
Charles Dickens (2)

Studieboeken (119)

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Iemand zien staan

2008 || Paperback || A. van Heijst || Klement, Uitgeverij

Zonder erkenning kan een mens niet leven – zorgethiek moet zich daarrekenschap van geven. Annelies van Heijst geeft daar in dit boek een aanzet voor.

In de bedrijfsmatige en marktgerichte cure en care gaat iets wezenlijks verloren. Namelijk het schenken en ontvangen van erkentelijkheid tussen de betrokkenen. Is de gezondheidszorg zo ingericht dat patiënten, bewo ners en cliënten alleen vaktechnisch correcte zorg krijgen? Of hebben ze het gevoel dat professionals hen werkelijk zien stáán...

Levertijd: 7 werkdagen

Phonothek intensiv

Aussprachetraining - Arbeitsbuch

2008 || Paperback || Eberhard Stock e.a. || Ernst Verlag

Levertijd: 7 werkdagen

Eye Movement Disorders

2020 || Paperback || Agnes Wong || Oxford University Press

Eye Movement Disorders, by Dr. Agnes Wong, fills a great void in the Ophthalmology and Neurology literature by presenting eye movement disorders in a full-colour, highly illustrative format. This text explains eye movement disorders in a concise yet comprehensive manner, which makes it an excellent reference book and an outstanding learning text for anyone trying to master the intricate relationship between eye movement disorders, and their underlyingneuroanatomy and pathophysiology.

Its easy...

Levertijd: 8 werkdagen

The Bible: Authorized King James Version

King James Version, with Apocrypha

2008 || Paperback || Robert Carroll e.a. || Oxford University Press

The Bible is the most important book in the history of Western civilization, and also the most difficult to interpret. It has been the vehicle of continual conflict, with every interpretation reflecting passionately-held views that have affected not merely religion, but politics, art, and even science. This unique edition offers an exciting new approach to the most influential of all English biblical texts - the Authorized King James Version, complete with the Apocrypha.

Levertijd: 8 werkdagen

The Riverside Chaucer / 3rd edition

Reissued with a new foreword by Christopher Cannon

2008 || Paperback || Geoffrey Chaucer e.a. || Oxford University Press

The third edition of the definitive collection of Chaucer's Complete Works, reissued with a new foreword by Christopher Cannon. Since F. N.

Robinson's second edition of the The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer was published in 1957, there has been a dramatic increase in Chaucer scholarship. This has not only enriched our understanding of Chaucer's art, but has also enabled scholars, working for the first time with all the source-material, to recreate Chaucer's authentic texts. For the third edition,...

Levertijd: 8 werkdagen

Being and Time

2008 || Paperback || Martin Heidegger || HarperCollins

The fundamental philosophy of the existentialist movement is revealed in Heidegger's discussion of human existence, nonhuman presence, personal consciousness, and angst

Levertijd: 8 werkdagen

Fundamentals of the Physical Environment / 4th edition

2008 || Paperback || Peter Smithson e.a. || Taylor & Francis

Fundamentals of the Physical Environment has established itself as a well-respected core introductory book for students of physical geography and the environmental sciences. Taking a systems approach, it demonstrates how the various factors operating at Earth’s surface can and do interact, and how landscape can be used to decipher them. The nature of the earth, its atmosphere and its oceans, the main processes of geomorphology and key elements of ecosystems are also all explained.

The final...

Levertijd: 8 werkdagen

Referentiel de l'Alliance Francais pour le cadre europeen commun

2008 || Paperback || Aude Chauvet || CLE International

Le Référentiel de l’Alliance française est un outil de synthèse destiné aux professeurs. Il comprend pour chaque niveau du Cadre l'ensemble des compétences, et pour chacune d'elle les savoir-faire, actes de parole, contenus grammaticaux, lexique et les aspects socioculturels correspondant aux descripteurs du niveau. Le Référentiel de l’Alliance française est un outil de synthèse destiné aux professeurs. Conçu pour faciliter le travail d’analyse et de conception de matériel ...

Levertijd: 8 werkdagen

The Rise of Modern Philosophy

A New History of Western Philosophy, Volume 3

2008 || Paperback || Anthony Kenny || Oxford University Press

Anthony Kenny's engaging new history of Western philosophy now advances into the modern era.The Rise of Modern Philosophyis the fascinating story of the emergence of the great ideas and worldviews of modern thought. Beautifully illustrated throughout, Kenny's book introduces us to some of the world's most original and influential thinkers.

Levertijd: 8 werkdagen

A Discourse on the Method

of Correctly Conducting One's Reason and Seeking Truth in the Sciences

2008 || Paperback || Rene Descartes || Oxford University Press

Descartes's A Discourse on the Method of Correctly Conducting One's Reason and Seeking the Truth in the Sciences marks a watershed in European thought; in it, the author provides an informal intellectual autobiography in the vernacular for a non-specialist readership, sweeps away all previous philosophical traditions, and sets out in brief his radical new philosophy.