apple and the success of its elegant product...
The Brain
The Story of You
2016 || Paperback || David Eagleman || Canongate Books
'This is the story of how your life shapes your brain, and how your brain shapes your life.'Join renowned neuroscientist David Eagleman on a whistle-stop tour of the inner cosmos. It's a journey that will take you into the world of extreme sports, criminal justice, genocide, brain surgery, robotics, and the search for immortality. On the way, amidst the infinitely dense tangle of brain cells and their trillions of connections, something emerges that you might not have expected to see: you.
Managing Obstetric Emergencies and Trauma / 3rd revised edition
The MOET Course Manual
2016 || Paperback || Sara Paterson-Brown e.a. || Cambridge University Press
Systematically and comprehensively covering the management of life-threatening emergencies of pregnancy, this updated revision of the third edition gives readers the skills they need to save both mother and fetus. The clear step-by-step advice is invaluable for anyone facing obstetric emergencies, whether in training or experienced.
Programming in Haskell / 2nd edition
2016 || Paperback || Graham Hutton || Cambridge University Press
Haskell is a purely functional language that allows programmers to rapidly develop clear, concise, and correct software. The language has grown in popularity in recent years, both in teaching and in industry. This book is based on the author's experience of teaching Haskell for more than twenty years.
All concepts are explained from first principles and no programming experience is required, making this book accessible to a broad spectrum of readers. While Part I focuses on basic concepts, Pa...
Think Python / 2nd edition
How to Think Like a Computer Scientist
2016 || Paperback || Allen B. Downey || O'Reilly
If you want to learn how to program, working with Python is an excellent way to start. This hands-on guide takes you through the language a step at a time, beginning with basic programming concepts before moving on to functions, recursion, data structures, and object-oriented design. This second edition and its supporting code have been updated for Python 3.
Through exercises in each chapter, you'll try out programming concepts as you learn them. Think Python is ideal for students at the high...
De Platformsamenleving, Strijd om publieke waarden in een online wereld
strijd om publieke waarden in een online wereld
2016 || Paperback || José van Dijck e.a. || Amsterdam University Press
Van Airbnb tot Uber, en van Nextdoor tot Facebook, een steeds groter deel van het maatschappelijk en economisch verkeer verloopt via online platformen.
De opkomst van deze platformen leidt tot optimistische vertogen. Doordat ze bestaande praktijken en instituties - van taximarkt tot lokale democratie - letterlijk en figuurlijk 'ontregelen', zouden deze platforms leiden tot economische en maatschappelijke innovatie. Kort samengevat luidt hun belofte: minder overhead en minder overheid.
Wat in...