
Lisa A. Urry (2)
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Studieboeken (36)

Een overzicht van studieboeken die relevant zijn binnen het onderwijs.

Levertijd: 9 werkdagen

Molecular Diagnostics

2019 || Paperback || Anthony Warford e.a. || Oxford University Press

One of the most notable trends in biomedical science in recent years has been the increasing use of molecular techniques as part of the diagnosis of disease. As such, there is a growing need for students to understand the technological basis of molecular analysis and to have a comprehensive appreciation of their use in diagnosis. Combining coverage of molecular techniques with their application to diagnostic pathology, this book provides students with a thorough andup to date appreciation of ...

Levertijd: 11 werkdagen

Medical Microbiology / 9th edition

2020 || Paperback || Patrick R. Murray e.a. || Elsevier

The foremost text in this complex and fast-changing field, Medical Microbiology, 9th Edition, provides concise, up-to-date, and understandable explanations of key concepts in medical microbiology, immunology, and the microbes that cause human disease. Clear, engaging coverage of basic principles, immunology, laboratory diagnosis, bacteriology, virology, mycology, and parasitology help you master the essentials of microbiology?effectively preparing you for your coursework, exams, and beyond. A...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy, Global Edition / 5th edition

2016 || Paperback || Robert Bauman || Pearson

For courses in introductory microbiology. Invest in your future: Microbiology Matters. Known for its unique and effective art program, conversational writing style, and author-created Video Tutors, the Fifth Edition of Robert Bauman's Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy consistently emphasizes why microbiology matters, especially in health care.

The text provides a mobile-friendly, multimedia learning experience, from new in-text Disease in Depth visual explorations to interactive tutorial...

Levertijd: 3 werkdagen

Microbiology: a Human Perspective / 10th edition

2021 || Paperback || Denise Anderson e.a. || McGraw-Hill

Perfect for the non-major/allied health student (and also appropriate for mixed majors courses), this text provides a rock solid foundation in microbiology. It has a concise and readable style, covers the most current concepts, and gives students the knowledge and mastery necessary to understand advances of the future. By carefully and clearly explaining the fundamental concepts, using a body systems approach in the coverage of disease, and offering vivid and appealing instructional art, Micr...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen


2018 || Paperback || Behdad Shambayati || Oxford University Press

Biomedical scientists are the foundation of modern healthcare, from cancer screening to diagnosing HIV, from blood transfusion for surgery to food poisoning and infection control. Without biomedical scientists the diagnosis of disease, the evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment, and research into the causes and cures of disease would not be possible. The Fundamentals of Biomedical Science series has been written to reflect the challenges of practicing biomedical science today.

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Principles of Rubin's Pathology / 7th edition

2018 || Paperback || Emanuel Rubin e.a. || Lippincott Williams and Wilkins

Principles of Rubin's Pathology, Seventh Edition distills the renowned coverage of Rubin's Pathology, Seventh Edition into a focused, approachable guide to the essentials of pathology. This resource introduces principles and mechanisms of pathology, followed by organ-specific information, extracting key information on pathogenesis, epidemiology, and clinical features of diseases. Detailed images clarify challenging content, and companion online resources enable students to learn on the go and...

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Clinical Biochemistry

2016 || Paperback || Nessar Ahmed || Oxford University Press

Biomedical scientists are the foundation of modern healthcare, from cancer screening to diagnosing HIV, from blood transfusion for surgery to food poisoning and infection control. Without biomedical scientists, the diagnosis of disease, the evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment, and research into the causes and cures of disease would not be possible. The Fundamentals of Biomedical Science series has been written to reflect the challenges of practicing biomedical science today.

Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Microbiology: An Introduction / 13th edition

2020 || Paperback || Gerard Tortora e.a. || Pearson

For pre-nursing and allied health students (including mixed-majors courses). Cutting edge microbiology research for today's learners Tortora, Funke, and Case's Microbiology, An Introduction brings a 21st-century lens to the #1 best-selling text on the market. Known for its exceptionally clear presentation of complex topics, this trusted text provides a careful balance of concepts and applications, pedagogically superior art, and robust animations and media via Mastering (TM) Microbiology.


Levertijd: 4 werkdagen

Wilson and Walker's / 8th edition

Principles and Techniques of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

2018 || Paperback || Andreas Hofmann e.a. || Cambridge University Press

Bringing this best-selling textbook right up to date, the new edition uniquely integrates the theories and methods that drive the fields of biology, biotechnology and medicine, comprehensively covering both the techniques students will encounter in lab classes and those that underpin current key advances and discoveries. The contents have been updated to include both traditional and cutting-edge techniques most commonly used in current life science research. Emphasis is placed on understandin...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

The Immune System / 5th edition

2021 || Paperback || Peter Parham || WW Norton & Co

The Immune System is a concise yet thorough human-oriented introduction to how the human immune system works. It provides an up-to-date presentation of the field, written in an accessible style, replete with relevant medical examples. Plentiful illustrations and micrographs complement and illuminate the explanations.

The Fifth Edition is supported by InQuizitive, Norton's award-winning, easy-to-use adaptive learning tool that provides student practice and promotes critical thinking.