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Een overzicht van studieboeken die relevant zijn binnen het onderwijs.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Global Economic History

A Very Short Introduction

2011 || Paperback || Robert C. Allen || Oxford University Press

Why are some countries rich and others poor? In 1500, the income differences were small, but they have grown dramatically since Columbus reached America. Since then, the interplay between geography, globalization, technological change, and economic policy has determined the wealth and poverty of nations. The industrial revolution was Britain's path breaking response to the challenge of globalization.

Western Europe and North America joined Britain to form a club ofrich nations by pursuing fou...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

A Student's Guide to Vectors and Tensors

2011 || Paperback || Daniel A. Fleisch || Cambridge University Press

Adopting the same approach used in his highly popular A Student's Guide to Maxwell's Equations, Fleisch explains vectors and tensors in plain language to give undergraduate and beginning graduate students a better understanding of how to use vectors and tensors to solve problems in physics and engineering.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen
met 5% korting 15,15

Het leren van wiskunde

Leren effectief lesgeven

2011 || Paperback || Toon Faes e.a. || Ten Brink Uitgevers

Dit werkboek kan gebruikt worden als studentenmateriaal bij een introductiecursus over de didactiek van de wiskunde. Bedoeling van de cursus is om de studenten een aantal aandachtspunten mee te geven bij het bekijken van wiskundeboeken, bij het observeren van lessen en bij het analyseren van leerstof voordat ze lesvoorbereidingen voor volledige lessen moeten maken. Lesvoorbereiden zonder deze voorkennis blijft een vormkwestie zonder didactische inhoud.

Geprobeerd is aan het begin van elk hoof...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

The Sociology of News / 2nd edition

2020 || Paperback || Michael Schudson || W. W. Norton & Company

The Sociology of News reviews and synthesizes not only what is happening to journalism but also what is happening to the scholarly understanding of journalism. In the Second Edition, each chapter of the book has been updated to account for the radical changes that have reshaped the news industry over the last decade. With a new chapter on the sharp contraction of the news business in the United States since 2007, The Sociology of News examines journalism as a social institution and analyzes t...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Essential Hindi Dictionary: Teach Yourself


2011 || Paperback || Rupert Snell || John Murray Press

With over 14,000 translations, including everyday idioms and expressions, Essential Hindi Dictionary is the perfect tool to support your Hindi learning. This updated edition has a new page design, a guide to usage, and insights fromthe author to help you learn and remember new words and phrases.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Contemporary Issues in Human Resource Management / 1st edition

2011 || Paperback || Stephen Taylor || Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development

Contemporary Issues in Human Resource Management is uniquely holistic in its approach to advanced HRM and takes the reader logically through a wide variety of practical issues and functions that affect HR practitioners. Topics addressed include competition and choice, people and skills, regulation and public policy, social trends, engaging people, managing an international workforce, and developing and implementing HR strategies. It is an essential one-stop resource that clearly evaluates the...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Brilliant Workplace Skills for Students & Graduates

How to Hit the Ground Running from Your First Day on the Job

2011 || Paperback || Bill Kirton || Pearson

This title is split into three parts. The first part deals with the basics of meeting and greeting communications, the second looks at problem solving and verbal communications. Finally part three deals with team work, and managing your boss, your customers and yourself.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms / 3rd International Edition

2011 || Paperback || Anany Levitin || Pearson

Based on a new classification of algorithm design techniques and a clear delineation of analysis methods, Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms presents the subject in a coherent and innovative manner. Written in a student-friendly style, the book emphasises the understanding of ideas over excessively formal treatment while thoroughly covering the material required in an introductory algorithms course. Popular puzzles are used to motivate students' interest and strengthen thei...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

The Routledge Concise History of World Literature

2011 || Paperback || Theo D'haen || Taylor & Francis

This remarkably broad and informative book offers an introduction to and overview of World Literature. Tracing the term from its earliest roots and situating it within a number of relevant contexts from postcolonialism to postmodernism, Theo Dhaen examines: the return of the term "world literature" and its changing meaning Goethes concept of Weltliteratur and how this relates to current debatestheories and theorists who have had an impact on world literaturenon-canonical and less-known litera...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Ethnographic Methods / 2nd Edition

2011 || Paperback || Karen O'Reilly || Taylor & Francis

This new edition of Karen O'Reilly's popular Ethnographic Methods provides a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the technical, practical and philosophical issues that arise when employing traditional and innovative research methods in relation to human agents. Using a wide range of case studies and source material to illustrate the dilemmas and resolutions that an ethnographic researcher may encounter, this textbook guides the reader from the initial design and planning stages throu...