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Studieboeken (83)
International Business / 17th Global Edition
2021 || Paperback || John Daniels e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook
Enhance your students' understanding of international business markets. International Business: Environments and Operations, 17th Edition, develops critical thinking skills by balancing classroom theory with practice. With contemporary examples, scenarios, and cases, this bestselling guide will give your students the necessary tools for success.
Chemistry: The Central Science in SI Units / 15th Global Edition
2021 || Paperback || Theodore Brown e.a. || Pearson
For courses in two-semester generalchemistry. Accurate, data-driven authorship with expanded interactivityleads to greater student engagement Unrivaled problem sets, notablescientific accuracy and currency, and remarkable clarity have made Chemistry:The Central Science the leading general chemistry text for more than adecade. Trusted, innovative, and calibrated, the text increases conceptualunderstanding and leads to greater student success in general chemistry bybuilding on the expertise of...
Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology / 3rd Edition
2023 || Paperback || Marc Brysbaert e.a. || Pearson
Engage with key historical and conceptual issues in psychology Historical and Conceptual Issues in Psychology, 3rd Edition, by Brysbaert & Rastle offers a unique and engaging introduction to key historical and conceptual issues in psychology. The text draws on a broad range of issues and themes, both contemporary and historical, helping you understand the philosophical context from which psychology has emerged as a discipline. Every chapter reflects the newest findings and insights in the fie...
Introduction to Health Psychology / 5th edition
2021 || Paperback || Val Morrison e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook
Introduction to Health Psychology, fifth edition, is a comprehensive guide on the subject, linking theory to real-world examples.
With its popular structure, increased use of case studies, and learning tools, it is a must-have edition guaranteed to keep your students engaged.
• The edition retains its popular structure of the three multi-chaptered sections, 'Being and Staying Healthy', 'Becoming Ill', and 'Being Ill', essentially helping you maintain your teaching structure.
• A final sec...
Concepts of Genetics, 12th Global Edition
2021 || Paperback || William Klug e.a. || Pearson
For all introductory genetics courses. Teach students core genetics concepts and applicationsConcepts of Genetics emphasizes the fundamental ideas of genetics, while exploring modern techniques and applications of genetic analysis. This best-selling text continues to provide understandable explanations of complex, analytical topics and recognizes the importance of teaching students how to become effective problem solvers.
The 12th Edition has been extensively updated to provide comprehensive ...
University Calculus: Early Transcendentals in SI Units / 4th edition
University Calculus Early Transcendentals
2021 || Paperback || Joel Hass e.a. || Pearson
This title is a Pearson Global Edition. The Editorial team at Pearson has worked closely with educators around the world to include content which is especially relevant to students outside the United States. For 3-semester or 4-quarter courses covering single variable and multivariable calculus, taken by students of mathematics, engineering, natural sciences, or economics.
Clear, precise, conciseUniversity Calculus: Early Transcendentals helps students generalize and apply the key ideas of ca...
Market Leader Intermediate CourseBook w/ DVD-ROM & eBook & MyEnglishLab
2021 || Paperback || D. Cotton || Pearson
Market Leader Extra is a five-level English course for students who want to learn English and learn about business, and for business people who want to advance their careers. New business skills lessons develop the business skills students need for working in business.
Intro to Python for Computer Science and Data Science: Learning to Program with AI, Big Data and The Cloud, Global Edition
2021 || Paperback || Paul Deitel || Pearson
The Mentoring Manual
2021 || Paperback || Julie Starr || Pearson
As a mentor you must be many things: role model, expert, advocate, cheerleader, enforcer and friend. Plus, you must make a positive, lasting difference to the knowledge, skills and prospects of your mentee.
So, being a mentor is a big responsibility. But with The Mentoring Manual, getting it right is easy.
Based on methods developed - and proven - in business, this highly practical book will show you how mentoring works, take you step-by-step through everything you need to know and do, and ...
The Coaching Manual / 5th edition
2021 || Paperback || Julie Starr || Pearson
The Coaching Manual is based on methods developed - and proven –in business, this highly practical book will show you how coaching works, take you step-by-step through everything you need to know and do, and show you how both parties can get the best from the relationship
Translated around the world, and recommended reading on many coaching programmes this bestselling book is trusted globally as the definitive guide to coaching.
This carefully revised edition will guide you through the enti...