Studieboeken (18)
Een overzicht van studieboeken die relevant zijn binnen het onderwijs.
International Economics / 5th edition
2020 || Paperback || Robert Feenstra e.a. || Macmillan
An engaging, balanced and up to date coverage of international economics.
Available for the first time Macmillan’s new integrated, online learning system Achieve, this new edition of Feenstra and Taylor’s International Economics provides engaging, balanced coverage and applications of key concepts.
Developed in the classroom by two of the most prominent researchers in the field, it seamlessly blends theory and empirical data with current, real-world global policies, events and evidence. A...
International Macroeconomics / 5th edition
2020 || Paperback || Robert Feenstra e.a. || Macmillan
An engaging, balanced and up to date coverage of international trade.
Available for the first time Macmillan’s new integrated, online learning system Achieve, this new edition of Feenstra and Taylor’s International Macroeconomics provides engaging, balanced coverage and applications of key concepts.
Developed in the classroom by two of the most prominent researchers in the field, it seamlessly blends theory and empirical data with current, real-world global policies, events and evidence. ...
morgen verzonden
Internationale economische ontwikkelingen en bedrijfsomgeving / Druk 7
2020 || Paperback || Wim Hulleman e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
Dit studieboek beschrijft diepgaand en overzichtelijk de belangrijkste regionale en mondiale ontwikkelingen in de wereldeconomie en relevante internationale economische theorie, zoals comparatieve kosten, wisselkoersen en betalingsbalans.
Verder biedt het boek een sterkte- en zwakteanalyse van de Nederlandse economie, een handleiding voor landenselectie en een analyse van het landenrisico.
Ook de invloed van de internationale omgeving op de strategie van Nederlandse ondernemingen en het b...
Macroeconomics / 8th Edition Global Edition
2020 || Paperback || Olivier Blanchard || Pearson || ook als eBook
A unified view of the latest macroeconomic events
In Macroeconomics, Blanchard presents an integrated, global view of macroeconomics, enabling students to see the connections between goods markets, financial markets, and labor markets worldwide. Organized into two parts, the text contains a core section that focuses on short-, medium-, and long-run markets and two major extensions that offer more in-depth coverage of the issues at hand. From the major economic crisis that engulfed the world i...
Essentials of Development Economics / 3rd Edition
2020 || Paperback || J. Edward Taylor e.a. || University of California Press
"In this book, Taylor and Lybbert have succeeded in producing an advanced undergraduate and masters textbook for our time. They manage to marry classical development economics--with its emphasis on structural transformation and international trade--with the more recent focus on poverty alleviation through microinterventions and improved public good delivery. The book covers a lot of ground in a concise, coherent, and elegant way. It provides a good platform from which to inspire young people ...
Economics / 22th edition
2020 || Paperback || MCCONNELL || McGraw-Hill
Optimize your outcomes. With McConnell/Brue/Flynn, improving outcomes has never been simpler. If given the chance to work harder or smarter, which would you choose? This product's modern approach makes learning and applying economics easier for instructors and students alike.
From real-life examples to cutting-edge learning resources, McConnell offers a student-centered learning environment that presents the subject matter in new and engaging ways. For instructors, a fully supportive teaching...
Operations Management / 14th edition
2020 || Paperback || William J Stevenson || McGraw-Hill
This beloved and market-leading Operations Management book has been completely updated in the 14th edition and provides a clear presentation of the field of Operations Management with current real-world examples and thoughtful student pedagogy. The comprehensive breadth of content is presented in more modular flexible chapters, so it may be used for different course levels ranging from undergrad to executive education. That flexibility allows for the choice of more or less quantitative materi...
Operations Management In The Supply Chain: Decisions And Cases
2020 || Paperback || SCHROEDER || McGraw-Hill
Appropriate for both undergraduates and MBA students, Operations Management in the Supply Chain: Decisions and Cases, 8e is a guide to operations that takes a unique approach to decision making with a strong emphasis on case materials to put concepts into practice. It provides a balanced treatment of both service and manufacturing firms in a fully updated 4 color revision with modern real-world topics, more Connect content and case solutions. This is the first book to include cross functional...
Hospitality Revenue Management
Concepts and Practices
2020 || Hardcover || Peter Szende || Apple Academic Press Inc.
This new textbook, Hospitality Revenue Management: Concepts and Practices, provides a comprehensive, in-depth introduction to the basic concepts and best practices of hospitality revenue management. With a real-world, hands-on approach, the book places students in the role of a revenue manager striving to succeed in an ever-changing hospitality business environment. The book takes a unique multi-author, collaborative approach, with chapters from outstanding industry leaders who share their ex...
ISE International Business
Competing In The Global Marketplace
2020 || Paperback || HILL || McGraw-Hill
Market-defining since it was introduced, International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace by Charles W.L. Hill (University of Washington) sets the standard and is the proven choice for International Business at the undergraduate and graduate level. The 13th edition provides a complete solution that is relevant (timely, comprehensive), practical (focus on applications of concepts), integrated (integrated progression of topics) and the most up-to-date on the market. Available with Co...