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Studieboeken (30)
Physics for Scientists & Engineers with Modern Physics / 4th edition
2013 || Paperback || Douglas C. Giancoli || Pearson
For the calculus-based General Physics course primarily taken by engineers and science majors (including physics majors). This long-awaited and extensive revision maintains Giancoli's reputation for creating carefully crafted, highly accurate and precise physics texts. Physics for Scientists and Engineers combines outstanding pedagogy with a clear and direct narrative and applications that draw the student into the physics.
The new edition also features an unrivaled suite of media and on-line...
Biomedical Engineering
Bridging Medicine and Technology
2022 || Hardcover || W. Mark || Cambridge University Press
The second edition of this popular introductory undergraduate textbook uses examples, applications, and a problem-solving approach to convey the impact of biomedical engineering. Updated throughout, the author has included more qualitative and quantitative questions and problems, highlighting recent advances in biomedical engineering to provide a modern overview of the field.
Fundamentals of Thermal-Fluid Sciences ISE / 6th edition
2021 || Paperback || Yunus Cengel e.a. || McGraw-Hill
Fundamentals of Thermal-Fluid Sciences, Sixth Edition, is an abbreviated version of standard thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer texts, covering topics that the majority of engineering students will need in their professional lives. The text is well-suited for curriculums that have a common introductory course or a two-course sequence on thermal-fluid sciences. The book addresses tomorrow's engineers in a simple, yet precise manner, and it leads students toward a clear understa...
Modern Physics / 4th edition
2019 || Paperback || Kenneth S. Krane || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
One of the field's most respected introductory texts, Modern Physics provides a deep exploration of fundamental theory and experimentation. Appropriate for second-year undergraduate science and engineering students, this esteemed text presents a comprehensive introduction to the concepts and methods that form the basis of modern physics, including examinations of relativity, quantum physics, statistical physics, nuclear physics, high energy physics, astrophysics, and cosmology. A balanced ped...
Moran's Principles of Engineering Thermodynamics / 9th edition
2018 || Paperback || M.J. Moran e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
Moran's Principles of Engineering Thermodynamics, SI Version, continues to offer a comprehensive and rigorous treatment of classical thermodynamics, while retaining an engineering perspective. With concise, applications-oriented discussion of topics and self-test problems, this book encourages students to monitor their own learning. This classic text provides a solid foundation for subsequent studies in fields such as fluid mechanics, heat transfer and statistical thermodynamics, and prepares...
Quantum Mechanics
2023 || Paperback || Alastair I. M. || Apple Academic Press Inc.
A Thorough Update of One of the Most Highly Regarded Textbooks on Quantum MechanicsContinuing to offer an exceptionally clear, up-to-date treatment of the subject, Quantum Mechanics, Sixth Edition explains the concepts of quantum mechanics for undergraduate students in physics and related disciplines and provides the foundation necessary for other specialized courses. This sixth edition builds on its highly praised predecessors to make the text even more accessible to a wider audience. It is ...
Basisboek Vacuümtechniek / Druk 2
2019 || Hardcover || Bert Suurmeijer e.a. || Nederlandse Vacuümvereniging
Geheel herziene versie van het in 2000 door de Nederlandse Vacuümvereniging NEVAC uitgegeven 'Basisboek Vacuümtechniek', inmiddels uitgegroeid tot een erkend standaardwerk en met 2 herdrukken "bestseller" op het vakgebied der vacuümtechniek in de Nederlandse taalregio. Deze nieuwe editie bevat alle innovaties van de 21e eeuw in het vacuümdomein. Een onmisbare hulpbron voor onderzoekers, ingenieurs, onderhoudspersoneel en verkoopmanagers die zich bezighouden met vacuümgerelateerde onderwe...
Introduction to Nanoscience
2008 || Hardcover || Gabor L. Hornyak || Taylor & Francis
Tomorrow's nanoscientist will have a truly interdisciplinary and nano-centric education, rather than, for example, a degree in chemistry with a specialization in nanoscience. For this to happen, the field needs a truly focused and dedicated textbook. This full-color masterwork is such a textbook.
It introduces the nanoscale along with the societal impacts of nanoscience, then presents an overview of characterization and fabrication methods. The authors systematically discuss the chemistry, ph...
Nanotechnology for Microelectronics and Photonics / 2nd edition
2017 || Hardcover || Jose Martinez-Duart e.a. || Elsevier - Health Science Division
Nanotechnology for Microelectronics and Photonics, Second Edition has been thoroughly revised, expanded, and updated. The aim of the book is to present the most recent advances in the field of nanomaterials, as well as the devices being developed for novel nanoelectronics and nanophotonic systems. It covers the many novel nanoscale applications in microelectronics and photonics that have been developed in recent years.
Looking to the future, the book suggests what other applications are curre...
Toegepaste Wiskunde deel 3 Leerlingenboek
voor het hoger beroepsonderwijs
2000 || Paperback || J.H. Blankespoor || ThiemeMeulenhoff bv
Toegepaste wiskunde deel 3 vormt de schakel tussen de wiskunde in deel 1 en 2 enerzijds en de meer specialistische toepassingen van de wiskunde op fysisch en elektrotechnisch gebied in het hbo anderzijds.
- Verdieping voor met name Elektrotechniek en Informatica
- Diverse transformaties vanuit het tijdsdomein staan centraal
- Vaardigheden met getransformeerde modellen oefenen
- De meest gangbare transformaties worden behandeld
- Talloze vragen, opdrachten en Maple-voorbeelden
- Ondersteunt ze...