Studieboeken (18)
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Keuzegids screening & diagnostiek VB
definitie, inventarisatie, eigenschappen, vergelijking van instrumenten voor screening en diagnostiek van het intellectueel en adaptief functioneren bij mensen met verstandelijke beperkingen
2024 || Paperback || Martha Martens || University of Groningen Press
Om mensen met een verstandelijke beperking passende, persoonsgerichte zorg te kunnen bieden, is het van belang hun mogelijkheden en beperkingen goed in kaart te brengen. Een verstandelijke beperking wordt gekenmerkt door significante beperkingen in zowel het intellectueel als adaptief functioneren, ontstaan in de ontwikkelingsperiode. Maar hoe stel je een verstandelijke beperking vast? En hoe bepaal je de mate ervan?
De Keuzegids screening & diagnostiek VB presenteert een uitgebreid overzicht...
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Life & Legacy
A window into Jewish heritage across the MENA region
2023 || Hardcover || Maxime Heijman e.a. || University of Groningen Press
Through stunning images, maps and insightful commentary, this book offers a glimpse into the diversity, historical legacy, and rich culture of Jewish communities within the Muslim world. From the growing Jewish community of Dubai to ancient synagogues and shrines, these photographs capture the beauty and complexity of Jewish life around North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia. Above all, this photographic book serves as a reminder of the enduring spirit of the Jewish people and the di...
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Towards a Science of Meaning and Complex Solution
2023 || Paperback || Andrej Zwitter e.a. || University of Groningen Press
Towards a Science of Meaning and Complex Solution
Science has lost its ethical imperatives as it moved away from a science of ought to a science of is. Subsequently, it might have answers for how we can address global challenges, such as climate change and poverty, but not why we should. This supposedly neutral stance leaves it to politics and religions (in the sense of non-scientific fields of social engagement) to fill in the values. The problem is that through this concession,...
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Evenwichtskunst / Balancing Act
Universiteitsraad en College van Bestuur in Groningen 1972-2022 / The University Council and Board of the University in Groningen, 1972–2022
2023 || Paperback || Bart Beijer e.a. || University of Groningen Press
Het gedenkboek Evenwichtskunst is uitgegeven ter gelegenheid van het 50-jarige bestaan van het College van Bestuur en de Universiteitsraad van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Het accent in deze uitgave ligt op de laatste twee decennia. In een kort historisch overzicht staat het beleid van de opeenvolgende Colleges van Bestuur centraal. Onderwerpen als het Groningse Harmoniemodel, de Nobelprijs voor Ben Feringa komen aan de orde, maar ook bijvoorbeeld het mislukte Yantai-project in China blijf...
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Digital Humanities, Corpus and Language Technology = Humanidades Digitales, Corpus y Tecnología del Lenguaje
A look from diverse case studies = Una mirada desde diversos casos de estudio
2023 || Paperback || Andrés Grajales Ramírez e.a. || University of Groningen Press
Digital Humanities, Corpus and Language Technology: A look from diverse case studies is an outstanding collection of research contributions that explores the intersection of technology and the humanities. The authors provide a comprehensive overview of how these technologies can enhance research across various disciplines, from literature to history to anthropology. This book is a mustread for anyone interested in future research in the humanities. Digital Humanities, Corpus, and Language Tec...
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Untold Stories of War
2020 || Paperback || Ava Molleson e.a. || University of Groningen Press
Most of what gets published about war zones is written by a remarkably small group of people. Soldiers, journalists, politicians, public intellectuals: these are the people we turn to in times of crisis. And yet, in turning to these people we miss something very important: the voices of the displaced, the victimised, and the oppressed. The voices of the voiceless. This book is here to help change that. Containing seven beautifully illustrated stories of conflict—from the Balkans to Africa, ...
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Differentiated Instruction in Teaching from the International Perspective:
Measurements, Cross-Country Comparisons, Development over Time, and Importance for Students’ Academic Engagement
2023 || Paperback || Ridwan Maulana e.a. || University of Groningen Press
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An introduction to friendliness (mettā)
Emotional intelligence and freedom in the Pāli discourses of the Buddha
2022 || Paperback || Andrea Sangiacomo || University of Groningen Press
Friendliness (mettā in Pāli) is an emotional and intentional attitude of goodwill and non-aversion towards all sentient beings, including oneself. It is rooted in both feeling and understanding. In the Pāli discourses of the Buddha, friendliness is repeatedly stressed and encouraged for its numerous benefits. It supports and develops a form of emotional intelligence and provides an ideal pathway to explore deeper aspects of one’s experience and their philosophical implications. Friendlin...