› Avans Hogeschool (2)
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Studieboeken (16)
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Value Proposition Design
How to Create Products and Services Customers Want
2014 || Paperback || A Osterwalder || John Wiley and Sons Ltd
The authors of the international bestseller "Business Model Generation" explain how to create value propositions customers can't resist "Value Proposition Design" helps you tackle a core challenge of every business -- creating compelling products and services customers want to buy. This practical book, paired with its online companion, will teach you the processes and tools you need to succeed. Using the same stunning visual format as the authors' global bestseller, Business Model Generation,...
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Kijk op bedrijfsprocessen / Druk 3
2014 || Paperback || Marc Mittelmeijer e.a. || Noordhoff || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
- Breed inzetbaar binnen het hbo;
- geeft inzicht in functioneren vanuit procesgerichte benadering;
- uitgebreide online ondersteuning.
Kijk op Bedrijfsprocessen toont de student bedrijfsprocessen in allerlei soorten organisaties. Het boek past in de beginfase van iedere hbo -opleiding en is het enige inleidende boek dat de student inzicht geeft in het functioneren vanuit de procesgerichte benadering.
Deze uitgave biedt een referentiekader van waaruit de studenten de werking van organisaties ...
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Situationeel leiderschap ll en de One Minute Manager / Druk 24
help je medewerkers zichzelf te ontwikkelen en vergroot je effectiviteit
2014 || Paperback || Ken Blanchard e.a. || Atlas Contact || met inkijkexemplaar
Een ondernemer komt bij de One Minute Manager met een probleem: ze heeft het gevoel dat ze alles zelf moet doen en niets aan haar medewerkers over kan laten. De One Minute Manager helpt haar inzien dat je met Situationeel Leiderschap II je leiderschapsstijl aan kunt passen aan wat een werknemer op dat moment nodig heeft en hoe je deze technieken kunt gebruiken om je werknemers te motiveren en uit te dagen. Zo word je een flexibele en succesvolle leidinggevende.
Situationeel Leiderschap II en ...
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Social enterprise unraveled / druk 1
best practices from the Netherlands
2014 || Paperback || Willemijn Verloop e.a. || Wardy Poelstra Projectmanagement || met inkijkexemplaar
Social enterprise is an up and coming phenomenon around the world. Businesseswith the primary aim of bettering the world. Social enterprises are claiming a distinct place amongst commercial enterprises, charities, and public sector organizations.This book paints an inspiring picture of the social enterprise, what it is and what it is not. How it works and what the challenges are. With a wide range of examples from the Netherlands, most of which can be found elsewhere across the world. A book ...
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Zero to one: creëer de toekomst
wat iedere ondernemer kan leren van Silicon Valley
2014 || Paperback || Peter Thiel e.a. || Business Contact || met inkijkexemplaar || ook als eBook
Wat kunnen we leren van Silicon Valley?
De volgende Bill Gates zal geen besturingssysteem ontwerpen, en de nieuwe Mark Zuckerberg geen tweede Facebook. Het kopiëren van succesvolle modellen uit Silicon Valley heeft weinig zin. We kunnen wél leren van het vermogen om iets geheel nieuws te creëren in plaats van iets toe te voegen aan wat al bestaat.
Peter Thiel is medeoprichter van PayPal en investeerder in vele techbedrijven, zoals Facebook, LinkedIn en Spotify. Dankzij zijn unieke ervarin...
Teaching Entrepreneurship
A Practice-Based Approach
2014 || Paperback || Heidi M. Neck || Edward Elgar Publishing
Teaching Entrepreneurship moves entrepreneurship education from the traditional process view to a practice-based approach and advocates teaching entrepreneurship using a portfolio of practices, which includes play, empathy, creation, experimentation, and reflection. Together these practices help students develop the competency to think and act entrepreneurially in order to create, find, and exploit opportunities of all kinds in a continuously changing and uncertain world. Divided into two par...
Strategic Human Resource Management / 2nd edition
2014 || Paperback || Paul Boselie || McGraw-Hill
Now in its second edition, Strategic HRM: A Balanced Approach has been updated and revised throughout to examine the latest in theory and practice. Central to its theme is putting HRM in its organizational context and creating a more balanced approach to managing people.
Creating Business Plans
2014 || Paperback || Harvard Business Review || Harvard Business Review Press
A well-crafted business plan generates enthusiasm for your idea and boosts your odds of success--whether you're proposing a new initiative within your organization or starting an entirely new company. Creating Business Plans quickly walks you through the basics. You'll learn to: * Present your idea clearly * Develop sound financial plans * Project risks--and rewards * Anticipate and address your audience's concerns Don't have much time? Get up to speed fast on the most essential business skil...
The Advertising Effect: How to Change Behaviour
2014 || Paperback || Adam Ferrier || Oxford University Press Australia
Want to know how to influence other people's behaviour?In The Advertising Effect, respected advertising insider, Adam Ferrier, reveals the ten techniques used by some of the best-known brands across the globe. These techniques are grounded in psychological theory with award winning real world examples and explore how the most effective way to change behaviour is through action rather than the conventional advertising practices (emotional or rational persuasion). This is the ultimate insider's...
Entrepreneurship and Effective Small Business Management 11th edition
Global Edition
2023 || Paperback || Norman Scarborough e.a. || Pearson
For undergraduate and graduate courses in entrepreneurship and/or small business management. Discover how to successfully launch and manage a small business. Open your students' minds to the possibilities, challenges, and rewards of becoming a small business owner with Entrepreneurship and Effective Small Business Management.
This text provides students with the tools they need in order to launch and manage a small business. This 11th Edition continues to provide students with a practical, ha...