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met 5% korting 33,24

Accountable conceptdenken

van slapend naar nalevend

2019 || Paperback || Gaby Crucq-Toffolo e.a. || BIS Publishers

Een goed concept biedt toegevoegde waarde. Een concept, ook wel de zogenaamde kapstok genoemd, opent allerlei mogelijkheden en kansen en zorgt ervoor dat keuzes maken makkelijk wordt. Hoe ontwikkel je een concept? En hoe maak je deze toegevoegde waarde zichtbaar, voelbaar en herkenbaar?

Het is voor het creëren van onderscheidend vermogen van belang dat ontwerpers rekening houden met de verwerking van het concept door de eindgebruiker. Hierbij speelt design een belangrijke rol. Dit boek geeft...

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Don't Fck Up Your Baby

The Ultimate Guide to Raising Your Newborn Brand

2022 || Paperback || Coen Luijten e.a. || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar

Newborn brands are like babies, you can be very proud of it and feel great love for it. They can also take up all your time and give you sleepless nights. This doesn’t matter, if they grow up to be big (and strong), it was all worth it. To prepare children for the big world, you have to help them develop their personalities, let them get the best out of their DNA.

The same goes for a newborn brand, successfully nurturing a project is an all-encompassing process. There’s a lot that comes w...

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This Human - Design Character

Know who you are as a designer

2022 || Paperback || Dr Melis Senova || BIS Publishers

As the second book in the ‘this human’ series, Design Character explores the values, ethics, and motivations behind every designer. It helps the reader navigate their inner world and create an authentic practice that is deeply informed by who they are at their core.

Perfect for a designer, or anyone keen to understand how values inform their actions, this book is for those wanting to have more impact with their work and accelerate mastery in their practice.

We have entered an era that a...

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met 5% korting 28,49

Transforming While Performing

Find your North star and get everyone to act in days not months

2023 || Paperback || Kristof Braekeleire e.a. || BIS Publishers

The book consists of three parts. The first is about finding your true north and pinpointing the problem that needs to be solved. Part two is about getting everyone to act. And in part three, you’ll learn how to transform yourself and your organisation.

The book’s authors each have over +20 years of experience working for technology giants and industry pioneers, HP and Microsoft. As a result, the authors know firsthand the pains of working in organisations that are constantly transformin...

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Design. Think. Make. Break. Repeat - Revised edition (Heruitgave)

A Handbook of Methods

2021 || Paperback || Madeleine Borthwick e.a. || BIS Publishers

Revised edition: 20 additional methods and a new chapter to introduce humanity-centred design

This handbook documents 80 methods used in design innovation projects leading to the design of new products or services. It is the first publication to bring together methods, tools and case studies that involve multiple disciplines and perspectives – from product and service design to interaction and user experience design. In this revised edition, the authors look beyond the human-centred design ...

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The Characters of Creativity

Activate creativity by understanding your colleagues

2023 || Paperback || Prof. Alastair Pearce || BIS Publishers

Whether you’re a manager or creatives, a colleague of creatives, or simply creative yourself, chances are you recognise some of your colleagues or team members in this. If so, The Characters of Creativity is your go-to guide. The book offers specific strategies and techniques for releasing creativity.

A practical guide to the complex world of creativity.

Turn strategy into creativity and find out what management tools work for creatives.

Learn how to create a professional environment that s...

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Creative Struggle is real

Stop procrastinating and start making

2023 || Paperback || Holly Blondin || BIS Publishers

While the creative struggle may be inevitable, it doesn’t have to feel impossible. The book is organised into three parts: Exploring Your Creative Context, Designing Your Creative Practice, and Maintaining Your Creative Momentum. You will discover your imaginator type, become a superhero(ine) and define what creativity means to you.

The book walks you through practical and inspiring methods to make space and time for making so you will never again have an excuse to procrastinate. In additi...

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Sketching the Basics

Drawing Techniques for Product Designers

2019 || Paperback || Koos Eissen e.a. || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar

This book explains the basic sketching techniques and decisions more in depth and provides much more step-by-step example drawings, which makes it even more suitable for students and professionals who want to become better sketchers.

Sketching the Basics can be seen as the prequel to Sketching as it is more targeted at the novice designer. The Basics explains the essential techniques and effects more in detail, taking the reader by the hand and guiding him step by step through all the various...

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met 5% korting 21,84

Visual Thinking - NL editie (Heruitgave)

Effectiever samenwerken door zakelijk tekenen

2020 || Paperback || Willemien Brand || BIS Publishers || met inkijkexemplaar

Heb jij het visuele werken al omarmd? Visueel werken en tekenskills worden steeds belangrijker in onze zakelijke omgeving. Een plaatje kan echt meer zeggen dan duizend woorden en visualisatie is voor bedrijven die hun zakelijke agility willen boosten, silo’s willen afbreken en hun klantbetrokkenheid willen vergroten een cruciaal onderdeel.

Het visualiseren van denkprocessen kan je helpen om complexe problemen op te lossen. Het zorgt ervoor dat teams en medewerkers op elkaars ideeën kunnen ...

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Start-up Starters

Achieve success by focusing on what matters

2023 || Postcard book or pack || Tijs Besieux || BIS Publishers

The game is played by all founding members. Every founder gets 5 cards. Taking turns, every founder chooses one card to put on the table. Work with that card before putting the next card on the table, and so on. Play as many rounds as you feel, depending on time and energy.

Playing Start-up Starters results in more clarity about the role of the founding team, as well as actionable feedback and relentless client focus. The game is underpinned by a decade of coaching hundreds of start-ups, gro...