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Studieboeken (181)
Een overzicht van studieboeken die relevant zijn binnen het onderwijs.
morgen verzonden
Universal Principles of Design / 2nd edition
125 Ways to Enhance Usability, Influence Perception, Increase Appeal, Make Better Design Decisions, and Teach through Design
2010 || Paperback || William Lidwell e.a. || Rockport Publishers Inc.
Whether a marketing campaign or a museum exhibit, a video game or a complex control system, the design we see is the culmination of many concepts and practices brought together from a variety of disciplines. Because no one can be an expert on everything, designers have always had to scramble to find the information and know-how required to make a design work-until now. Universal Principles of Design is the first comprehensive, cross-disciplinary encyclopedia of design. Richly illustrated and ...
morgen verzonden
Le Hollandais Sans Peine
2010 || Paperback || Marie-Aude Murail || Ecole des Loisirs
Vous avez de 6 à 9 ans, vous voulez réussir dans la vie et vous savez qu'il faut pour cela apprendre les langues étrangères. Mais vous ne voulez pas trop vous fatiguer. Alors lisez cette histoire, rencontrez Jean-Charles qui a pu, le même été, apprendre le hollandais, se faire dispenser de devoirs de vacances, se couvrir de gloire et jouer un bon tour a son papa. Un livre pour les enfants qui aiment déjà lire tout seuls.
morgen verzonden
Cross-Media Communications
An Introduction to the Art of Creating Integrated Media Experiences
2010 || Paperback || Drew Davidson || Lulu.Com
This text is an introduction to the future of mass media and mass communications - cross-media communications. Cross-media is explained through the presentation and analysis of contemporary examples and project-based tutorials in cross-media development. The text introduces fundamental terms and concepts, and provides a solid overview of cross-media communications, one that builds from a general introduction to a specific examination of media and genres to a discussion of the concepts involve...
morgen verzonden
Developing a Business Case
2010 || Paperback || Harvard Business Review || Harvard Business Review Press
How do you decide the best course of action for your company to take advantage of new opportunities? You must develop a business case to explore multiple alternatives before making a recommendation to support a particular option. This book shows you how to use a business case to define an opportunity, identify and analyze alternatives, and present your final recommendation to key stakeholders. You'll learn to - Clearly define the opportunity you'll want to address in your business case - Iden...
Japan Transformed
Political Change and Economic Restructuring
2010 || Paperback || Frances Rosenbluth e.a. || Princeton University Press
With little domestic fanfare and even less attention internationally, Japan has been reinventing itself since the 1990s, dramatically changing its political economy, from one managed by regulations to one with a neoliberal orientation. Rebuilding from the economic misfortunes of its recent past, the country retains a formidable economy and its political system is healthier than at any time in its history. Japan Transformed explores the historical, political, and economic forces that led to th...
Linear and Dynamical Systems, Optimization and Games - Second Edition
2024 || Paperback || P. Borm e.a. || Pearson
This custom product has been designed to help you succeed. It includes top-notch Pearson content written by renowned authors, plus amazing case studies and articles. Our team works hard with your school and professors to aid your studies. Get ahead now and give your education a boost!
Philosophy in the Middle Ages
2010 || Paperback || Arthur Hyman e.a. || Hackett Publishing Co, Inc
Suitable for the teaching of medieval philosophy, this title features judicious selections and translations based on critical editions.
Conducting Research In Conservation
Social Science Methods and Practice
2010 || Paperback || Helen Newing || Taylor & Francis
Focuses on social science research methods. This title contains a section on planning a research project that includes chapters on the need for social science research in conservation, defining a research topic, methodology, and sampling. It also focuses on practical issues in carrying out fieldwork with local communities.
Conducting Research in Conservation is the first textbook on social science research methods written specifically for use in the expanding and increasingly multidisciplinar...
Feedback and Control for Everyone
2010 || Paperback || Pedro Albertos e.a. || Springer
Confidence is good, but to be in control is better! Our journey to write a general introduction to control and feedback started with the realisation that in our chosen field of study the proponents have taken little time to project the main ideas outside the community of the initiated. We are constantly - minded of the fact that there is no general awareness of control engineering, or c- trol technology, despite its ubiquity when we try to introduce ourselves as control engineers. Invariably ...
Managing Voluntary Sport Organizations
2010 || Paperback || Leigh Robinson e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Contemporary sport could not function without the involvement of voluntary organizations, from local grass-roots clubs to international agencies such as the International Olympic Committee. Management of this sector continues to undergo profound change, largely in response to the challenges of professionalization and increasing expectations in terms of transparency, accountability and ethical behaviour. This book fills a significant gap in the literature on sport management by setting out the...