› Hogeschool Utrecht (9)
› Hogeschool Rotterdam (4)
› Christelijke Hogeschoo... (3)
Studieboeken (97)
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De prijs die we betalen
2023 || Paperback || David Grossman || Cossee
Al jaren becommentarieert David Grossman in internationale bladen (The Guardian, De Standaard, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, The New York Times en vele andere) ‘de situatie’ in Israël en Palestina. Maar wat kun je na de terreuraanval van 7 oktober en de gebeurtenissen die daarop volgden, anders dan je afschuw en vertwijfeling uiten?
David Grossman zou zichzelf niet zijn als hij na de eerste schok niet de noodzakelijke pijnlijke vragen zou stellen: Hoe heeft dit bloedbad op Israëlisch...
The Cambridge Introduction to Postmodernism
2015 || Paperback || Brian McHale || Cambridge University Press
The Cambridge Introduction to Postmodernism surveys the full spectrum of postmodern culture - high and low, avant-garde and popular, famous and obscure - across a range of fields, from architecture and visual art to fiction, poetry, and drama. It deftly maps postmodernism's successive historical phases, from its emergence in the 1960s to its waning in the first decades of the twenty-first century. Weaving together multiple strands of postmodernism - people and places from Andy Warhol, Jeffers...
Chaucer's Language / 2nd edition
2012 || Paperback || Simon Horobin || Bloomsbury Publishing
The English language has changed dramatically over the past 500 years, making it increasingly difficult for students to read Chaucer's works. Assuming no previous linguistic knowledge or familiarity with Middle English, Simon Horobin introduces students to Chaucer's language and the importance of reading Chaucer in the original, rather than modern translation. Chaucer's Language- leads the reader gently through basic linguistic concepts with appropriate explanation- highlights how Chaucer's E...
Beyond Babar
The European Tradition in Children's Literature
2006 || Paperback || Sandra L. Beckett e.a. || Scarecrow Press
All too often, attention is paid only to those children's novels that were written in English, with non-English-language works being passed over and neglected. Beyond Babar: The European Tradition in Children's Literature examines eleven of the most celebrated European children's novels in substantial, critical essays written by well-known international scholars. This approach provides a comprehensive discussion of the selected works from a variety of theoretical perspectives.
Each essay offe...
A Little History of Psychology
2025 || Paperback || Nicky Hayes || Yale University Press
A rich and engaging guide to psychology, the science devoted to understanding human nature
A Little Book of Language
2025 || Paperback || David Crystal || Yale University Press
A Little History of Literature
2025 || Paperback || John Sutherland || Yale University Press
A Little History of Philosophy
2025 || Paperback || Nigel Warburton || Yale University Press
How Our Lives Become Stories
Making Selves
1999 || Paperback || Paul John Eakin || Cornell University Press
The popularity of such books as Frank McCourt's Angela's Ashes, Mary Karr's The Liars' Club, and Kathryn Harrison's controversial The Kiss, has led columnists to call ours "the age of memoir." And while some critics have derided the explosion of memoir as exhibitionistic and self-aggrandizing, literary theorists are now beginning to look seriously at this profusion of autobiographical literature. Informed by literary, scientific, and experiential concerns, How Our Lives Become Stories enhance...
Writers as Public Intellectuals
Literature, Celebrity, Democracy
2015 || Hardcover || Odile Heynders || Macmillan
This book demonstrates how authors performing the role of a public intellectual discuss ideas and opinions regarding society while using literary strategies and devices in and beyond the text. Their assumed persona thereby reads the world as a book - interpreting it and offering alternative scenarios for understanding it.