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Studieboeken (47)
Een overzicht van studieboeken die relevant zijn binnen het onderwijs.
First Trainer Six Practice Tests with Answers with Audio / 2nd edition
2014 || Paperback || Peter May || Cambridge University Press
Six full practice tests with tips and training for the 2015 revised Cambridge English: First (FCE). First Trainer Second edition offers six practice tests for the revised Cambridge English: First (FCE) exam combined with easy-to-follow guidance and exam tips. The first two tests are fully guided with advice on how to tackle each paper.
Extra practice activities, informed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus, a bank of real candidates' exam papers, focus on areas where students typically need the m...
Diagnosis and Management of Ocular Motility Disorders / 4th Edition
2023 || Hardcover || A Ansons || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
This comprehensive, clinically-grounded textbook, now in its fourth edition, supports orthoptists and ophthalmologists in decision-making through the patient care process, from presentation to discharge. Written by authors with extensive experience in teaching and research, Diagnosis and Management of Ocular Motility Disorders offers a clear and practical overview of assessment and management principles and further explores the clinical features of specific disorders, from amblyopia and infan...
Doing a Successful Research Project / 2nd Edition
Using Qualitative or Quantitative Methods
2014 || Paperback || Martin Brett Davies e.a. || Bloomsbury Publishing
This straightforward, student-friendly guide contains all the practical advice for successfully undertaking a research project, leading students through all the stages of the research process. The second edition of this no-nonsense textbook supports students in conducting their own research projects, whatever discipline they are from. Describing processes, tools and strategies in a simple, succinct way, it supports the reader carefully through the planning and design stages, to implementation...
Reading Between the Signs
Intercultural Communication for Sign Language Interpreters
2022 || Paperback || Anna Mindess || John Murray Press
In Reading Between the Signs, Anna Mindess provides a perspective on a culture that is not widely understood - American Deaf culture. With the collaboration of three distinguished Deaf consultants, Mindess explores the implications of cultural differences at the intersection of the Deaf and hearing worlds.
Een scene schoppen / Druk 1
Theorie en praktijk van het participatief drama
2014 || Paperback || Luc Opdebeeck e.a. || Formaat
Het boek ‘Een scene schoppen’ is een handleiding om met Participatief Drama aan de slag te gaan. Je krijgt tools mee om drama en theater in te zetten om te activeren, dialoog te stimuleren, en aan te zetten tot nadenken én handelen.
Het boek bevat:
•175 oefeningen om op de vloer met groepen te werken
•Filosofie van Participatief Drama
•Theorie van de methodiek
Participatief Drama wordt steeds bekender, meer geÃ...
Gower Handbook of Project Management / 5th edition
2014 || Hardcover || Rodney Turner || Taylor & Francis
This Handbook was the first APM Body of Knowledge Approved title for the Association for Project Management. Over the course of five editions, Gower Handbook of Project Management has become the definitive desk reference for project management practitioners. The Handbook gives an introduction to, and overview of, the essential knowledge required for managing projects.
The team of expert contributors, selected to introduce the reader to the knowledge and skills required to manage projects, inc...
Beademing / Druk 3
Een praktische handleiding
2014 || Paperback || Diederik Gommers e.a. || Stichting Venti-Care
Beademen komt niet alleen veel op de intensive care voor, maar ook op de spoedeisende hulp, de recovery, de operatiekamer en in de ambulance. Om veilig te kunnen beademen is een goed basisbegrip van groot belang.
Na het lezen van dit boek kom je beslagen ten ijs en heeft beademen voor jou geen geheimen meer. Achtereenvolgens komen de fysiologie van de ademhaling, de verschillende beademingsmodi, de behandeling en zorg voor de beademingspatiënt en een aantal praktijkvoorbeelden van curven en ...