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Een overzicht van studieboeken die relevant zijn binnen het onderwijs.
English Vocabulary in Use / 3rd edition
Advanced Book with Answers and Enhanced eBook: Vocabulary Reference and Practice
2017 || Hardcover || Michael McCarthy || Cambridge University Press || met inkijkexemplaar
The words you need to communicate with confidence. Vocabulary explanations and practice for advanced level (C1 to C2) learners of English. Perfect for both self-study and classroom activities.
Quickly expand your vocabulary with over 100 units of easy to understand explanations and practice exercises. Also inside the book is a code for an ebook. This is the same as the printed book, but with audio so that you can listen to new words as well as reading them.
The ebook is online for Windows and...
Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit
2014 || Paperback || Jeanette Winterson || Vintage Publishing
'Like most people I lived for a long time with my mother and father. My father liked to watch the wrestling, my mother liked to wrestle; it didn't matter what'This is the story of Jeanette, adopted and brought up by her mother as one of God's elect. Zealous and passionate, she seems destined for life as a missionary, but then she falls for one of her converts.
At sixteen, Jeanette decides to leave the church, her home and her family, for the young woman she loves. Innovative, punchy and tende...
Hate U Give
2017 || Paperback || Angie Thomas || Walker Books
Sixteen-year-old Starr lives in two worlds: the poor neighbourhood where she was born and raised and her posh high school in the suburbs. The uneasy balance between them is shattered when Starr is the only witness to the fatal shooting of her unarmed best friend, Khalil, by a police officer. Now what Starr says could destroy her community. It could also get her killed.Inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement, this is a powerful and gripping YA novel about one girl's struggle for justice.#1...
White Rabbit, Red Wolf
2018 || Paperback || Tom Pollock || Walker Books
"A gripping and gloriously treacherous thriller without guide ropes or safety nets. Leave all certainties by the door." Frances Hardinge A taut thriller about murder, maths and the mind. Peter Blankman is afraid of everything and must confront unimaginable terror when his mother is attacked.
Seventeen-year-old Peter Blankman is a maths prodigy. He also suffers from severe panic attacks. Afraid of everything, he finds solace in the orderly and logical world of mathematics and in the love of hi...
Private Peaceful
2020 || Paperback || Michael Morpurgo || HarperCollins
A stunning edition of this modern classic of World War One, featuring an introduction by the author and insightful testimonies from soldiers.
This Is My America
2022 || Paperback || Kim Johnson || Random House
Every week, seventeen-year-old Tracy Beaumont writes letters to Innocence X, asking the organization to help her father, an innocent Black man on death row. After seven years, Tracy is running out of time--her dad has only 267 days left. Then the unthinkable happens. The police arrive in the night, and Tracy's older brother, Jamal, goes from being a bright, promising track star to a "thug" on the run, accused of killing a white girl. Determined to save her brother, Tracy investigates what rea...
Objective Proficiency Student's Book without Answers / 2nd edition
2012 || Hardcover || Annette Capel || Cambridge University Press
Objective Proficiency Second edition provides official preparation for the revised 2013 Cambridge English: Proficiency exam, also known as Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE). A variety of challenging, lively topics provide thorough training in exam skills and high-level language development. Each unit contains three double-page lessons ensuring flexibility, even pacing and progress.
Interactive software, downloadable from a URL in the Student's Book, provides activities for practice ...
Leerlingen met een specifieke hulpvraag
achtergronden van en tips voor de omgang met
2024 || Hardcover || Pyt Nauta e.a. || Nauta en Giesing
Leerlingen met specifieke hulpvragen in het onderwijs nemen in aantal en complexiteit toe. Het is voor de leerkracht vaak moeilijk om bij de diagnostiek rond leer- en gedragsproblematiek juist in te schatten wat hij of zij met de hulpvragen van de leerlingen moet doen. Dit boek wil de leerkrachten ondersteunen in deze problematiek. Een handig en praktisch boek dat de leerkrachten in zowel het basis- als voortgezet onderwijs handvatten biedt om op een adequate wijze met hulpvragen van leerling...
Complete Advanced Student's Book with Answers with CD-ROM / 2nd edition
2014 || Hardcover || Guy Brook-Hart || Cambridge University Press
Complete Advanced provides thorough preparation for the revised 2015 Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) exam. The Student's Book with answers fully prepares students to tackle each part of every exam paper. Unique grammar and vocabulary exercises train students to avoid common mistakes.
Exam information and advice boxes explain the requirements of the exam. Vocabulary and Grammar reviews, every two units, track progress. Speaking and Writing references focus on key skills required for the exam.
The CD-ROM supports mixed ability classes focusing on students' own particular areas of difficulty. Class Audio CDs, available separately, contain the recordings for the listening exercises. A full practice test is available online for teachers to access...
Even Spieken - Grammatica Engels voor de onderbouw
Grammatica, spelling, woordenschat
2021 || Paperback || Intertaal || Intertaal
Even Spieken - Grammatica Engels voor de onderbouw