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Studieboeken (18)
Een overzicht van studieboeken die relevant zijn binnen het onderwijs.
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Handboek vreemdetalendidactiek / Druk 1
2020 || Paperback || Sebastiaan Dönszelmann e.a. || Coutinho || ook als eBook
Vreemde talen kunnen een belangrijke bijdrage leveren aan persoonlijke en professionele ontwikkeling, en ze komen van pas bij internationale samenwerking. Wie meerdere talen beheerst, heeft ruimere communicatiemogelijkheden en is beter in staat om taal te doorzien en om zich in te leven in andere culturen. Maar hoe help je iemand om taalvaardig en taal- en intercultureel bewust te worden? Wat voor ondersteuning, oefening en kennis is daarvoor nodig? Het Handboek vreemdetalendidactiek maakt (t...
Vocabulary in Language Teaching / 2nd Edition
2020 || Paperback || Norbert Schmitt || Cambridge University Press
Internationally recognised as one of the leading texts in its field, this volume offers a comprehensive introduction to vocabulary for language teachers who would like to know more about the way vocabulary works. Two leading specialists make research and theory accessible, providing the background knowledge necessary for practitioners to make informed choices about vocabulary teaching and testing. This second edition retains the popular format of the first edition, and has been rewritten to t...
Een Meester in Leren / Druk 1
Van operant conditioneren tot metacognitie
2022 || Paperback || Basten Berg e.a. || Pumbo.nl B.V.
Het boek Een meester in leren is geschreven naar aanleiding van de behoefte van studenten van lerarenopleidingen aan een praktisch, leesbaar, en studeerbaar boek over leertheorieën en leerprocessen. Dit boek voorziet in die behoefte, doordat het in heldere taal geschreven is en vol staat met praktijkvoorbeelden van de wijze waarop leertheorieën in de dagelijkse onderwijspraktijk van het voorgezet onderwijs (algemeen voortgezet onderwijs en (v)mbo) toegepast kunnen worden.
Er worden aanknopi...
The Ingredients for Great Teaching
2018 || Paperback || Pedro De Bruyckere || SAGE
Teaching would be easy if there were clear recipes you could follow every time. The Ingredients for Great Teaching explains why this is impossible and why a one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work. Instead of recipes, this book examines the basic ingredients of teaching and learning so you can use them wisely in your own classroom in order to become a better and more effective teacher.
Taking an approach that is both evidence-based and practical, author Pedro de Bruyckere explores ten crucial...
School-based Research / 3rd Edition
A Guide for Education Students
2017 || Paperback || Elaine Wilson || SAGE
Focused on the needs of the new classroom researcher and those studying education on Masters-level courses, this is a thorough and thoughtful guide to the research process, covering qualitative, quantitative and mixed research methods.
Uncovering Grammar
2005 || Paperback || Scott Thornbury || Macmillan
The book uses extracts from exchanges in real classrooms, authentic texts and language teaching tasks. It provides lots of practical activities so that you can immediately and easily put the ideas to work in your classroom. Also, suggests ways of creating awareness-raising tasks to help students acquire grammar.
English Phonetics and Pronunciation Practice
2017 || Paperback || Paul Carley || Taylor & Francis
English Phonetics and Pronunciation Practice provides a unique introduction to basic articulatory phonetics for students of English. Built around an extensive collection of practice materials, this book teaches the pronunciation of modern standard non-regional British English to intermediate and advanced learners worldwide. This book: provides an up-to-date description of the pronunciation of modern British English;demonstrates the use of each English phoneme with a selection of high-frequenc...
Visible Learning for Teachers
Maximizing Impact on Learning
2011 || Paperback || John Hattie || Taylor & Francis
In November 2008, John Hattie's ground-breaking book Visible Learning synthesised the results of more than fifteen years research involving millions of students and represented the biggest ever collection of evidence-based research into what actually works in schools to improve learning. Visible Learning for Teachers takes the next step and brings those ground breaking concepts to a completely new audience. Written for students, pre-service and in-service teachers, it explains how to apply th...