Studieboeken (19)
Een overzicht van studieboeken die relevant zijn binnen het onderwijs.
The Field Guide to Understanding 'Human Error' / 3rd edition
2014 || Paperback || Sidney Dekker || Taylor & Francis
When faced with a ’human error’ problem, you may be tempted to ask 'Why didn’t these people watch out better?' Or, 'How can I get my people more engaged in safety?' You might think you can solve your safety problems by telling your people to be more careful, by reprimanding the miscreants, by issuing a new rule or procedure and demanding compliance. These are all expressions of 'The Bad Apple Theory' where you believe your system is basically safe if it were not for those few unreliable...
The Routledge Introductory Course in Biblical Hebrew
2013 || Paperback || Lily Kahn || Taylor & Francis
The Routledge Introductory Course in Biblical Hebrew provides a comprehensive introduction to Biblical Hebrew language and texts. Combining a fresh and innovative approach with an in-depth treatment of the language, it presents the essentials of biblical grammar and vocabulary in an engaging and systematic way. Unlike other Biblical Hebrew courses, it is structured around a series of vibrant and memorable stories, with each story reinforced by grammar explanations, supportive exercises, and a...
Air Transport Management
An International Perspective
2020 || Paperback || Lucy Budd e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Air Transport Management: An International Perspective provides in-depth instruction in the diverse and dynamic area of commercial air transport management. The 2nd edition has been extensively revised and updated to reflect the latest developments in the sector. The textbook includes both introductory reference material and more advanced content so as to provide a solid foundation in the core principles and practices of air transport management.
This 2nd edition includes a new chapter on air...
Language and Power / 2nd edition
A Resource Book for Students
2018 || Paperback || Paul Simpson e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Routledge English Language Introductions cover core areas of language study and are one-stop resources for students. Assuming no prior knowledge, books in the series offer an accessible overview of the subject, with activities, study questions, sample analyses, commentaries and key readings all in the same volume. The innovative and flexible two-dimensional structure is built around four sections introduction, development, exploration and extension which offer self-contained stages for study.
Proactive Law for Managers
A Hidden Source of Competitive Advantage
2010 || Hardcover || George J Siedel || Taylor & Francis
Savvy managers no longer look at contracts and the law reactively but use them proactively to reduce their costs, minimize their risks, secure key talent, collaborate to innovate, protect intellectual property, and create value for their customers that is superior to that offered by competitors. To achieve competitive advantage in this way managers need a plan. Proactive Law for Managers provides this plan; The Manager's Legal PlanTM.
Dynamics of International Business
Comparative Perspectives of Firms, Markets and Entrepreneurship
2015 || Paperback || Andrea Colli || Taylor & Francis
The Dynamics of International Business offers a comparative, chronological overview of the strategic and structural evolution of international firms. Organized around eras of global economic development, the text synthesizes research on the internationalization of firms, highlighting crucial turning points in the evolution of the international economy. A particular emphasis is placed on the relationship between historical evidence and the theoretical frameworks available for its interpretation.
Each period is illustrated by a selection of short case studies from a variety of industry sectors, including the Levant Company, Nestle, Singer, Saint Gobain and NEC. An essential textbook for courses in business and economic history, this book will also be a valuable resource for scholars and students of international business more generall...
Teaching and Researching Reading / 3rd Edition
Applied Linguistics in Action
2019 || Paperback || William Grabe e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Now in its third edition, Teaching and Researching Reading charts the field of reading (first and second language) systematically and coherently for the benefit of language teaching practitioners, students, and researchers. This volume provides background on how reading works and how reading differs for second language learners. The volume includes reading-curriculum principles, evidence-based teaching ideas, and a multi-step iterative process for conducting meaningful action research on read...
Nonmarket Strategic Management
2017 || Paperback || Cosmina Lelia Voinea e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Strategic management has traditionally concerned itself with delivering objectives based on an assessment of resources and the market environment. However, there are many actors considered outside the firm that inevitably shape the dynamics within the market. Nonmarket strategies entail social, political, and legal arrangements that reinforce or enable market strategies, providing a comprehensive approach to improving performance and gaining a competitive advantage.
This book introduces nonma...
Understanding Prejudice and Education
The challenge for future generations
2016 || Paperback || Hughes || Taylor & Francis
What is prejudice in the 21st Century and how can education help to reduce it?This original text discusses prejudice in detail, offering a clear analysis of research and theory on prejudice and prejudice reduction, drawn from findings in social psychology, critical thinking and education. Presenting the underlying principle that prejudice can be reduced through the development of four core attributes – empathy, understanding, cognitive flexibility and metacognitive thought – the...