› Europa Law Publishing (13)
› T.M.C. Asser Press (7)
› Boom juridisch (3)
» Toon alle opties (2)
Studieboeken (36)
Een overzicht van studieboeken die relevant zijn binnen het onderwijs.
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Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2023
2025 || Paperback || P.J. Blount e.a. || Eleven international publishing
This volume contains the proceedings of the 66th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space held in October 2023 in Baku, Azerbaijan, as well as the report of the IISL Standing Committee on the Status of International Agreements Relating to Activities in Outer Space.
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Kern van het Europees recht
2025 || Paperback || J.W. van de Gronden e.a. || Boom juridisch
Het doel van dit boek is om de complexe materie van het Europees recht toegankelijk te maken voor studenten die zich bevinden in de eerste fase van de studie rechten. De auteurs beperken zich tot het beschrijven en uitleggen van de kern van een aantal Europeesrechtelijke onderwerpen die voor een goed begrip van het Unierecht onmisbaar zijn. Het boek is gemakkelijk leesbaar en bevat veel voorbeelden. Daarmee is het zeer geschikt voor inleidende cursussen in het hoger onderwijs. Deze derde druk...
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Diversity in Justice?
A comparative, interdisciplinary and empirical study into legal culture and European harmonization
2024 || Paperback || Sarah van Os || Eburon
An eight-year-old girl goes on a playdate with a school friend on a spring afternoon, and the two children decide to play football in the garden. Unfortunately, the girl accidentally kicks the ball across the hedge, towards the patio of the neighbour, where it hits and breaks a porcelain vase. Should the girl’s parents compensate the neighbour for the repair of the vase? According to French law, they should – parents in France are strictly liable for damage caused by their young children....
Boom Basics Europees recht / Druk 10
2024 || Paperback || Boom bestuurskunde
Cases and Materials International and European Union Law / Druk 4
2024 || Paperback || L. Said e.a. || Eleven international publishing
Boom Basics Internationaal recht / Druk 7
2024 || Paperback || J.M.P.H. Noortmann e.a. || Boom juridisch
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Concise Introduction to EU Private International Law (4th edition)
2019 || Paperback || Michael Bogdan e.a. || Europa Law Publishing
About the book
This concise book, now in its 4th edition, is mainly intended to be used as an introduction to the rules of private international law belonging to the legal system of the European Union. It provides legal practitioners with an overview of this highly complex field of law and can serve as an introductory textbook in elective undergraduate courses and master programs offered today by many law schools both to their own students and to exchange students from other countries. The bo...
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Cases and Materials International and European Union Law / Druk 3
2022 || Paperback || Lana Said e.a. || Boom uitgevers Den Haag || met inkijkexemplaar
This compilation consists of key treaties, secondary legislation and case law in the area of international and European institutional and constitutional law, selected by the Department of international and European Union law of the Erasmus University Rotterdam to use in their bachelor education. The compilation uniquely combines these two areas of law in one single compilation, making it ideal for introductory courses in these fields.
What makes this book furthermore unique and of added value...
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Mededingingsrecht in de EU en Nederland / Druk 2
2022 || Paperback || J.W. van de Gronden || Uitgeverij Paris B.V.
Het mededingingsrecht behoort tot de kern van het beleid van de Europese Unie. Europese integratie is voor een groot gedeelte marktintegratie. Rivaliteit tussen onderneming in de Europese arena moet leiden tot meer consumentenwelvaart op de interne markt van de EU. De toepassing en handhaving van het EU-mededingingsrecht zijn krachtig ter hand genomen door de Europese Commissie in de loop van de jaren. Toch staan de Europese regels voor de concurrentie niet op zichzelf. Ook de lidstaten hebbe...
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The Maastricht Collection (8th edition) / Druk 8
Volume III: International and European Law
2024 || Paperback || Sascha Hardt e.a. || Europa Law Publishing
The Maastricht Collection comprises a broad selection of legal instruments and provisions that have proven to be particularly relevant and useful to students and practitioners of international, European, and comparative law. The compilation is based on the long-standing expertise in teaching and researching European, international, and comparative national law at Maastricht University’s Faculty of Law. It includes codes and statutory legislation from France, Germany, the Netherlands, and th...