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Studieboeken (37)
Een overzicht van studieboeken die relevant zijn binnen het onderwijs.
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European Union Politics / 3rd edition
2020 || Paperback || John McCormick || Bloomsbury Publishing
Cutting through the jargon of EU politics, the third edition of this engaging and informative textbook examines the history, institutions, processes and politics of the European Union with unprecedented clarity. The EU is a fascinating political experiment in regional integration and it has changed our understanding of Europe, how Europeans relate to one another, the role Europe plays in global politics and has even shifted our understanding of politics itself. Helping to make sense of it all...
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Food and Beverage Management / 6th Edition
2018 || Paperback || Bernard Davis e.a. || Taylor & Francis
This introductory textbook provides a thorough guide to the management of food and beverage outlets, from their day-to-day running through to the wider concerns of the hospitality industry. It explores the broad range of subject areas that encompass the food and beverage market and its main sectors - fast food and casual dining, hotels and quality restaurants and event, industrial and welfare catering. It also looks at some of the important trends affecting the food and beverage industry, cov...
Concise Chemical Thermodynamics / 3rd edition
2010 || Paperback || A.P.H. Peters || Taylor & Francis
The first two editions of Concise Chemical Thermodynamics proved to be a very popular introduction to a subject many undergraduate students perceive to be difficult due to the underlying mathematics. With its concise explanations and clear examples, the text has for the past 40 years clarified for countless students one of the most complicated branches of science. Following in the tradition of its predecessors, this Third Edition continues to offer a practical, example-based exploration of a ...
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Hospitality Experience / Druk 3
An Introduction to hospitality management
2022 || Paperback || Frans Melissen e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
- Provides a complete overview of the hospitality industry;
- includes an extensive chapter on intercultural hospitality experiences;
- offers interesting analysis as well as engaging real-world examples.
Hospitality Experience is an exciting introduction to hospitality management. Step-by-step it shows students how to create and manage unique hospitality experiences. The book provides clear answers to important questions regarding hospitality management, beginning with what it is and who the...
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Intercultural Skills for International Business and International Relations (Heruitgave)
A manual with Exercises
2018 || Paperback || Paul Verluyten || Acco uitgeverij || met inkijkexemplaar
This introduction to intercultural communication in international business, international relations and other situations of cross-cultural contact features the following unique highlights:
• It is rooted in history and anthropology, allowing the reader to situate intercultural issues in a wider humanistic framework.
• It offers practical advice that will be directly helpful in concrete intercultural settings.
• It goes through great lengths to warn against oversimplification and stereot...
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Organizational Behaviour / 2nd edition
2017 || Paperback || Timothy Campbell e.a. || Pearson
This second European edition of this classic textbook brings the exceptional introduction to organizational behaviour written by the masters of the subject, and adapts it to meet the needs of students studying in Europe today. Fully updated and revised, this adaptation continues the tradition of making current, relevant research come alive for students, while maintaining its hallmark features - clear writing style, cutting-edge content and compelling pedagogy. This new edition offers real-lif...
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Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism / 8th edition
2021 || Paperback || Philip Kotler e.a. || Pearson
For courses in Hospitality Marketing, Tourism Marketing, Restaurant Marketing, or Hotel Marketing. Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism, 8e is the definitive source for hospitality marketing courses. Taking an integrative approach, this highly visual, four-color book discusses hospitality marketing from a team perspective, examining each hospitality department and its role in the marketing mechanism. These best-selling authors are known as leading marketing educators and their book, a glob...
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Operations Management / 13th global edition
Processes and Supply Chains
2021 || Paperback || Lee Krajewski e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook
A practical, easy-to-read text with a managerial approach to operations management For undergraduate and graduate course in operations management. Operations Management: Processes and Supply Chains provides students with a comprehensive framework for addressing operational process and supply chain issues and uses a systemised approach whilst focusing on issues of current interest. The 13th Edition provides ample opportunities for students to experience the role of a manager with challenging p...
HSK Standard Course 1 - Workbook
2014 || Paperback || Jiang Liping || Beijing University Press,China
HSK Standard course 1 workbook bevat oefeningen voor elk van de 15 lessen in het leerboek, één HSK niveau 1 proeftoets en één inleiding tot de HSK niveau 1 toets. Door dit boek te gebruiken, kunnen cursisten de kennis verwerven die nodig is voor de HSK niveau 1 toets en een beter begrip krijgen van de toets zelf. Het boek is geïllustreerd met foto's die overeenkomen met de stijl van de toets en is in kleur afgedrukt.
De luistergedeelten in het boek zijn voorzien van audio-opnamen, die k...
Handbook Of Nursing Diagnosis / 16th edition
2021 || Paperback || Lynda Juall Carpenito || Jones and Bartlett Publishers
Carpenito's best-selling, Handbook of Nursing Diagnosis, now in an impressive sixteenth edition, is the ideal quick reference for nursing diagnosis information. This handbook offers practical guidance on nursing diagnoses and associated care. The quick-reference type scope of content, makes it easy for students to use while in clinical, in the classroom or simulation lab.
From goals to specific interventions, Handbook of Nursing Diagnosis focuses on nursing. It provides a condensed, organized...