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Studieboeken (164)
vandaag verzonden
Guide to Supply Chain Management
An End to End Perspective
2018 || Hardcover || Colin Scott || Springer International Publishing Ag
This essential guide brings supply chain theory to life. Intended for readers with a business interest in supply chain management, the book covers the key topics in eleven chapters, including planning, sourcing, making, delivering and returning, as well as strategy, people, finance, customer service and outsourcing. Each chapter starts with a brief summary and learning objectives that guide the reader through the text. This second edition also explores digital, sustainability and innovation i...
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Het groot werkvormenboek deel 1 / Druk 2
2018 || Hardcover || Sasja Dirkse-Hulscher e.a. || Boom || met inkijkexemplaar
Cliënten of coachees die wegdromen, weinig inbreng hebben of zelfs in slaap vallen tijdens presentaties, trainingen of coachgesprekken ... Deze situaties kunnen aanleiding zijn om eens wat langer stil te staan bij de werkvormen die je gebruikt en het effect dat je ermee sorteert.
Tien doelstellingen
Het Groot Werkvormenboek is dé inspiratiebron voor iedereen die bijeenkomsten en vergaderingen op een en frisse en resultaatgerichte manier wil vormgeven. Het boek bevat maar liefst 120 verschil...
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Diesel engines for ship propulsion and power plants
2018 || Hardcover || Kees Kuiken || Target Global Energy Training
This third edition of a three-part book on diesel engines is intended for all who work with diesel engines for maritime propulsion and power generation:
- Maritime training institutes and maritime universities
- Maintenance and reconditioning companies
- Shipping companies deep-sea, inland, towage, dredging and heavy-load cargo
- Insurance companies, classification bureaus, surveyors
- Shipping industry suppliers, suppliers of engine parts, fuel and lubricating oil
- Engine manufacturers and ...
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De Bosatlas van de Wadden
2018 || Hardcover || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar
Atlas over Nederlands eerste en enige natuurlijke werelderfgoed- Ontdek de Wadden in al haar facetten - Prachtig vormgegeven met luchtfoto's, infographics en vele honderden unieke Bosatlaskaarten- Van IJstijd tot zandsuppletie, van plankton tot zeehond, van priel tot kwelder, van eilanddynamiek tot terpen en wierden en van natuurherstel tot toerisme en internationale samenwerking.Atlas over Nederlands eerste en enige natuurlijke werelderfgoedDe Bosatlas van de Wadden brengt dit bijzondere UNE...
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Tendens Ondernemer Horeca - Theorieboek Meewerken in de keuken
2018 || Hardcover || Edu'Actief || met inkijkexemplaar
Je hebt het diploma Manager/ondernemer horeca behaald ... en dan? Bij leidinggeven aan een bedrijf of vestiging komt veel kijken. Naast aandacht voor kennis is er daarom in het lesmateriaal van Tendens Ondernemer Horeca veel aandacht voor de beroepscompetenties. Kenmerkend voor de methode Tendens Ondernemer Horeca zijn de specifieke beroepssituaties. Door samenwerking met de professionele praktijk wordt een goed beeld gegeven van de toekomstige werkomgeving en worden de juiste kennis, vaardig...
The Science & Practice of Manual Therapy / 2nd Edition
2005 || Hardcover || Eyal Lederman || Elsevier
The Science and Practice of Manual Therapy, previously entitled The Fundamentals of Manual Therapy, is an extensive examination of how manual therapy (MT) techniques work, and how to match the most suitable techniques to different conditions. Drawing on evidence-based research, it explores the physiological, neurological and psychophysiological responses of the human body to MT techniques. A highly practical book, which provides useful clinical strategies for the treatment of common condition...
Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles / 5th edition
2018 || Hardcover || Christie Geankoplis e.a. || Pearson
Today, chemical engineering students need a thorough understanding of momentum, heat, mass transfer, and separation processes. Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles, Fifth Edition offers a unified and up-to-date treatment of all these topics. Thoroughly updated to reflect the field's latest methods and software technologies, it covers both fundamental principles and practical applications.
Risk Communication / 1st edition
A Handbook for Communicating Environmental, Safety, and Health Risks
2018 || Hardcover || Andrea H. McMakin e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Now in its sixth edition, Risk Communication has proven to be a valuable resource for people who are tasked with the responsibility of understanding how to apply the most current approaches to care, consensus, and crisis communication. The sixth edition updates the text with fresh and illustrative examples, lessons learned, and recent research as well as provides advice and ...
Squire's Fundamentals of Radiology / 7th edition
2018 || Hardcover || Robert A. Novelline || Harvard University Press
Medical students preparing for a career in clinical practice must become familiar with a wide range of diagnostic imaging techniques and image-guided interventions. They must learn to identify the indications for radiological examination and recognize the role each procedure plays in the workup, diagnosis, and therapeutic management of patients. That is why Squire's Fundamentals of Radiology has been such an important, long-standing resource for medical students, physicians, and other profess...
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Introducing the New Testament / 2nd Edition
A Historical, Literary, and Theological Survey
2018 || Hardcover || Mark Allan Powell || Baker Publishing Group
This lively, engaging introduction to the New Testament is critical yet faith-friendly, lavishly illustrated, and accompanied by a variety of pedagogical aids, including sidebars, maps, tables, charts, diagrams, and suggestions for further reading. The full-color interior features art from around the world that illustrates the New Testament's impact on history and culture. The first edition has been well received (over 60,000 copies sold).
This new edition has been thoroughly revised in respo...