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Studieboeken (61)
An Introduction to Design Science / 2nd edition
2022 || Paperback || Paul Johannesson e.a. || Springer
This book is an introductory text on design science, intended to support both graduate students and researchers in structuring, undertaking and presenting design science work. It builds on established design science methods as well as recent work on presenting design science studies and ethical principles for design science, and also offers novel instruments for visualizing the results, both in the form of process diagrams and through a canvas format. While the book does not presume any prior...
Unity 2020 Mobile Game Development / 2nd edition
Discover practical techniques and examples to create and deliver engaging games for Android and iOS, 2nd Edition
2020 || Paperback || John P. Doran || Packt Publishing Limited
A practical guide on how to use Unity for building cross-platform mobile games and Augmented Reality apps using the latest Unity 2020 toolsetKey FeaturesCreate, deploy, and monetize captivating and immersive games on Android and iOS platformsTake your games into the real world by adding augmented reality features to your mobile projectsKick-start your mobile game development journey with step-by-step instructions and a demo game projectBook DescriptionUnity 2020 brings a lot of new features t...
Learning C# by Developing Games with Unity 2020 / 5th edition
An enjoyable and intuitive approach to getting started with C# programming and Unity
2020 || Paperback || Harrison Ferrone || Packt Publishing Limited
Publisher's note: This edition from 2020 is outdated and does not make use of the most recent Unity and C# features. A new sixth edition, updated for Unity 2021 and including new advanced C# topics, such as reading, writing, and serializing data, has now been published. Key FeaturesUnderstand C# programming basics, terminology, and coding best practicesPut your knowledge of C# concepts into practice by building a fun and playable gameCome away with a clear direction for taking your C# program...
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Computer Security: Principles and Practice / 4th Global Edition
2018 || Paperback || William Stallings e.a. || Pearson
For courses in computer/network security Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition, is ideal for courses in Computer/Network Security. The need for education in computer security and related topics continues to grow at a dramatic rate—and is essential for anyone studying Computer Science or Computer Engineering. Written for both an academic and professional audience, the 4th Edition continues to set the standard for computer security with a balanced presentation of principles ...
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Pionieren op het Rekencentrum
Van ZEBRA tot informatievisualisatie
2022 || Paperback || Jan Kraak || University of Groningen Press
“Pioniers waren we tijdens de eerste jaren van het in 1959 opgerichte Rekencentrum. Veel moest er nog worden uitgevonden. Door de trage verwerking van de programma’s en de gebrekkige programmeerhulpmiddelen ging alles moeizaam en traag. Je moest je levenstempo erop afstemmen en alleen mensen met veel geduld voelden zich er helemaal gelukkig bij.”
Jan Kraak was programmeur bij het in 1959 opgerichte Rekencentrum van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, later het Centrum voor Informatie Techno...
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AI Taalmodellen en Programma's
Van theorie tot praktijk
2024 || Paperback || J. Biersteker || Boekscout
Dit boek duikt in de wereld van kunstmatige intelligentie (AI), van de basisprincipes van AI-taalmodellen tot de impact ervan op onze samenleving. Met een naadloze samensmelting van technische inzichten en toekomstvisies, onthult het zowel de mogelijkheden als de ethische dilemma's die AI met zich meebrengt. Geschreven voor iedereen met interesse in de toekomst van technologie, biedt het een fascinerende kijk op hoe AI ons leven en werk zal transformeren, uitgedaagd om na te denken over de ro...
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Computer Networks / 6th Edition
2021 || Paperback || Andrew Tanenbaum e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook
Appropriate for Computer Networking or Introduction to Networking courses at both the undergraduate and graduate level in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, CIS, MIS, and Business Departments.Tanenbaum takes a structured approach to explaining how networks work from the inside out. He starts with an explanation of the physical layer of networking, computer hardware and transmission systems; then works his way up to network applications. Tanenbaum's in-depth application coverage include...
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Hands-On Machine Learning / 3rd edition
with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques to Build Intelligent Systems
2022 || Paperback || Aurelien Geron || O'Reilly
Through a recent series of breakthroughs, deep learning has boosted the entire field of machine learning. Now, even programmers who know close to nothing about this technology can use simple, efficient tools to implement programs capable of learning from data. This best-selling book uses concrete examples, minimal theory, and production-ready Python frameworks--scikit-learn, Keras, and TensorFlow--to help you gain an intuitive understanding of the concepts and tools for building intelligent s...
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TOGAF® 9 Certified Study Guide / 4th Edition
Preparation for the TOGAF 9 Part 2 Examination
|| Paperback || Rachel Harrison || Van Haren Publishing
The TOGAF 9 certification program is a knowledge-based certification program. It has two levels, leading to certification for TOGAF 9 Foundation and TOGAF 9 Certified, respectively.
The purpose of certification to TOGAF 9 Certified is to provide validation that, in addition to the knowledge and comprehension of TOGAF 9 Foundation level, the Candidate is able to analyze and apply this knowledge. The learning objectives at this level therefore focus on application and analysis in addition to k...
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Zo word je een iPad-pro
2024 || Paperback || Team VDM || Duuren Media, Van
Jouw iPad is niet zomaar een gadget; het is een krachtig stuk technologie. Maar ben je echt op de hoogte van alle mogelijkheden? Natuurlijk, we gebruiken allemaal apps voor foto’s, video’s, bellen, en surfen op internet. Deze geavanceerde tool biedt echter veelmeer dan de basisfuncties.
Ontdek de verborgen apps die jouw productiviteit kunnen verhogen en de onontdekte functies in apps die je dagelijks gebruikt, zoals Mail, Safari en Instellingen. Het besturingssysteem herbergt geavanceerde...