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Studieboeken (127)
vandaag verzonden
Organic Chemistry / 10th Global Edition
2022 || Paperback || Leroy Wade e.a. || Pearson
For courses in Organic Chemistry Engage students in complex problem solving with unparalleled pedagogy Wade & Simek's Organic Chemistry focuses students on the fundamental reasoning and principles of organic chemistry without compromising the conceptual underpinnings and clear explanations needed to prevent memorization. The authors' hallmark student-oriented approach to problem-solving directs students to the individual steps of each reaction, shows how the steps contribute to the overall re...
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Working with Involuntary Clients / 4th edition
A Guide to Practice
2022 || Paperback || Chris Trotter || Taylor & Francis
Fully updated fourth edition of Trotter's well-established text on working with involuntary clients. The new edition includes a new chapter on Collaborative Family Work and additional emphasis on trauma informed practice. Includes plentiful case examples and links to practice, from a range of settings including work with people with addictions, young people who refuse to go to school and mental health patients who refuse treatment, as well as examples from criminal justice and child protection.
Presents a practical model for evidence-based practice and discusses a range of intervention models and relationships skills. Takes into account up-to-date research evidence throughou...
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Molecular Biology of the Cell / 7th Edition
International student edition
2022 || Paperback || Bruce Alberts e.a. || WW Norton & Co
For more than four decades, Molecular Biology of the Cell has distilled the vast amount of scientific knowledge to illuminate basic principles, enduring concepts and cutting-edge research. The Seventh Edition has been extensively revised and updated with the latest research, and has been thoroughly vetted by experts and instructors. The classic companion text, The Problems Book, has been reimagined as the Digital Problems Book in Smartwork, an interactive digital assessment course with a wide...
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The Pyramid Principle / 3rd edition
Logic in Writing and Thinking
2022 || Paperback || Barbara Minto || Pearson
GET THE MAXIMUM IMPACT WITH THE MINIMUM EFFORT. The Pyramid Principle is the international best-seller on how to think creatively, reason lucidly and produce crisp, clear, compelling business writing. Join the tens of thousands of people worldwide who have benefited from Barbara Minto's technique, to present your thinking so clearly that the ideas jump off the page and into the mind of the reader. Can your writing do without it?
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Media Today / 8th edition
Mass Communication in a Converging World
2022 || Paperback || Joseph Turow || Taylor & Francis
Consistently examines the business of media through the paradigm of production-distribution-exhibition in a way that no other book does, giving students a more thorough understanding of how media industries work and the vocabulary they need to talk about them. Engagingly written with examples that are familiar to students, helping them better connect to the content and understand their role as media consumers and producers.
Coverage of convergence and its impact is incorporated into every cha...
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Physics / 12th edition
International Adaptation
2022 || Paperback || John D. Cutnell e.a. || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
The newly revised Twelfth Edition of Cutnell's Physics delivers an effective and accessible introduction to college and university physics. It contains easy-to follow explanations of critical math and problem-solving concepts. From kinematics to work and energy, temperature, heat, electricity, magnetism and optics as well as foundational concepts in more advanced subjects like special relativity, Physics is the ideal introductory text for students from any background. The greatest strength of...
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Fysische diagnostiek / Druk 3
Uitvoering en betekenis van het lichamelijk onderzoek
2022 || Paperback || T.O.H. de Jongh e.a. || Bohn Stafleu van Loghum
Lichamelijk onderzoek vormt, samen met de anamnese, nog steeds de basis van de diagnostiek. De interpretatie van de verkregen gegevens bepaalt of en welk aanvullend onderzoek zinvol is. Dit boek biedt studenten, docenten en praktiserend artsen een standaard voor het lichamelijk onderzoek.
Fysische diagnostiek geeft het lichamelijk onderzoek op systematische wijze weer. De relevante anatomie en fysiologie wordt beschreven als basis voor het goed kunnen verrichten van het lichamelijk onderzoek...
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Leerboek geriatrie / Druk 4
Probleemgeoriënteerd werken met ouderen
2022 || Paperback || Marianne van Iersel e.a. || Tijdstroom, Uitgeverij De
Medische zorg voor kwetsbare ouderen krijgt steeds meer aandacht. Terecht, gezien het toenemend aantal oudere patiënten. Deze groep patiënten wordt vooral gekenmerkt door kwetsbaarheid, multimorbiditeit, polyfarmacie en complexe problemen. Deze problemen vragen om specifieke kennis en vaardigheden en een persoonsgerichte benadering. Het besef dat alle artsen en andere zorgprofessionals deze kennis en vaardigheden moeten hebben, is inmiddels gelukkig breed geaccepteerd.
Leerboek geriatrie is...
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Designing Human-Centric AI Experiences
Applied UX Design for Artificial Intelligence
2022 || Paperback || Akshay Kore || APress
User experience (UX) design practices have seen a fundamental shift as more and more software products incorporate machine learning (ML) components and artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms at their core. This book will probe into UX design's role in making technologies inclusive and enabling user collaboration with AI. AI/ML-based systems have changed the way of traditional UX design.
Instead of programming a method to do a specific action, creators of these systems provide data and nurtur...
Organic Chemistry with Mastering Chemistry and Pearson eText / 10th Global Edition
2022 || Paperback || Leroy Wade e.a. || Pearson
This title is a Pearson Global Edition. Theeditorial team at Pearson has worked closely with educators around the world toinclude content which is especially relevant to an international and diverseaudience. For coursesin Organic Chemistry (2 Semester) Engagestudents in complex problem solving with unparalleled pedagogy Wade & Simek's OrganicChemistry focuses students on the fundamental reasoning and principlesof organic chemistry without compromising the conceptual underpinnings andclear exp...