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Studieboeken (98)
Mechanistic Toxicology / 2nd edition
The Molecular Basis of How Chemicals Disrupt Biological Targets
2007 || Paperback || Urs A. Boelsterli || Taylor & Francis
A thorough understanding of cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the individual expression of toxic effects provides an important tool for assessment of human health risk. New aspects, major advances, and new areas in molecular and cellular biology and toxicology demand updated sources of information to elucidate the functional mechanics of human toxicology. Mechanistic Toxicology: The Molecular Basis of How Chemicals Disrupt Biological Targets, Second Edition retains the accessible ...
Conference Interpreting / 3rd edition
Principles and Practice
2007 || Paperback || Valerie Taylor-bouladon || Createspace
Begins with the history of interpreting in Europe and Australia, then looks at how it is done today, and what lies ahead. The different modes of interpretation are explained; there are tips for beginners such as how to overcome stage fright, what to do if you miss something, booth behaviour and microphone manners, how to become a graceful scapegoat, economise your voice and make delegates laugh as well as how to deal with Australianisms. A chapter is devoted to conference organisers, another ...
2007 || Paperback || Rabelais || Gallimard
"Gargantua depuis les troys jusques à cinq ans feut nourry et institué en toute discipline convenente par le commandement de son pere, et celluy temps passa comme les petitz enfans du pays, c'est assavoir à boyre, manger et dormir : à manger, dormir et boyre : à dormir, boyre et manger.Tousjours se vaultroit par les fanges, se mascaroyt le nez, se chauffourroit le visaige. Aculoyt ses souliers, baisloit souvent aux mouches, et couroit voulentiers aprés les parpaillons, desquelz son pere...
Craniofacial Pain
Neuromusculoskeletal Assessment, Treatment and Management
2007 || Paperback || Harry von Piekartz || Elsevier
This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. The authors combine the latest evidence-based knowledge from the fields of orthodontics, plastic and neurosurgery, as well as otolaryngeal treatments, physiotherapy and manual therapy to provide new treatment strategies for clinicians interested in craniofacial problems. This approach is based on the latest clinical reasoning models.
Grounded in pain science theory and modern craniofacial growth c...
Subalterns and Raj
South Asia since 1600
2007 || Paperback || Crispin Bates || Taylor & Francis
Subalterns and Raj presents a unique introductory history of India with an account that begins before the period of British rule, and pursues the continuities within that history up to the present day. Its coverage ranges from Mughal India to post-independence Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, with a focus on the ‘ordinary’ people of India and South Asia. Subalterns and Raj examines overlooked issues in Indian social history and highlights controversies between historians.
Taking an ico...
Creating lean dealers
2007 || Paperback || David Brunt e.a. || Lean Enterprise Academy Limited
What is in Creating Lean Dealers?
Creating Lean Dealers is a DIY guide to enable dealers to achieve such a step-change for themselves. It works through, using examples, diagrams and detailed instructions, how to transform performance in service and repair. Then it goes on to describe how the same logic can be applied to all other areas of the dealer business to give a win-win-win for customers, dealer staff and shareholders.
The journey to becoming a Lean dealer begins by getting a real under...
2007 || Paperback || André Breton || Gallimard
Dans Folioplus classiques, le texte intégral, enrichi d'une lecture d'image, écho pictural de l'oeuvre, est suivi de sa mise en perspective organisée en six points : - Mouvement littéraire : Le surréalisme, une esthétique ou une vision du monde ? - Genre et registre : Une promenade ouverte au merveilleux quotidien - L'écrivain à sa table de travail : Des premiers fragments au dernier remaniement - Groupement de textes : Figures de médiatrices - Chronologie : André Breton et son temp...
Een kwestie van verschil
Conflict hantering en onderhandeling in een configuratieve integratietheorie
2007 || Paperback || H.J. van Dongen || Eburon Uitgeverij
Recente ontwikkelingen in de organisatietheorie, de sociale wetenschappen en de filosofie komen hier bij elkaar in een theorie, die een geheel nieuw licht werpt op de praktijk van de organisatieadviseur en de manager. De veelvormigheid van conflict en onderhandeling vraagt om een benadering waarin de meest voor de hand liggende valkuilen en blunders worden voorkomen.
Dit boek is bestemd voor zowel professionele conflicthanteerders als voor degenen die – om welke redenen dan ook – geïnter...