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Studieboeken (117)
Een overzicht van studieboeken die relevant zijn binnen het onderwijs.
morgen verzonden
Het meertalige kind
2020 || Paperback || Marinella Orioni || SWP
Meertaligheid is een hot item, een van de speerpunten in het advies voor herziening van het onderwijscurriculum. Iedereen heeft er een mening over maar in werkelijkheid bestaat er nog veel onwetendheid. De primaire doelstelling van Het meertalige kind is om professionals die dagelijks met meertaligheid en meertalige kinderen werken zoals beleidsmakers, leerkrachten, pedagogisch medewerkers, logopedisten, medewerkers ouder- en kindcentra en alle anderen die met meertaligen te maken hebben, ken...
morgen verzonden
Dat mag je óók (al niet meer) zeggen
Welke woorden kunnen? En welke juist niet?
2022 || Paperback || Vivien Waszink || NBC - Onze Taal
morgen verzonden
Hier zijn wij!
Dovengemeenschap in Nederland
2023 || Paperback || Bea Bouwmeester e.a. || Pumbo.nl B.V. || met inkijkexemplaar
… neemt je mee in de wereld van dove mensen.
Van de dovencultuur tot de Nederlandse Gebarentaal.
Het vertelt aan de hand van prachtige illustraties de geschiedenis van dove mensen in Nederland. En het geeft antwoord op veelgestelde vragen over dove mensen. Hoe werkt gebarentaal eigenlijk? Wat ís dovencultuur? Wat is een naamgebaar? En hoe kom je eraan? Heeft doof-zijn ook voordelen? Hoe ervaren dove mensen de maatschappij? En hoe kan ik het best met dove mensen praten?
Dit b...
Learning How to Ask
A Sociolinguistic Appraisal of the Role of the Interview in Social Science Research
1986 || Paperback || Charles L. Briggs || Cambridge University Press
Interviews are ubiquitous in modern society, and they play a crucial role in social scientific research. But, as Charles Briggs convincingly argues in this book, received interviewing techniques rest on fundamental misapprehensions about the nature both of the interview as a communicative event, and of the nature of the data that it produces. Furthermore, interviewers rarely examine the compatibility of interviews as a means of acquiring information to one another.
These oversights often blin...
Attitudes to Language
2010 || Paperback || Peter Garrett || Cambridge University Press
Just about everyone seems to have views about language. Language attitudes and language ideologies permeate our daily lives. Our competence, intelligence, friendliness, trustworthiness, social status, group memberships, and so on, are often judged from the way we communicate.
Even the speed at which we speak can evoke reactions. And we often try to anticipate such judgements as we communicate. In this lively introduction, Peter Garrett draws upon research carried out over recent decades in or...
Becoming a Reader
The Experience of Fiction from Childhood to Adulthood
1994 || Paperback || J. A. Appleyard || Cambridge University Press
Becoming a Reader argues that, whatever our individual differences of personality and background, there is a regular sequence of attitudes we go through as we mature, which affect how we experience fiction, from the five-year-old child absorbed in the world of fantasy play, through the seventeen year old critical seeker of the truth, to the middle-aged reader recognizing their own experiences in fictional characters. Becoming a Reader argues that this sequence of responses can be worked out a...
Language Planning and Social Change
1990 || Paperback || Robert L. Cooper || Cambridge University Press
This book describes the ways in which politicians, church leaders, generals, leaders of national movements and others try to influence our use of language. Professor Cooper argues that language planning is never attempted for its own sake. Rather it is carried out for the attainment of nonlinguistic ends such as national integration, political control, economic development, the pacification of minority groups, and mass mobilization.
Many examples are discussed, including the revival of Hebrew...
The Translation of Children's Literature
A Reader
2006 || Paperback || Gillian Lathey || Channel View Publications
Since the late 1970s, scholarly interest in the translation of children's books has increased at a rapid pace. Research across a number of disciplines has contributed to a developing knowledge and understanding of the cross-cultural transformation and reception of children's literature. The purpose of this Reader is to reflect the diversity and originality of approaches to the subject by gathering together, for the first time, a range of journal articles and chapters on translation for childr...
A Critical Introduction
2005 || Paperback || Jan Blommaert || Cambridge University Press
This engaging 2005 introduction offers a critical approach to discourse, written by an expert uniquely placed to cover the subject for a variety of disciplines. Organised along thematic lines, the book begins with an outline of the basic principles, moving on to examine the methods and theory of CDA (critical discourse analysis). It covers topics such as text and context, language and inequality, choice and determination, history and process, ideology and identity.
Blommaert focuses on how la...
Everyday English, 1500-1700
A Reader
1998 || Paperback || Bridget Cusack || Edinburgh University Press
This collection of text extracts provides an invaluable resource for working directly with non-literary informal English of the Early Modern period. The book is organised into eight thematic sections: private diaries; personal daybooks and accounts; autobiographical material; letters; personal documents (wills and contracts); official documents by naive writers; records of spoken evidence given in court; and records of speech forming the basis of Court cases. Texts are arranged by type and ea...