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Studieboeken (99)
Een overzicht van studieboeken die relevant zijn binnen het onderwijs.
Doing Business In Latin America
Challenges and Opportunities
2014 || Paperback || John E. Spillan || Taylor & Francis
Success in today's globalized business environment requires deep knowledge of varied areas, and the willingness to engage in commerce not just across geographic areas, but cross-culturally and environmentally as well. Doing Business in Latin America offers an in-depth look at a complex region, integrating practitioners’ and scholars’ ideas to examine business conducted in Latin America through the lens of international business and globalization. The book introduces, discusses, and explai...
Secrets of Power Negotiating - 25th Anniversary Edition
2023 || Paperback || Roger Dawson || Red Wheel/Weiser
“This is perhaps the best book on negotiating ever written. Roger’s powerful, practical principles will save or make you a fortune in the months and years ahead.” —Brian Tracy, author, Eat That Frog! and Million Dollar Habits
“This is the one negotiating book that really opened my eyes and gave me practical tools I could use immediately.” —Timothy Ferriss, bestselling author of The 4-Hour Work Week
“A fast, entertaining read that should be required reading for anyone who deals...
The Psychology of Selling
Increase Your Sales Faster and Easier Than You Ever Thought Possible
2006 || Paperback || Brian Tracy || HarperCollins
Brian Tracy, one of the top professional speakers and sales trainers in the world today, found that his most important breakthrough in selling was the discovery that it is the "Psychology of Selling" that is more important than the techniques and methods of selling.
Change by Design / Revised, Updated Edition
How Design Thinking Transforms Organizations and Inspires Innovation
2019 || Hardcover || Tim Brown || HarperCollins || ook als eBook
The subject of "design thinking" is the rage at business schools, throughout corporations, and increasingly in the popular press--due in large part to work of IDEO, a leading design firm, and its celebrated CEO, Tim Brown, who uses this book to show how the techniques and strategies of design belong at every level of business.
New Practical Chinese Reader 1, Textbook (2. Edition)
2010 || Paperback || Xun Liu || China Book Trading GmbH
MGMT / 12th edition
Principles of Management
2021 || Paperback || Chuck Williams || Cengage Learning
Learn MANAGEMENT YOUR Way with MGMT! Extensively updated to reflect the latest research in the field, MGMT makes concepts and theories accessible and relevant with timely, interesting examples of their applications at real businesses. Now available with MindTap, the digital learning solution designed to help you think and act like a manager. MGMT's easy-reference, textbook presents course content through visually engaging chapters as well as Chapter Review Cards that consolidate the best revi...
Stop Networking and Start Building Business Relationships that Matter
2019 || Hardcover || Scott Gerber e.a. || Hachette
Superconnectors are a new category of tradespeople born out of the social media era. They are highly valuable community-builders who make things happen through their keen understanding and utilization of social capital. They don't just meet people for business-card collection's sake; they understand the power of relationship-building, problem-solve by connecting the dots at high levels, and purposefully cause different worlds and communities to interact with the intention of creating mutual v...
The Future of Management
2021 || Hardcover || Gary Hamel e.a. || Harvard Business Review Press
What fuels long-term business success? Not operational excellence, technology breakthroughs, or new business models, but management innovation--new ways of mobilizing talent, allocating resources, and formulating strategies. Through history, management innovation has enabled companies to cross new performance thresholds and build enduring advantages. In The Future of Management, Gary Hamel argues that organizations need management innovation now more than ever.
Why? The management paradigm of...
Ruslan Russian 2 Course Book / 4th edition
With free audio download
2022 || Paperback || John Langran e.a. || Ruslan Ltd
The Ruslan 2 course book (160 pages in full colour) continues the exciting Ruslan 1 story line with Ivan, Lyudmila, Peter and Vadim. There are 10 lessons with lively dialogues, clear grammar explanations, lots of reading, listening and writing exercises and language games for the classroom or for online training. Ruslan 2 takes you to a very good GCSE level, and is easily equivalent to the Council of Europe A2 standard.
Ruslan Russian 1 Textbook
Course book
2022 || Paperback || John Langran e.a. || Ruslan Ltd
The Ruslan 1 course book (176 pages, full colour) tells the story of Ivan, Lyudmila, Peter and Vadim in Moscow, as well as the "typical foreigner" whose escapades show up some of the misunderstandings that can occur when travelling in Russia. In the reading sections Igor is in Saint Petersburg.
There are 10 lessons with lively, humorous dialogues, clear grammar explanations, reading, listening and writing exercises, songs and poems for learners and language games for the classroom. Ruslan 1 ...