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Studieboeken (364)
Een overzicht van studieboeken die relevant zijn binnen het onderwijs.
morgen verzonden
Teaching English Literature 16-19
An essential guide
2013 || Paperback || Carol Atherton e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Teaching English Literature 16 - 19 is an essential new resource that is suitable for use both as an introductory guide for those new to teaching literature and also as an aid to reflection and renewal for more experienced teachers. Using the central philosophy that students will learn best when actively engaged in discussion and encouraged to apply what they have learnt independently, this highly practical new text contains: discussion of the principles behind the teaching of literature at t...
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Objectif Express 1 - nouvelle édition A1/A2 (DVD/ROM inclus)
2013 || Paperback || Beatrice Tauzin e.a. || Hachette
Allez à l’essentiel avec cette méthode intensive de français pour débutants en contexte professionnel ou en préparation à la vie active !
Structure du livre de l'élève + DVD-ROM :
Avec un nouveau look et des contenus actualisés pour prendre en compte les évolutions du monde de l’entreprise française, la nouvelle édition d'Objectif Express 1 propose une parfaite association entre le français de tous les jours et le français de l'entreprise.
10 unités basées sur une thé...
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Buckling of Ship Structures
2013 || Paperback || Mohamed Shama || Springer
Buckling of Ship Structures presents a comprehensive analysis of the buckling problem of ship structural members. A full analysis of the various types of loadings and stresses imposed on ship plating and primary and secondary structural members is given. The main causes and consequences of the buckling mode of failure of ship structure and the methods commonly used to control buckling failure are clarified.
This book contains the main equations required to determine the critical buckling stre...
morgen verzonden
Van probleem naar oplossing (Werkboek)
In vijf stappen naar psychisch evenwicht
2013 || Paperback || Paul Rijnders e.a. || Boom
Met dit protocol kunt u als therapeut psychische klachten behandelen volgens het concept van kortdurende psychologische interventies (KPI).
morgen verzonden
Forensic Chemistry / 2nd edition
Pearson New International Edition
2013 || Paperback || Suzanne Bell || Pearson
Written specifically for the undergraduate course in Forensic Chemistry, Bell's Forensic Chemistry, Second Edition provides a solid foundation for basic chemistry, introducing chemical concepts and practices from a forensic perspective (including multivariate statistics, quality assurance/quality control, and protocols used in working forensic laboratories). It offers students insight into the legal context in which forensic chemistry is conducted, the variety of types of samples and matrices...
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Conceptual Physics Fundamentals / 1st edition
2013 || Paperback || Paul G. Hewitt || Pearson
From Paul G. Hewitt, author of the market-leading Conceptual Physics, comes his eagerly awaited new text,Conceptual Physics Fundamentals. This briefer, alternative text provides the depth, topic coverage, and features requested by instructors teaching courses that are shorter and that include more quantitative material.
The text extends best-selling author Paul Hewitt's proven pedagogical approach, straight-forward learning features, approachable style, and rigorous coverage, while providing ...
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Demand Control Schema
Interpreting as a Practice Profession
2013 || Paperback || Robyn K. Dean e.a. || Createspace
The authors have been developing the demand control schema (DC-S) and their practice-profession approach to community interpreting since 1995. With its early roots pertaining to occupational health in the interpreting field, DC-S has evolved into a holistic work analysis framework which guides interpreters in their development of ethical and effective decision-making skills. Adapted from Robert Karasek’s demand control theory, this textbook is the culmination of nearly two decades of work, ...
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Ik, de leraar
2013 || Paperback || Marcel van Herpen || Centrum Pedagogisch Contact
Dit is een verhaal uit liefde voor het vak van leraar, uit liefde voor de kinderen. Om het onderwijs de goede kant op te krijgen, is de strategie eenvoudig: als we niet de goede kant opgaan, moeten we omdraaien. Als jij het doet, kunnen anderen volgen. In dit boek vind je praktijkverhalen en een heldere visie over hoe het uitsluiten van kinderen kan worden tegengegaan. Het dient als steun en legitimering om samen te draaien.
Het is de tijd waarin er op veel plekken in het onderwijs eenzijdig ...
morgen verzonden
Fundamentals of Differential Equations / 6th edition
and Boundary Value Problems: Pearson New International Edition
2013 || Paperback || R. Nagle e.a. || Pearson
Fundamentals of Differential Equations presents the basic theory of differential equations and offers a variety of modern applications in science and engineering. Available in two versions, these flexible texts offer the instructor many choices in syllabus design, course emphasis (theory, methodology, applications, and numerical methods), and in using commercially available computer software. Fundamentals of Differential Equations, Eighth Edition is suitable for a one-semester sophomore- or j...
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Electronics Fundamentals / 8th edition
Circuits, Devices & Applications
2013 || Paperback || Thomas Floyd e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook
For DC/AC Circuits courses requiring a comprehensive, all inclusive text covering basic DC/AC Circuit fundamentals with additional chapters on Devices. This renowned text offers a comprehensive yet practical exploration of basic electrical and electronic concepts, hands-on applications, and troubleshooting. Written in a clear and accessible narrative, the Seventh Edition focuses on fundamental principles and their applications to solving real circuit analysis problems, and devotes six chapter...