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Studieboeken (15)
Een overzicht van studieboeken die relevant zijn binnen het onderwijs.
Animal Welfare / 3rd Edition
2018 || Paperback || Michael e.a. || CABI Publishing
Updated and revised, this bestselling textbook provides a broad introduction to the welfare of animals large and small, farm and companion, wild and zoo. It retains the popular features of the previous editions, covering key issues such as ethics, animal pain and injury, health and disease, social conditions and welfare dilemmas and problems.
ISE Engineering Electromagnetics / 9th edition
2018 || Paperback || William Hayt e.a. || McGraw-Hill
First published just over 50 years ago and now in its Eighth Edition, Bill Hayt and John Buck's Engineering Electromagnetics is a classic text that has been updated for electromagnetics education today. This widely-respected book stresses fundamental concepts and problem solving, and discusses the material in an understandable and readable way. Numerous illustrations and analogies are provided to aid the reader in grasping the difficult concepts.
In addition, independent learning is facilitat...
Simulations with NX / Simcenter 3D / 2nd edition
Kinematics, FEA, CFD, EM and Data Management
2018 || Hardcover || Reiner Anderl e.a. || Hanser Gardner Publications
In times of Industry 4.0 the digitalization of the value-chain becomes more and more important. The so-called digital twin allows simulations that are very close to reality. This book provides all necessary basics to perform simple as well as complex simulations with NX and Simcenter 3D (former NX CAE).
Basisboek Vacuümtechniek / Druk 2
2019 || Hardcover || Bert Suurmeijer e.a. || Nederlandse Vacuümvereniging
Geheel herziene versie van het in 2000 door de Nederlandse Vacuümvereniging NEVAC uitgegeven 'Basisboek Vacuümtechniek', inmiddels uitgegroeid tot een erkend standaardwerk en met 2 herdrukken "bestseller" op het vakgebied der vacuümtechniek in de Nederlandse taalregio. Deze nieuwe editie bevat alle innovaties van de 21e eeuw in het vacuümdomein. Een onmisbare hulpbron voor onderzoekers, ingenieurs, onderhoudspersoneel en verkoopmanagers die zich bezighouden met vacuümgerelateerde onderwe...
Learning Bio-Micro-Nanotechnology
2018 || Paperback || USA) California Los Angeles Mel I. (Loyola Marymount University Mendelson || Taylor & Francis
Learning Bio-Micro-Nanotechnology is a primer on micro/nanotechnology that teaches the vocabulary, fundamental concepts, and applications of micro/nanotechnology in biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, electronics, computers, biomedicine, microscopy, ethics, and risks to humankind. It provides an introduction into the small world with a low fog index, emphasizing the concepts using analogies and illustrations to simplify the non-observables. The chapters have many "thinking exercises" an...