
Elsevier (15)
SAGE (8)
Bohn Stafleu van Loghu... (7)
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Paperback (27)
Hardcover (14)

Studieboeken (41)

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Critical Care Nursing / 9th Edition

Diagnosis and Management

2021 || Paperback || Linda D. Urden e.a. || Elsevier

Winner of the 2nd-place American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year award in emergency/critical care nursing for 2021! Prepare for success in today's high acuity, progressive, and critical care settings! Critical Care Nursing: Diagnosis and Management, 9th Edition helps you understand and apply critical care nursing principles and concepts to clinical assessment, diagnostic procedures, and therapeutic management. Known for its comprehensive coverage, this leading textbook uses a logical, bod...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

The Immune System / 5th edition

2021 || Paperback || Peter Parham || WW Norton & Co

The Immune System is a concise yet thorough human-oriented introduction to how the human immune system works. It provides an up-to-date presentation of the field, written in an accessible style, replete with relevant medical examples. Plentiful illustrations and micrographs complement and illuminate the explanations.

The Fifth Edition is supported by InQuizitive, Norton's award-winning, easy-to-use adaptive learning tool that provides student practice and promotes critical thinking.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Mental Health Medicines Management for Nurses

2021 || Paperback || Stanley Mutsatsa || SAGE

This new edition has been updated in-line with the latest NMC standards of proficiency for registered nurses and continues to provide nursing students with guidance on how to manage medicines safely and effectively when treating patients with mental health conditions.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Drug Discovery and Development / 3rd Edition

Technology in Transition

2021 || Paperback || Professor Raymond G Hill e.a. || Elsevier

Essential insight into drug development and the pharmaceutical industry With unprecedented interest in the power that the modern therapeutic armamentarium has to combat disease, the new edition of Drug Discovery and Development is an essential resource for anyone interested in understanding how drugs and other therapeutic interventions are discovered and developed, through to clinical research, registration, and market access. The text has been thoroughly updated, with new information on biop...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Practice-Based Learning for Nursing Associates

2021 || Paperback || Cariona Flaherty e.a. || SAGE

This book helps trainee nursing associates to prepare for and excel in their nursing associate practice placements. Covering all settings and all fields of nursing, it shows readers how to make the most of each placement and transfer learning and skills from one area of practice to another.

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Introduction to Health Psychology / 5th edition

2021 || Paperback || Val Morrison e.a. || Pearson || ook als eBook

Introduction to Health Psychology, fifth edition, is a comprehensive guide on the subject, linking theory to real-world examples.

With its popular structure, increased use of case studies, and learning tools, it is a must-have edition guaranteed to keep your students engaged.

• The edition retains its popular structure of the three multi-chaptered sections, 'Being and Staying Healthy', 'Becoming Ill', and 'Being Ill', essentially helping you maintain your teaching structure.

• A final sec...

Levertijd: 5 werkdagen

Passing Calculations Tests in Nursing

Advice, Guidance and Over 500 Online Questions for Extra Revision and Practice

2021 || Paperback || Susan Starkings e.a. || SAGE

An easy-to-use textbook that helps nursing students become confident in their calculations skills. Using clear and simple language, hundreds of practice questions, and real-life clinical scenarios, to help students pass their exams first time and become responsible nursing professionals.

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Diagnostic Ultrasound: Abdomen and Pelvis / 2nd edition

2021 || Hardcover || Aya Kamaya e.a. || Elsevier

Develop a solid understanding of ultrasound of the abdomen and pelvis with this practical, point-of-care reference in the popular Diagnostic Ultrasound series. Written by leading experts in the field, the second edition of Diagnostic Ultrasound: Abdomen and Pelvis offers detailed, clinically oriented coverage of ultrasound imaging of this complex area and includes illustrated and written correlation between ultrasound findings and other modalities. The most comprehensive reference in its fiel...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Medical Pharmacology and Therapeutics / 6th edition

2021 || Paperback || Derek G. Waller e.a. || Elsevier

Medical Pharmacology & Therapeutics provides all the information medical and healthcare students need throughout their degree programme and beyond, including for professional qualifications such as the PSA. This all-round textbook covers basic pharmacology through to drug prescribing in clinical contexts, covering the pathogenic mechanisms of disease; drug actions, side effects, and the therapeutic principles of drug use. It takes a helpful systems-based approach that orders information accor...

Levertijd: 6 werkdagen

Atlas of Anatomy, Latin Nomenclature / 4th Edition

2022 || Hardcover || Anne M Gilroy e.a. || Thieme Medical Publishers Inc

Quintessential Atlas of Anatomy expands on widely acclaimed prior editions!Atlas of Anatomy, Latin Nomenclature, Fourth Edition builds on its longstanding reputation of being the highest-quality anatomy atlas published to date using Latin nomenclature. With more than 2,000 exquisitely detailed illustrations, including over 120 new to this edition, the Atlas helps students and seasoned clinicians master the details of human anatomy. Key Features:NEW! Expanded Radiology sections include over 40...