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Studieboeken (42)
Een overzicht van studieboeken die relevant zijn binnen het onderwijs.
Words That Change Minds / 3rd edition
The 14 patterns for mastering the language of influence
2019 || Paperback || Shelle Rose Charvet || Success Strategies
Words that Change Minds is based on the Language and Behavior Profile (LAB Profile); an easy to learn tool which illustrates how each person is unique. The LAB Profile will enable you to understand and predict from someone's language in everyday conversation, how he or she will behave in a given situation. You will learn to customize your language to change people's minds.
Psychology / 4th Edition
The Science of Mind and Behaviour
2019 || Paperback || Nigel Holt e.a. || McGraw-Hill
Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behaviour fourth edition has been fully updated to reflect new developments in the field. Its celebrated pedagogical design has been reinforced with key research, issues and offers an exciting and engaging introduction to the study of psychology.The scientific approach brings together international research, practical application and the levels of analysis framework to encourage critical thinking about psychology and its impact on our daily lives. Key featu...
Sociale psychologie
een inleiding
2019 || Paperback || Pol Craeynest || Acco
Hoe ontstaan conflicten en wat kan men doen om er een positieve wending aan te geven? Wanneer zijn mensen in staat om hun kortzichtige eigenbelang ondergeschikt te maken aan gemeenschappelijke belangen die op termijn ook die van hen kunnen zijn? Hoe kan men groepen efficiënter doen samenwerken? Wat zijn de typische fouten die mensen maken als ze zich een idee proberen te vormen van elkaar, en hoe kunnen we tot een meer correcte beeldvorming komen? Welke mechanismen liggen aan de basis van so...
Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods in Psychology
Putting Theory Into Practice
2019 || Paperback || Dennis Howitt || Pearson Benelux B.V.
Earlier edition published as: Introduction to qualitative methods in psychology.
Third European Edition
2019 || Paperback || Daniel Schacter e.a. || Macmillan
An engaging introduction to psychology for a globally-focused course.
Written by a world-renowned team of psychologists and researchers, this globally-focused textbook spans the entire discipline of psychology - from the fundamental principles of psychology as a science, to more nuanced approaches in core disciplines such as cognitive, developmental, social and personality psychology. Woven together with engaging features, research boxes and activities that will help students to both think li...
Growth Mindset for Teachers
Growing Learners in the Classroom
2021 || Paperback || Sherria Hoskins || SAGE
Growth Mindsets are recognized as a powerful teaching and learning tool in the UK and this book offers clear guidance that is backed up by research and avoids quick fixes or suggestions with little evidence base. The text will appeal to teachers as a pragmatic and trusted guide to a well-known strategy proven to enhance learning.
Psychology: A Concise Introduction
2019 || Paperback || Richard A. Griggs e.a. || Macmillan
The core of psychology in a rich print/media resource at an extraordinary price!
Psychology: A Concise Introduction offers a rich survey of the field’s fundamental research and concepts at an unbeatable price! The text also includes a robust media and supplements package for instructors and students, including Achieve. No other text/media resource for the course offers such an attractive combination of authority and affordability.
Richard Griggs and Sherri Jackson have revised and updated t...
Teaching Psychology / 3rd edition
A Step-by-Step Guide
2019 || Paperback || Douglas A. Bernstein e.a. || Taylor & Francis
This thoroughly revised third edition of Teaching Psychology synthesizes the latest pedagogical research on effective teaching and translates it into recommendations for classroom application. It also takes into account the many changes in the teaching landscape that have taken place in recent years. Covering key topics such as planning a course, choosing teaching methods, assimilating technology, and the integration of teaching into the rest of your academic life, this book also includes an ...
How Children Develop
2019 || Hardcover || Robert Siegler e.a. || Macmillan
The topically organized textbook teachers and researchers trust.
How Children Develop has established itself as the topically organized textbook teachers and researchers trust for the most up-to-date perspectives on child and adolescent development. The authors introduce core concepts and impactful discoveries with an unparalleled integration of theory, cultural research, and applications, all in a style that is authoritative yet immediately understandable and relevant to students.
Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Understanding the Workplace
2019 || Hardcover || Paul Levy || Macmillan
Written by a leading researcher in one of the nation’s top I/O (Industrial/Organizational) programs, Paul Levy’s text has long been acclaimed for its concise, research-based approach and personable writing.Known for its ability to balance depth and quality this text stresses analytical reasoning whilst remaining accessible for students. Throughout this book students have ample opportunities to explore what’s happening in I/O psychology today. Relevant examples based on current events an...