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Studieboeken (157)
Trask's Historical Linguistics / 4th edition
2023 || Paperback || UK) Robert McColl (University of Aberdeen Millar e.a. || Taylor & Francis
An approachable and engaging introduction to Historical Linguistics with up-to-date pedagogy including exercises, further reading and online support material.
Historical Linguistics is a core part of most linguistics programmes. With the more experienced linguistics student in mind, this book covers many subjects in considerable depth while not sacrificing an appreciation of the whole.
Includes examples and datasets from a wide variety of languages and language families, whereas most historic...
Concepts and Practices
2020 || Paperback || Aline Remael e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Subtitling: Concepts and Practices provides students, researchers and practitioners with a research-based introduction to the theory and practice of subtitling. It offers access to a professional desktop subtitle editor, Wincaps Q4, and a leading cloud-based subtitling platform, OOONA.
Spaans A1/A2-niveau voor generiek / Druk 1
Spaans A1/A2-niveau voor generiek
2021 || Paperback || M. Beuming || Educatieve Uitgeversgroep
Bij dit boek ontvang je een unieke, éénmalig te activeren, licentiecode. Met deze code krijg je toegang tot het digitale boek via Digiplein.
Introducing Sociolinguistics / 3rd edition
2018 || Paperback || New Zealand) Miriam (Victoria University of Wellington Meyerhoff || Taylor & Francis
This third edition of Miriam Meyerhoff's highly successful textbook provides a solid, up-to-date appreciation of the interdisciplinary nature of the field and covers foundation issues, recent advances and current debates. It presents familiar or classic data in new ways, and supplements the familiar with fresh examples from a wide range of languages and social settings. It clearly explains the patterns and systems that underlie language variation in use, as well as the ways in which alternati...
Introducing English Grammar / 3rd edition
2019 || Paperback || UK) Kersti (University of Manchester Borjars e.a. || Taylor & Francis
Introducing English Grammar introduces readers to the methodology and terminology needed to analyse English sentences. Written for readers with no previous experience of grammatical analysis, Introducing English Grammar is suited to anyone beginning a study of linguistics, English language or speech pathology, as well as to students with primary literary interests who need a better understanding of the structure of English.
Berufspraxis Deutsch B1
fertigkeitentrainer mit Audio-CD
2015 || Paperback || Graziella Guenat e.a. || Intertaal
Doelgroep Volwassenen.
* eentalig leer- en oefenboek zakelijk Duits
* praktijkgerichte vaardighedentrainer
* met voorbeeldbrieven en overzichten van veelvoorkomende tekstbouwstenen
* boek met audio-cd
* geschikt voor in de les, voor zelfstudie en als naslagwerk
Understanding Second Language Acquisition
2008 || Paperback || USA) Lourdes (Georgetown University Ortega || Taylor & Francis
Whether we grow up with one, two, or several languages during our early years of life, many of us will learn a second, foreign, or heritage language in later years. The field of Second language acquisition (SLA, for short) investigates the human capacity to learn additional languages in late childhood, adolescence, or adulthood, after the first language --in the case of monolinguals-- or languages --in the case of bilinguals-- have already been acquired. Understanding Second Language Acquisit...