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Studieboeken (26)
Een overzicht van studieboeken die relevant zijn binnen het onderwijs.
Critical Thinking / 3rd edition
Tools for Taking Charge of Your Learning and Your Life: Pearson New International Edition
2013 || Paperback || Richard Paul e.a. || Pearson
For Student Success and Career Development, or Critical Thinking courses. Written by two of the leading experts in the field, this book's approach to critical thinking is as a process for taking charge of and responsibility for one's thinking. Based in theory developed over the last 30 years, it focuses on an integrated, comprehensive concept of critical thinking that is both substantive and practical; it fosters the development of basic intellectual skills students need to think through cont...
Brilliant Workplace Skills for Students & Graduates
How to Hit the Ground Running from Your First Day on the Job
2011 || Paperback || Bill Kirton || Pearson
This title is split into three parts. The first part deals with the basics of meeting and greeting communications, the second looks at problem solving and verbal communications. Finally part three deals with team work, and managing your boss, your customers and yourself.
Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Data Science / 4th Global edition
A Managerial Perspective
2017 || Paperback || Ramesh Sharda || Pearson
For courses on Business Intelligence or Decision Support Systems. A managerial approach to understanding business intelligence systems. To help future managers use and understand analytics, Business Intelligence provides students with a solid foundation of BI that is reinforced with hands-on practice.
Human Resource Management / 11th edition
2021 || Paperback || Derek Torrington e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook
Human Resource Management, 11th Edition, by Torrington, Hall, Taylor and Atkinson is praised for its comprehensive scope of topics, coverage of important HRM issues and succinctness. It is a great introduction to human resources for students pursuing undergraduate business and management courses, as well as those on CIPD accredited courses. Human resource management helps those aspiring to or working in HR or management roles.
The eleventh edition has been thoroughly updated with the economic...
International Business / 17th Global Edition
2021 || Paperback || John Daniels e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook
Enhance your students' understanding of international business markets. International Business: Environments and Operations, 17th Edition, develops critical thinking skills by balancing classroom theory with practice. With contemporary examples, scenarios, and cases, this bestselling guide will give your students the necessary tools for success.
IBO Financial Management & Currency Risk / custom Avans
|| Paperback || Jan Peters || Pearson
Dit is een maatwerkproduct t.b.v. Avans