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Studieboeken (95)
Een overzicht van studieboeken die relevant zijn binnen het onderwijs.
morgen verzonden
Introduction to Geographical Information Systems / 4th edition
2011 || Paperback || Ian Heywood e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook
The fourth edition of this highly regarded and successful text continues to provide a clear and accessible introduction to the world of GIS for students and professionals. Focusing on the practical applications of GIS, this book features a wealth of multi-disciplinary case studies and examples of GIS in practice, demonstrating how it is used worldwide and within a variety of different industries.
The new edition has been substantially revised and updated to include coverage of the latest adva...
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Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence / 4th edition
2011 || Paperback || Ivan Bratko || Pearson
The fourth edition of this best-selling guide to Prolog and Artificial Intelligence has been updated to include key developments in the field while retaining its lucid approach to these topics. New and extended topics include Constraint Logic Programming, abductive reasoning and partial order planning. Divided into two parts, the first part of the book introduces the programming language Prolog, while the second part teaches Artificial Intelligence using Prolog as a tool for the implementatio...
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European environmental law / druk 4
after Lisbon
2020 || Hardcover || Jan H. Jans e.a. || Uitgeverij Paris B.V.
This leading monograph on European Environmental Law is now completely updated and revised. Taking into account new case law of the European Courts, recent environmental directives and regulations and the new provisions of the Lisbon Treaty. This book provides an in-depth analysis of important legal issues of European environmental law. What are the legal grounds for EU environmental policy and on what principles are directives and regulations based upon? To what extent precludes EU environme...
morgen verzonden
Sociology / 5th edition
A Global Introduction
2011 || Paperback || John Macionis e.a. || Pearson
Sociology: a global introduction represents a uniquely co-ordinated and complete learning resource for sociology students worldwide. International in outlook and culturally wide-ranging, it also reminds us that sociology is valuable. Unrivalled in breadth, it is a text of passion and sophistication helping you become an active, connected and critical learner.
Postsecular Cities
Space, Theory and Practice
2011 || Paperback || Justin Beaumont e.a. || Continuum Publishing Corporation
This book reflects the wide-spread belief that the twenty-first century is evolving in a significantly different way to the twentieth, which witnessed the advance of human rationality and technological progress, including urbanisation, and called into question the public and cultural significance of religion. In this century, by contrast, religion, faith communities and spiritual values have returned to the centre of public life, especially public policy, governance, and social identity. Rapi...
Taking Confucian Ethics Seriously
Contemporary Theories and Applications
2011 || Paperback || Kam-por Yu e.a. || State University of New York Press
This thought-provoking work presents Confucianism as a living ethical tradition with contemporary relevance. While acknowledged as one of the world's most influential philosophies, Confucianism's significance is too often consigned to a historical or solely East Asian context. Discussing both the strengths and weaknesses of Confucian ethics, the volume's contributors reflect on what this tradition offers that we cannot readily learn from other systems of ethics. Developing Confucian ethical i...
The Art of Poetry
How to Read a Poem
2001 || Hardcover || Oxford University Press
Anyone who has been asked to read and understand a poem has probably wondered: What does this really mean? Have I understood this the way I was supposed to? Did I get it? As the least literal of all of forms of creative writing, poetry is for many readers also the most cryptic. Confronted by the mysteries of poetic interpretation, some people are intrigued, some become addicted, others are left frustrated. Shira Wolosky's accessibly written book, The Art of Poetry, provides a road map of the ...
Great Gatsby
2011 || Paperback || F. Scott Fitzgerald || Penguin
Everybody who is anybody is seen at the glittering parties held in millionaire Jay Gatsby's mansion in West Egg, east of New York. The riotous throng congregates in his sumptuous garden, coolly debating Gatsby's origins and mysterious past. None of the frivolous socialites understands him and among various rumours is the conviction that 'he killed a man'. A detached onlooker, Gatsby is oblivious to the speculation he creates, but always seems to be watching and waiting, though no one knows wh...
NOC and NIC Linkages to NANDA-I and Clinical Conditions / 3rd edition
Supporting Critical Reasoning and Quality Care
2011 || Paperback || Howard K. Butcher e.a. || Elsevier
Based on research conducted by investigative teams at the University of Iowa, this book provides linkages between the three standardized languages recognized by the American Nurses Organization (NOC, NIC, and all of the 2009-2010 NANDA-I approved nursing diagnoses). It also features a chapter on clinical decision making.
BPMN Method and Style with BPMN Implementer's Guide / 2nd Edition
A Structured Approach for Business Process Modeling and Implementation Using BPMN 2.0
2011 || Paperback || Bruce S. Silver || Cody-Cassidy Press
PMN 2.0 is the industry standard diagramming language for business process models. The meaning of the business process diagram is the same, regardless of the tool used to create it. But creating models that are correct, complete, and clear demands more than a dictionary of BPMN shapes and symbols. It also requires a methodology for translating process logic consistently into the diagram. And it requires a measure of modeling style as well, conventions that ensure that the process logic is una...