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Studieboeken (51)
Een overzicht van studieboeken die relevant zijn binnen het onderwijs.
HR from the Outside In
Six Competencies for the Future of Human Resources
2012 || Hardcover || David Ulrich e.a. || McGraw-Hill
A must read for any HR executive. This research-based competency model is particularly compelling because it is informed by the perspective of non-HR executives and stakeholders.
The C++ Standard Library / 2nd edition
A Tutorial and Reference
2012 || Hardcover || Nicolai M. Josuttis || Pearson
The Best-Selling C++ Resource Now Updated for C++11 The C++ standard library provides a set of common classes and interfaces that greatly extend the core C++ language. The library, however, is not self-explanatory. To make full use of its components-and to benefit from their power-you need a resource that does far more than list the classes and their functions. The C++ Standard Library: A Tutorial and Reference, Second Edition, describes this library as now incorporated into the new ANSI/ISO ...
Equine Behavior / 2nd edition
A Guide for Veterinarians and Equine Scientists
2012 || Hardcover || Paul McGreevy || Elsevier
Equine Behavior: A Guide for Veterinarians and Equine Scientists is written for all those who really want to know what makes horses tick. Behavioral problems in the stable and under saddle are of concern to equine veterinarians worldwide because they lead to welfare issues, abuse and ultimately wastage. Equine veterinarians, trainers and handlers must be aware of each horse's behavior as a first step in detection of problems, whether they are clinical maladies or training issues.
As they cons...
Food Packaging / 3rd Edition
Principles and Practice
2012 || Hardcover || Gordon L. Robertson || Taylor & Francis
Food Packaging: Principles and Practice, Third Edition presents a comprehensive and accessible discussion of food packaging principles and their applications. Integrating concepts from chemistry, microbiology, and engineering, it continues in the tradition of its bestselling predecessors and has been completely revised to include new, updated, and expanded content and provide a detailed overview of contemporary food packaging technologies. Features Covers the packaging requirements of all maj...
Atlas of Normal Roentgen Variants That May Simulate Disease / 9th edition
Expert Consult - Enhanced Online Features and Print
2012 || Hardcover || Theodore E. Keats e.a. || Elsevier
Seeing is believing with the Atlas of Normal Roentgen Variants That May Simulate Disease, edited by the late Theodore Keats and Mark W. Anderson. Now streamlined into a more concise, portable print format, with a wealth of additional content online, this medical reference book's thousands of images capture the roentgenographic presentation of a full range of normal variants and pseudo-lesions that may resemble pathologic conditions, helping you avoid false positives.
You'd be hard pressed to ...
Introduction To Dynamic Meteorology / 5th edition
Volume 88
2012 || Hardcover || James R. Holton e.a. || Elsevier
During the past decade, the science of dynamic meteorology has continued its rapid advance. The scope of dynamic meteorology has broadened considerably. Much of the material is based on a two-term course for seniors majoring in atmospheric sciences.
This book presents a cogent explanation of the fundamentals of meteorology and explains storm dynamics for weather-oriented meteorologists. It discusses climate dynamics and the implications posed for global change. The new edition has added a com...
Project Psychology
Using Psychological Models and Techniques to Create a Successful Project
2012 || Hardcover || Sharon De Mascia || Taylor & Francis
Why do carefully planned projects fail? Projects are affected, for good or ill, by the humans who undertake them. If the plan fails to take account of the psychology of managing people and the psychology of managing change there may be trouble ahead. Sharon De Mascia's Project Psychology uses human behaviour and emerging psychological models to provide an insight into the successful management of people in projects.
By selecting the right team, facilitating a common vision and by gaining a ps...
Religion in Public Spaces
A European Perspective
2012 || Hardcover || Silvio Ferrari e.a. || Taylor & Francis
This timely volume discusses the much debated and controversial subject of the presence of religion in the public sphere. The book is divided in three sections. In the first the public/private distinction is studied mainly from a theoretical point of view, through the contributions of lawyers, philosophers and sociologists.
In the following sections their proposals are tested through the analysis of two case studies, religious dress codes and places of worship. These sections include discussi...
Mathematical Methods for Physicists : A Comprehensive Guide
2012 || Hardcover || George B. Arfken e.a. || Elsevier
Now in its 7th edition, Mathematical Methods for Physicists continues to provide all the mathematical methods that aspiring scientists and engineers are likely to encounter as students and beginning researchers. This bestselling text provides mathematical relations and their proofs essential to the study of physics and related fields. While retaining the key features of the 6th edition, the new edition provides a more careful balance of explanation, theory, and examples.
Taking a problem-solv...
Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and an Introduction to Chaos / 3rd edition
2012 || Hardcover || Morris W. Hirsch e.a. || Elsevier
Hirsch, Devaney, and Smale’s classic Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and an Introduction to Chaos has been used by professors as the primary text for undergraduate and graduate level courses covering differential equations. It provides a theoretical approach to dynamical systems and chaos written for a diverse student population among the fields of mathematics, science, and engineering. Prominent experts provide everything students need to know about dynamical systems as students...