Studieboeken (30)

Een overzicht van studieboeken die relevant zijn binnen het onderwijs.

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Managing your competencies / Druk 3

personal development plan

2012 || Paperback || Roel Grit e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook

Managing your competencies has been revised on the basis of the authors' experiences and reactions of users of earlier editions.

What is a competency? A competency is a combination of knowledge, skills and attitude that you need to function well in specific professional situations. For example, a nurse must be able to inoculate a crying child. A nurse who cannot perform this task is regarded as incompetent - unfit to be a nurse. Likewise, a police officer must be able to pacify drunken pub vi...

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Making a business plan / Druk 3

2015 || Paperback || Roel Grit || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook

Today's educational regime requires that a student develops entrepreneurial qualities during her studies. Making a Business Plan offers a solid and coherent step-by-step approach to writing a business plan. This book contains two kinds of assignments: activities and extra assignments. The reader is encouraged to carry out the activities in order to complete a business plan for a new company. The extra assignments help to provide a better understanding of the reality of starting a new business...

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Modern Hotel Operations Management

2016 || Hardcover || Tatifa Benhadda e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook

The first edition of Modern Hotel Operations Management is a comprehensive and wide-ranging introduction in operational hotel management. The book merges notions from business administration, management and socially responsible entrepreneurship into a complete overview of this discipline.

Why Modern Hotel Operations Management?

* Complete and accessible standard reference work;

* connects different disciplines;

* comes with valuable online extra's.

Modern Hotel Oper...

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Solving Managerial Problems Systematically

2017 || Paperback || Hans Heerkens e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook

Solving Managerial Problems Systematically teaches the seven steps of General Business Problem Solving. With this system it will become clear what is the main problem and how it can be researched properly and subsequently solved. This studybook describes a problem as a analytical concept that can occur in all organizations and in any department. This methodology is therefor applicable in almost any situation. Solving Managerial Problems Systematically is intended for all hbo-courses where stu...

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Corporate communication worldwide / Druk 2

an introduction

2012 || Paperback || Mariet Herle e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook

Corporate Communication Worldwide covers a wide range of corporate communication aspects and prepares those who aim to be active in the communication field in an international context. In today’s world, the meaning of worldwide is truly dynamic and this book reflects such new reality.

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Water Atlas of the Netherlands

2013 || Hardcover || Redactie || Noordhoff

Met deze water atlas of the Netherlands maakt u een reis door de wereld van het water. Onderwerpen als watermanagement, landbouw en visserij, drinkwaterwinning en rivieren en zeeën komen voorbij in meer dan 300 kaarten en afbeeldingen.

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A Basic Guide to International Business Law / Druk 6

2022 || Paperback || H. Wevers LLM || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook

- An accessible introduction to international business law and European law;

- offers an understanding of potential legal problems in international business;

- comes with a variety of additional study materials available online.

A Basic Guide to International Business Law aims to give students an understanding as well as practical knowledge of legal problems arising in the area of international business, and to equip them with the skills needed to prevent and tackle these problems.

All chapte...

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Ethics and Business / Druk 1

a global introduction

2018 || Paperback || Bart Wernaart || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook

- Written from an international perspective;

- discusses ethics on multiple levels and includes many examples;

- offers students methods to critically assess ethical dilemmas.

Ethics and Business is an introduction to ethics in the context of international business. The book stimulates an open debate on norms and values. Ethics should cross not only the borders of a country, but also the borders of one’s mind. It emphasizes that ethics is not only about harmony, but also about dealing with ...

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International Business Eng. ed / Druk 3

2022 || Paperback || Radha Jethu-Ramsoedh e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook

- International Business can be widely used as a general introduction to international entrepreneurship;

- appealing examples from everyday practice and facts & figures make international business come to life;

- places international entrepreneurship in a European context.

International Business is an accessible textbook that highlights the basic principles of international entrepreneurship. It is the English version of Internationaal ondernemen and can be widely used as an introduction to in...

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Organisational behaviour / Druk 2

2019 || Hardcover || Gert Alblas e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook

-Inspiring introduction to organisational psychology;

-covers all new developments in digitization;

-contains a lot of instructional exercises.

Organisational behaviour is an inspiring introduction to organisational psychology. Renowned authors Gert Alblas and Ella Wijsman describe the behaviour of people in organisations and provide possible explanations. Students learn how to skilfully apply this knowledge in many different situations. Organisational behaviour is the English edition of Ged...