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Studieboeken (40)
Een overzicht van studieboeken die relevant zijn binnen het onderwijs.
The Scarlet Letter
2009 || Paperback || Nathaniel Hawthorne || Dover Publications Inc.
An "A" for "adultery" marks Hester Prynne as an outcast from the society of colonial Boston. Although forced by the puritanical town fathers to wear a bright red badge of shame, Hester steadfastly resists their efforts to discover the identity of her baby's father. The return of her long-absent spouse brings new pressure on the young mother, as the aggrieved husband undertakes a long-term plot to reveal Hester's partner in adultery and force him to share her disgrace.
Masterful in its symboli...
History: A Very Short Introduction
A Very Short Introduction
2000 || Paperback || John H. Arnold || Oxford University Press
There are many stories we can tell about the past, and we are not, perhaps, as free as we might imagine in our choice of which stories to tell, or where those stories end. John Arnold's Very Short Introduction is a stimulating essay about how we study and understand history. The book begins by inviting us to think about various questions provoked by our investigation of history, and explores the ways these questions have been answered in the past.
Concepts such as causation, interpretation, a...
The Worldly Philosophers
The Lives, Times, and Ideas of the Great Economic Thinkers
2022 || Paperback || Robert L Heilbroner || Penguin
The final revision of this classic bestseller, the 7th edition defines the common thread linking the world's greatest economic thinkers and explores the philosophies that motivate them. Hailed by Galbraith as a "brilliant achievement", The Worldly Philosophers with over 2 million copies sold worldwide, not only enables us to see more deeply into our history, but helps us to better understand our own times. Heilbroner provides the new theme that connects thinkers as different as Adam Smith and...
Good Morning, Midnight
2000 || Paperback || Jean Rhys || Penguin
Jean Rhys's Good Morning Midnight is an unforgettable portrait of a woman bravely confronting loneliness and despair in her quest for self-determinationIn 1930s Paris, where one cheap hotel room is very like another, a young woman is teaching herself indifference. She has escaped personal tragedy and has come to France to find courage and seek independence. She tells herself to expect nothing, especially not kindness, least of all from men.
Tomorrow, she resolves, she will dye her hair blonde...
Difficult Conversations
How to Discuss What Matters Most
2023 || Paperback || Bruce Patton e.a. || Penguin
What is a difficult conversation? Asking for a pay rise, saying 'no' to your boss or spouse, confronting a friend or neighbor, asking a difficult favor, apologizing. This book helps you to turn your difficult conversations into positive, problem-solving experiences.
To the Lighthouse
2000 || Paperback || Virginia Woolf || Penguin
For years now the Ramsays have spent every summer in their holiday home in Scotland, and they expect these summers will go on forever; but as the First World War looms, the integrity of family and society will be fatally challenged.
Corporate Governance Matters / 3rd edition
A Closer Look at Organizational Choices and Their Consequences
2023 || Paperback || David Larcker || Pearson
The Definitive Guide to High-Performance Corporate Governance Fully updated for the latest research, trends, and regulations, Corporate Governance Matters, Third Edition, offers comprehensive and objective information for everyone seeking to improve corporate governance--from directors to institutional investors to policymakers and researchers. To help you design highly effective governance, David Larcker and Brian Tayan thoroughly examine current options, reviewing what is and isn't known ab...
Encountering Religion / 1st edition
An Introduction to the Religions of the World
2000 || Paperback || Ian S. Markham e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
This comprehensive, user-friendly text introduces students to the principal world faiths. This text is cross-referenced to and can be used in conjunction with Markham's World Religions Reader, Second Edition as a complete teaching package for comparative religion courses.
Museums and the Interpretation of Visual Culture / 1st edition
2000 || Paperback || Eilean Hooper-Greenhill || Taylor & Francis
This is a multi-disciplinary study that adopts an innovative and original approach to a highly topical question, that of meaning-making in museums, focusing its attention on pedagogy and visual culture. This work explores such questions as:How and why is it that museums select and arrange artefacts, shape knowledge, construct a view?How do museums produce values? How do active audiences make meaning from what they experience in museums?This stimulating book provokes debate and discussion on t...
Toegepaste Wiskunde deel 3 Leerlingenboek
voor het hoger beroepsonderwijs
2000 || Paperback || J.H. Blankespoor || ThiemeMeulenhoff bv
Toegepaste wiskunde deel 3 vormt de schakel tussen de wiskunde in deel 1 en 2 enerzijds en de meer specialistische toepassingen van de wiskunde op fysisch en elektrotechnisch gebied in het hbo anderzijds.
- Verdieping voor met name Elektrotechniek en Informatica
- Diverse transformaties vanuit het tijdsdomein staan centraal
- Vaardigheden met getransformeerde modellen oefenen
- De meest gangbare transformaties worden behandeld
- Talloze vragen, opdrachten en Maple-voorbeelden
- Ondersteunt ze...